
GWT vs. Cappuccino

Hi, I'm in the planning stage of a web application and I'm trying to choose between GWT and Cappuccino. I have an idea of which one I think is better, but my partner is sold on the other choice. I was hoping to get some feedback on pros and cons for each from people who have used one or the other or both. Thanks in advance for any ins...

GWT: stange import collision error in visualisation api

hi, I'm attempting to add two charts to a gwt page using the visualization api, but for some strange and inexplicable reason, eclipse claims that the following two imports are colliding - which makes no sense to me. In the methods where i am calling them, I have even tried using the fully qualified names, but that doesnt seem to help e...

How to use GWT when downloading Files with a Servlet?

Hello Guys I am creating a simple project that will allow me to upload and download files using gwt. i am having trouble with the downloading of files that are on my server. For the file upload i used and followed the instructions there. My file is stored on the server outside of the website contai...

GWT: library for encoding/decoding arbitrary data in URL fragments

Ajax applications, and GWT in particular, use the URL fragment (e.g. to maintain application state on the client without reloading the page. Is there a GWT library that facilitates the encoding and decoding of arbitrary parameters into the URL fragment? I'm looking for something analogous to the Servl...

SmartGWT UI definition using XML

I have been using UIBinder on SmartGWT widgets rather successfully. However, I have to extend each SmartGWT widget that I use to comply with UIBinder's requirement. Occasionally, I have to masquerade a SmartGWT widget into namespace, or masquerade a non-GWT-widget as a GWT widget. I extend widgets on as-needed basis. So, ...

File Hierarchy system with a web application logic question: List searching

I need to search through a list of folders that could have more folders inside it, and add a new folder depending what folder is its parent.(the path is stored as a String for eg = "root/MyCom/home/") Then i fill in a field with a new folder name and add it to the final folder(eg "home/"). Below as you can see , I can navigate to the r...

Change GWT application behavior between deployed and debug environment

I would like to have my GWT application use different constants when debugging or developing vs when deployed. What is the right way to do this? My web searches turn up a lot of pages about debugging GWT applications, which isn't what I'm looking for. ...

Safe JSON parsing in GWT?

Hi, How do we do safe JSON parsing with GWT? It looks like the json parser GWT offers uses eval() - is there a different option which uses the native implementations when available? Thanks ------------- Edit ---------------------------- Ok I got a script from here: which is supposed to not ...

How to login to gdata in GWT application deployed on GAE?

I want to use the Google account login to retrieve the informations to be used for Google's gdata api so that when I start the application deployed on Google App Engine the user is asked for its login and I can then use this information on the server side to specify the credentials for Google Calendar login (through gdata api). How can I...

How to style a standard GWT component (TabBar) differently?

I am using a TabBar and I want to style the component in different ways. So one time this style, another time that style. I thought this will work but it didn't: TabBar t = new TabBar(); t.addTab( "1" ); t.addTab( "2" ); t.addStyleName( MyResources.INSTANCE.css().slickTab() ); And: public interface MyResources extends ClientBundle { ...

GWT Best Practices - MVP

A question for all the GWT gurus out there. I'm a newbie in GWT and am trying to understand the best practices of coding a GWT application. I have gone through "Large scale application development and MVP" based on Ray Ryan's talk at Google I/O 2009 and it has given me a good starting point. I downloaded the sample source code as well ...

Javascript instanceof & typeof in GWT (JSNI)

Hi, I've encountered an curious problem while trying to use some objects through JSNI in GWT. Let's say we have javscript file with the function defined: test.js: function test(arg){ var type = typeof(arg); if (arg instanceof Array) alert('Array'); if (arg instanceof Object) alert('Object'); if (arg instanceof String) ...

Good mobile oriented GWT widget library alternatives

I've been developing a travel planning site - - which is built on appengine, GWT and smartgwt, among other technologies. It is still early days, and the site is now working well on my development environment, which is either a windows or mac computer. However, I am frequently talking up the website to my friends when we...

GWT: Javascript implementation of JRE classes

Sometimes I'd like to take a peek into the implementation of the JRE classes, which is used to generate the JavaScript code. For some classes, I can find a corresponding implementation by guessing its name, e.g. But where's the implementation for java.util.Date for example? Where do I f...

Customized combobox text in HTML / JavaScript

Hi, I wonder if it is possible to create combo box as in the picture below. The aim is that the actual text of the combo (select in HTML) would be different that items' texts that are displayed while the combo is opened. The application is written using Google Web Toolkit so any solution in gwt or HTML/JavaScript would be great. Tha...

How can I draw diagrams using Google Web Toolkit?

I am considering solutions for drawing diagrams using Google Web Toolkit (GWT). Up until now I have found only the gwt-diagrams project but it seems abandoned. Are there any suggestions about diagramming with GWT? ...

GWT Grid How to add id table

as in Table Grid specify cell id = "" ...

GWT Custom Events

Hey I have a problem getting my head around how custom GWT event Handlers work. I have read quite a bit about the topic and it still is some what foggy. I have read threads here on Stackoverflow like this one someone explain it in an applied mannar such as the follo...

GWT-RPC vs HTTP Call - which is better??

I am evaluating if there is a performance variation between calls made using GWT-RPC and HTTP Call. My appln services are hosted as Java servlets and I am currently using HTTPProxy connections to fetch data from them. I am looking to convert them to GWT-RPC calls if that brings in performance improvement. I would like to know about pro...

GWT setUrl function of Image class does not work in IE

Hi Now i am using GWT , I am trying to change the image path, but it does not work in IE I am displaying image using Base64 encoding displays image properly but when i am trying to change the image to another Base64 encoding image it does not work in IE Please suggest me Thanks ...