
Converting from JsArray<JavaScriptObject> to List<JSONObject> in GWT

In GWT, I have a JsArray<JavaScriptObject> in my code. It's more or less a list of JSON objects, but its type is JsArray<JavaScriptObject>. It basically has to be in this format, because I pass it as a parameter to some external JavaScript code using JSNI. Trouble is, I also want this value to be used by Java code. In Java, I'd prefer to...

GWT to create utility javascript library

I need to create javascript library which will be called from other javascript code. Is it possible to create javascript library using GWT and Java classes? No entry points, no UI - just some utility javascript classes with public static and object methods (e.g. encryption library, image processing library, user input validation library...

uiBinder on Button Clickevent

Hello all, I'm trying to use uiBinder. I followed the tutorial provided by google, but I don't know why clickevent doesn't work? I want to count number of clicks and show it in the span, it doesn't work, I also put window.alert but it seems that the event handler is not called at all! Can anyone help me? It's couple of hours I'm working...

String Formatter in GWT

How do I format my string in GWT? I made a method Formatter format = new Formatter(); int matches = 0; Formatter formattedString = format.format("%d numbers(s, args) in correct position", matches); return formattedString.toString(); But it complains by saying Validating newly compiled units [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/...

How to work with query parameters in GWT

Hi all! I didnt found any information even after bunch of searches over internet on how to handle query parameters in GWT application in a nice way. I'm newbie in GWT, but I'm very excited of its potential. So I'm trying to figure out how basic things works here. The thing I need - the possibility to rewrite query parameters in case...

Split Position in HorizontalSplitPanel in GWT

I am trying to make an animated split panel in GWT, where the splitting can also be done by dragging the splitter. So to initiate the animation I need to know the current split position of the split panel. But I could not find any. ...

How to handle service and eventbus instances in GWT MVP Architecture?

We are developing an app using the MVP pattern, as described in this guide: When creating the controller instance we do the following: appController = new AppController(service, eventBus); appController.go(RootPanel.get("SOME_SLOT")); Now, when the controller creates a...

GWT 2.1 Data Presentation Widgets without paging

I am trying to build a table with large dataset and would like to avoid paging. (I would like to do something similar to Yahoo Mail grid which retrieves data after the grid is drawn. I think initially the first 100 mails are retrieved and then mail is only retrieved after the user scrolls down) The example of the data presentation wi...

Grails with Jquery

Are Grails and Jquery tightly coupled ? If Yes , Are GWT and Grails tightly coupled ? Also what is the best UI framework for Grails in terms of low CPU utilization and best rendering of UI. ...

Image pan and zoom with GWT

I have a fixed size image and I want to show a subset of the image. I want to allow the user to click and drag to move the visible area of the image. The Image class has a nice setUrlAndVisibleRect method which can handle the image area display. The problem I am having is getting the mouse click and drag to work. I registered Mouse Dow...

GWT UiBinder any way to have dynamic List of Widgets?

Class Foo has a variable List<Button> bar, how can I render each of the buttons using UiBinder? Is it even possible? ...

Cancel form submission

How can I cancel a form submission using GWT? I need to validate the form and process some of the data before actually submitting it. So far I did the following, the problem is that the form is submitted even if the SubmitEvent is cancelled. form.addSubmitHandler( new SubmitHandler() { @Override public void onSubmit(Su...

GWT FocusPanel, tab key and focus handlers

I'm implementing a custom widget extending Composite and implementing Focusable and HasFocusHandlers. The widget contains two widgets in a panel that I wrap into a FocusPanel that I use to initialize the widget. My constructor looks something like that: public CustomBox() { panel = new VerticalPanel(); ... panel.add(caption...

Any info how Lombardi's Blueprint is built needed

Hi, I've found Lombardi's Blueprint as an example of applying GWT. It's awesome. I wonder how is it built, inspite of using GWT. What kind of widget and client JS frameworks did they use. Any info appreciated. ...

GXT date field - show date after clearing

I hava and GXT form with a DateField. When I clear the form by invoking the clear() method on my form panel, my date field is cleared and stays empty. But I want the date field to display current date after clearing. How can I do this? ...

Add a point to Cavans of SmarGWT

HI, How to add a point to Cavans of SmarGwt. The point of CSS is described as follows: .point { position: absolute; background-color: #000000; border: 0px none transparent; width: 1px; height: 1px; font-size: 1px; line-height: 0; } thanks ...

Calling Native(C++) Code in GWT

Hi, I am developing an application in GWT which needs to call a native C++ code in Directshow to do some multimedia processing.I am guessing that I cant use JNI because GWT converts code to javascript.I did have a look at similar posts on the forum(and on GWT site about JSNI) but cant find a example that specifically talks about calling...

More GWT and Tomcat 6 Security headaches (windows)

Hey guys, I've been browsing around on SO for quite some time and can't thank everyone enough. I've finally come to a road block after ironing out the other bugs in my code: Tomcat 6's security manager combined with Java's security is stalling me. Basically, I've written a web application (that only trusted people will have access to,...

Adding style and removing style to a widget in gwt

Hi everybody,I wrote a widget like this: public class GroupLbl extends Composite implements ClickHandler, MouseOutHandler { private Label lbl; private GroupLblHandler lblHandler = null; private HorizontalPanel hp; public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { hp.setStyleName("background-GroupLbl"); if (event.getSource().equals(folde...

count logged in users in a GWT application

What is the best practice to count logged in users or store some information in a gwt application? ...