
Problem with GWT TabPanel and Google Maps

Hi everybody. Working with Google Web Toolkit (with Google Maps Extension) I got a little problem: I want to insert a Google Map into a TabLayoutPanel. Without that TabLayoutPanel everything worked fine. But as soon as the Map is inside of a tab it behaves really strange (its not centered right, and "jumps" when you try to scroll.). T...

Open a new browser window in GWT containing a Widget/Panel

I know you can open a new browser window using the function directing it to a specific URL. However, is it possible to open a new browser Window containing a GWT Panel? And if it is, can someone show an example of it? ...

Context Menu on Tree in GWT 2.0.3

hi friends, GWT 2.0.3 Feature : 1. it's not allow to select the tree using right click. I am try to use the Context menu on tree or TreeItem using onBrowserEvent event. but there is no TreeItem is selected on right click of treeitem. how to achieve the context menu features in GWT 2.0.3 thanks, Ganesh Shirsat ...

GWT 100% height panel with scroll

Hello! Could anyone help me make normal layout in GWT. I need a main panel which: fills all the browser space (100% height); if being collapsed too much shows scroll bars (autoscroll). When I use old layout (RootPanel, VerticalPanel) I have scroll, but can't get 100% height. When I use new layout (RootLayoutPanel, DockLayoutPanel)...

GWT i18n - Plural Forms doesn't work at all?

I'm using GWT internationalization Messages. The documentation for Plural Forms says this should work: @DefaultMessage("{0} {1,number} hours {2}") @PluralText({"one", "an hour"}) String hours(String prefix, @PluralCount int count, String suffix); Well, it doesn't. Whatever value of count it still delivers DefaultMessage (e.g. "1 hours...

GWT 2.X No resource found for key

I've developed a GWT app using i18n internationalization. In Host/Dev mode it works fine, but launching GWT compile gives this error: No resource found for key xxx, like below. Compiling module ...rte.RTE Scanning for additional dependencies: file:/home/.../client/i18n/ Computing all possible rebind re...

GWT-Rpc how to return a file so that the browser pops up with a download dialog.

Does anybody know if it is possible to have a GWT-rpc call cause a file download prompt to appear without having to do a second request to a separate servlet? I was thinking of having a method in the rpc servlet of return type void and then calling the response object directly to change the content type and cause the browser to open a d...

NoSuchMethod exception thrown in GWT

I'm starting to get my feet wet in the latest Google Web Toolkit using the Eclipse plugin on OS X 10.5.8. So far I've been able to get the client up and running, which is great. The server, though, is a different matter. I'm trying to link to a .jar file that has some classes I want to use in a server ServiceImpl class, but it seems to ...

Datanucleus JDO Retrieve newly generated primary key

I am using datanucleus and jdo in a GWT project. How can I retrieve the generated primary key after adding an element to the database with makePersistent() Edit We use annotations, here is the primary key: @PrimaryKey @Column(name = "id_bla", allowsNull = "false") @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY, extensions...

GWT - Reusing Callback Class

My custom callback class implements AsyncCallback (like MyAsyncCallback implements AsyncCallback) and planning use single instance of MyAsyncCallback for multiple rpc method executions. Is this approach safe?. Or should have to create new instance of MyAsyncCallback for every interaction from browser to server?. I am kind of tired of s...

How to get focus owner?

Like KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getPermanentFocusOwner() in AWT ...

getting IllegalAccessException when accessing a protected method from parent from inner class

I got a very weird problem and a weird solution: class Parent { protected void aProtectedMethod() { doSomething(); } } class Child extends Parent { void anotherMethod() { new SomeInterface() { public void interfaceMethod() { aProtectedMethod(); } }; } } When child.anotherMeth...

GWT application throws an exception when run on Google Chrome with compiler output style set to 'OBF'

I'd like to know if you guys have faced the same problem I'm facing, and how you are dealing with it. Sometimes, a small and harmless change in a Java class ensues strange errors at runtime. These errors only happen if BOTH conditions below are true: 1) the application is run on Google Chrome, and 2) the GWT JavaScript compiler outpu...


Has anyone successfully used the above statement to catch the exception before it goes to the browser as an alert?. I registered a custom Exception Handler in the first line of my application entry point. But it does not catch the exception as expected. public void onModuleLoad(){ GWT.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new MyExceptionHan...

GWT : Type of Container

I see that there are two ways of transferring objects from server to client Use the same domain object ( as used in the service layer. (I do not use hibernate) Use the HashMap to send the domain object field values in the form of Map with the help of BeanUtilsBean class. For multiple objects, use the List>. Similary, use ...

JSON or YAML encoding in GWT/Java on both client and server

I'm looking for a super simple JSON or YAML library (not particularly bothered which one) written in Java, and can be used in both GWT on the client, and in its original Java form on the server. What I'm trying to do is this: I have my models, which are shared between the client and the server, and these are the primary source of data i...

GWT HorizontalPanel setSpacing?

Is there a way to setPadding on GWT HorizontalPanel. I wanted to just have 20px left padding and then add few buttons. Currently I can only add setSpacing() and that puts padding on top,left,right,bottom. -Thanks in advance!! ...

Suggestions for designing large-scale Java webapp from the ground up

Hi all, I'm about to start developing a large-scale system and I'm struggling with which direction to proceed. I've done plenty of Java web apps before and I have plenty of experience with servlet containers and GWT and some experience with Spring. The problem is most of my webapps have been thrown together just to be a proof of conce...

gwt file permission

I have a little GWT/AppEngine Project which uses RPC. Basically I need to get some data from a XML file that resides on the server. But when I use the RPC to read the file in my server-package I am getting a AccessControlException (access denied). Any ideas what the problem is? //JAXB powered XML Parser public PoiList readXML() { tr...

GWT formating flextable & Panel create on the fly

I have a project showing comments database I put the comments in FlexTable TabelKomen and I put the text in HTML format like this: private static final int y=1; public void UpdateTabelKomen(JsArray str){ for(int i=0; i str.length(); i++){ UpdateTabelKomen(str.get(i)); } } public void UpdateTabelKomen(ImageDetailData str){ ...