
GWT Tree, opening event.

I'm using the tree control in GWT. I have a custom widget that I add as a TreeItem: Tree testTree = new Tree(); testTree.addItem(myWidget); I would like to retrieve myWidget instance on the node opening event. Is it possible ? Does anybody knows which event should I be using ? I tried the openHandler<TreeItem> but what I retrieve is...

GWT - RichTextArea - ScrollTo

If I have an RichTextArea like this : RichTextArea rta = new RichTextArea(); rta.setHTML("<p id=\"foo\">Foo</p>....<p id=\"bar\">Bar</p>"); If I extend the RichTextArea class, how would be the proper way (cross-browser wise) to write a scrollTo() method? Ex: class RichTextAreaExt extends RichTextArea { ... /** * This metho...

Can't place Marker in GWT Maps with Lat & Lng - Null Pointer Exception in map.addOverlay(Marker)

Hi there, I'm trying to add multiple markers to my GWT-Map. If I do it with the geocoder, it works just fine... But I also get the values from a database, so I can place them via Lat Lng. That's the code: public static void markerSetzen(final double lat, final double lon) { /* Markeroptionen setzen */ MarkerOptions markeroptio...

GWT Internationalization - Plural Forms

I have read and executed following instructions found on GWT pages But somehow the "[none]" form does not return the correct output, rather it returns the default output. While all the other like [one], [two], [many] work perfectly fine. Has anyone come across this problem, and how can I solve it? ...

How to upload images to appengine from gwt

Related question I am having similar problems to what that guy had in his. My upload server returns aredirect Specifically, I am not sure what FormPanel.SubmitCompleteEvent.getResults() returns. Sometimes, I get html of an img: <img style="cursor: -moz-zoom-in;" alt="http://&lt;myapp&gt;" src="http:...

GWT Calendrical Calculations

We have a GWT application that needs to display various holidays. Is there a library available to do these calendrical calculations? If not, we'll have to do our own that we can ingest a set of rules to. Cheers ...

gwt compiling error

Compiling module com.sem.Sem10 Finding entry point classes [ERROR] Unable to find type 'com.sem.client.Sem10' [ERROR] Hint: Previous compiler errors may have made this type unavailable [ERROR] Hint: Check the inheritance chain from your module; it may not be inheriting a required module or a module may not be a...

How can I use CSS pseudo-classes with GWT's UiBinder?

I've been using the in-line styles approach as recommended by GWT's UiBinder documentation. I'm puzzled, though, about how to use CSS pseudo-classes with UiBinder; for example, suppose I would otherwise (without UiBinder) have this CSS rule: #myLink:hover { background:blue } Can I implement that rule in UiBinder? ...

gwt panel flow panel

i like to design entire html with GWT. but when i press ctrl and + then entire html must be zoomed from center not from upper left corner. then what type of panel should i use? flow panel , stack panel i dont know. ...

What is the best approach for unit testing/integration testing GXT code?

I have been tasked to setup a continuous integration environment for a GXT 2.1.1 and GWT 2.0.1 environment. Unfortunately I am new to AJAX and Web Services and have little idea how to setup unit tests in the browser environment. Unit tests for the server backend I already have done, since I am a pro at that. GXT is not quite pure GWT ...

Ext Gwt and ExtJs View Part - Interchangeable?

Just watched the Google I/O 2010 Expense application demo showing the features and advantages of new widgets in GWT2.1 , In a simple jee web app built using spring and hibernate - for the View part if one uses ExtJs and then replaces with ExtGWT or with GWT - how easy is the View part replacement. What are the pros and cons for going w...

RequestBuilder timeouts and browser connection limits per domain.

This is specifically about GWT's RequestBuilder, but should apply to general XHR as well. My company is having me build a near realtime chat application over HTTP. Yes, I do realize there are better ways to do chat aplications, but this is what they want. Eventually we want it working on the iPad/iPhone as well so flash is out, which rul...

cross domain gwt ?

is there a way to run gwt on a proxy loaded web page ? ex) using proxy script on that loads, and running GWT on the newly loaded page. I've been doing the above before I found about GWT, using LAMP stack + Jquery (UI), which quickly turned out to be crap and inefficient. All this trouble to bypass ...

gwt javascript checking php

i am using gwt. i need to check some input data. all checking functions are located in PHP server check.php i am not using javascript checking executed from locally. all i am doing is to send user input to server by ajax and validate in that place and error message comes from server to client's gwt widget. is it best approach?? i c...

GWT refresh modifications

I'm new to GWT and therefore have a lot of "code and see how it behaves" going on. I'm wondering what are the minimal actions to take to load the modifications in my web browser. For example when I work on the xml I can just refresh my page. So when do I need to perform these and why: Refresh browser Reload web server Re build app ??? ...

Java for-each on getter

If javac do what I think, the following lines would yield the same performance: for (Object o: getObjects()) {} List<Object> os = getObjects(); for (Object o: os) {} Is it so or not? Or is it perhaps implementation-specific? If so: anybody know about GWT? ...

question on GWT, Cookies and webpage directing

Hello guys, i am using gwt to create a website. this question is regarding a login page and cookies to save login details. GWT allows you to create a website within a single webpage. my application runs on one webpage. i have the application set up as , there is a login box with a login button, and if the details are correct it will l...

How to use hot deployment and development mode with jboss and gwt

How to configure eclipse to hot deploy to jboss server side code? And how to configure google eclipse plugin to use development mode with jboss and the hot deployed code? What projects should I create? Could someone give me step by step configuration how to do it. I just want to use ejb/jpa/jms(optional) on the server side with hot dep...

Vaadin - GWT error "module xxx may need to be recompiled

I'm ramping up on Vaadin and I'm getting this javascript alert whenever I try and run the demo apps. GWT module 'com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.DefaultWidgetSet' may need to be recompiled I've tried cleaning the project to no avail. As I said, I'm ramping up so I'm sure there's some simple step I'm missing or a concept I haven't grasped. ...

How to listen to keyboard events in GWT table?

In my GWT program I have a table that has a selected row. I'd like to move the row selection with the up- and down-keys on the keyboard. So I have to catch the key events somehow. The GWT docs handle key events in input fields only. But I don't have an input field! Is this possible at all? Maybe it is a DOM/Javascript restriction that ...