
GWT DatePicker, scroll by year

I might be missing something, but the DatePicker in GWT (I'm using version 2.0.3) doesn't give you the possibility to scroll back and forth by year, only month. Am I missing something? I know there's an external lib ( I can use, but I'd like to avoid importing yet another 3rd party lib, when you should b...

How to replace element with my GWT widget?

Is it possible to replace known html element with my widget component? (Emphasis on the word 'replace', I don't want to put the widget in that element. :) <body> <img /> <div /> <a id="tmpEl" /> ... <img /> </body> would become <body> <img /> <div /> <div class="gwt-panel">...</div> ... <img /> </body> I tried s...

Minimum Height on a GWT Panel

On a GWT panel, can I enforce a minimum height? ...

Why doesn't HTMLPanel allow add(Widget)?

HTMLPanel inherits the add(Widget) method from, but doesn't override it. This leads to an UnsupportedOperationException when called. Would there be any problems if it was overriding it like FlowPanel does? @Override public void add(Widget w) { add(w, getElement()); } Background: HTMLPanel can b...

Absolute positioning of a GWT TextArea in IE?

TextArea textarea1 = TextArea.wrap(DOM.getElementById("t")); In onModuleLoad() I wrote 2 lines given below: textAreaStyle = "position:absolute;top:0px;"; textarea1.getElement().setAttribute("style", textAreaStyle); In Firefox and Chrome, the textarea is placed in absolute position and 0px from top, but in IE the textarea remains a...

Best books to learn Google app engine and GWT?

Can you recommend some great book to learn how to make app with web services for the Google app engine? ...

Facebook: FB.apiClient TypeError: $wnd.FB.Facebook is undefined" why this error occures ?

Hello Friends We are facing one problem with facebook. we integrated FB in our web application, when user login through fconnect in our web application then he registered with our system(1st time only) just providing his email id.For normal user few user i/p for registration in our system Our web-application developed in java [GWT2.0]...

GWT adding a ClickHandler to a DOM element.

Hi, lets say i have a custom widget which has a ClickHandler. Here's the example: public class TestWidget extends Composite { private static TestWidgetUiBinder uiBinder = GWT .create(TestWidgetUiBinder.class); interface TestWidgetUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, TestWidget> { } @UiField Button button; public TestWidget(Str...

Modify Style from GWT

I executed but only FF and chrome moves the textarea 0px from top and 0px from left but in IE textarea is in default position. Here is my code: public class MyGWT implements EntryPoint { TextArea ta= TextArea.wrap(DOM.getElementById("t")); public void onModuleLoad() { ta.getElement().setAttribute("style", "position:absolu...

Dynamically Modify CSS from GWT

for example I have a css in test.css given below. .test { top:100px; } how can i increment top property from GWT ? ...

Rendering Nested JSON String in Listgrid in smartGWT

Hi all, I have a clarification in loading JSON String into Listgrid in GWT. I have implemented GWT-RPC, so from server side JSON string will be returned and have mapped it to grid fields properly. My JSON String looks like return "[ { user: { User ID: 1, name: abc}, initial:A, }, { user: { Use...

GWT - Browser based Conditional Compilation

Hi all, is there a way to tell GWT to compile different Java code per target browser? GWT today creates a different script per target browser, all generated from the same source file. However, when working with non-standard features in different browsers (for example, file drag and drop into the browser), the support is quite different ...

Unknown error in GWT

Hi, I'm writing a module in GWT. It uses a WYSIWYG editor. It was running smoothly until I tried using RichText from GWT instead of WYSIWYG editor. Since it did not workout as expected, I rolled back to the old code (i.e. WYSIWYG). But now, when I run the compiled html file in a browser, I get an error Error: a is null Source File: ht...

Migrating from Struts 1.x to GWT 2.x

This is a rather open ended question since I'm only in the beginning of my research, but I'm having trouble finding resources on how to mix GWT into a Struts application with the eventual goal of removing Struts. So, I was hoping someone out there could either point me to a good reference or if they could be that reference here. The clos...

Getting Existing Form Elements with GWT

I have a HTML file that is linked to a Java class using the Google Web Toolkit. Within the HTML I have defined several buttons and text fields using standard HTML. I am trying to get those elements into the GWT class so that I can manipulate them. Is there a way to use GWT to get those elements and put them into object? For example, ...

How do I implement a login-screen in GWT?

Hello, I'm writing a small GWT front-end for a backend app and I was wondering about the best security model for GWT apps? I was thinking of implementing an RPC method that receives an MD5 of a user password from the client webpage, then passing back a session ID to the client page (or a failcode). All subsequent calls would simply use...

Is there a full implementation of the HTML5 Canvas object for GWT?

I'm looking to perform some dynamic charting based on a model via GWT on HTML5 compliant browsers. I know that the following library exists : GWT Canvas The problem is that this library does not support drawing text within the canvas so I can draw lines but no write text on my charts. I haven't been able to find any other plugin tha...

Passing extra parameters to release:prepare, but not to release:perform

When preparing the release of a Maven 2 project which includes a GWT module, mvn -B release:prepare release:perform builds the GWT module twice, which takes up most of the time of the build. Running a full GWT build is not necessary when executing release:prepare, a validate-only build is enough. This would be achieved by specifying the...

Java Applet Development - JavaScript code to check whether JRE is installed on client machine.

Java Applet Development - JavaScript code to check whether JRE is installed on client machine. ...

gwt-maven-plugin / running GwtTestCases

Hi, i'm struggeling to set up an example which runs a gwt test case with maven when i execute mvn install. I followed the instructions on this page gwt-maven-plugin. I always end up with [ERROR] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/codehaus/mojo/gwt/test/MavenTestRunner [ERROR] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.codehaus.m...