
Safari Does'nt accept gzipped content?

Hello. I'm developing a website, I'm using gzip.exe to pre-compress css and js files (it's only 1 css file that went from 4.53 KB to 1.50 KB, and a js file containing the jquery and some scripts that went from 72.8 KB to 24.7 KB) these files are style.gz and js.gz and served as static files. The problem is that they don't work with Sa...

Splitting gzipped logfiles without storing the ungzipped splits on disk.

I have a recurring task of splitting a set of large (about 1-2 GiB each) gzipped Apache logfiles into several parts (say chunks of 500K lines). The final files should be gzipped again to limit the disk usage. On Linux I would normally do: zcat biglogfile.gz | split -l500000 The resulting files files will be named xaa, xab, xac, etc ...

Gzip JS and CSS in Django

Hi. I tried profiling my web application and one of the bottlenecks reported was the lack of gzip compression. I proceeded to install the gzip middleware in Django and got a bit of a boost but a new report shows that it is only gzipping the HTML files i.e. any content processed by Django. Is there a way I could kludge/hack/force/make the...

Can GZip compression (via .net) increase file size?

I keep track of the original size of the files that I'm compressing using .Net's GZipStream class, and it seems like the file that I thought I was compressing has increased in size. Is that possible? This is how I'm doing the compression: Byte[] bytes = GetFileBytes(file); using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream("Zipped.gz", Fil...

GZip decompression stops at arbitrary point

I'm using the .Net GZipStream class to compress and decompress files. After I do the decompression, the data seems fine, but then turns to nothing but zeros after a certain, seemingly arbitrary, point. For example, after decompressing a file, it is the proper 19KB in size, but bytes 10,588 and on are all zeros. I'm not sure what I'm doi...

ZipKit and iPhone

Hello, I tried to use the ZipKit framework (http://bitbucket.org/kolpanic/zipkit/wiki/UsingZipKit) in the test application for iPad. I followed the "Traditional way" of the installation (as it is described on their page) with no success. Hope somebody can help me with it: 1/ I used hg to get sources 2/ I build the ZipKit project (Re...

Export to CSV and Compress with GZIP in postgres

Hello, I need to export a big table to csv file and compress it. I can export it using COPY command from postgres like - COPY foo_table to '/tmp/foo_table.csv' delimiters',' CSV HEADER; And then can compress it using gzip like - gzip -c foo_table.csv > foo.gz The problem with this approach is, I need to create this int...

How do i get a filename of a file inside a gzip in java?

int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; InputStream input = new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream("a_gunzipped_file.gz")); OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream("current_output_name"); int n = input.read(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE); while (n >= 0) { output.write(buffer, 0, n); ...

Is it worth it to gzip js files?

On modern browsers and computers,, is it better to gzip files to save network traffic or to not gzip them which seems like it would save browser CPU? ...

Does changing scheme from gzip to deflate fix ie6 incompatibility?

Internet explorer 6 VS1 doesn't support gzip compression correctly. It does however understand deflate. Is it sufficient to change the scheme name in applicationhost.config from gzip to deflate to fix this issue? Are there any downsides to using deflate instead of gzip? <!-- c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\config\applicationhost.config --> ...

Writing Flex 3 ByteArray deflate algorithm

I come into a trouble implementing a Flex 3.0.0 client that receives compressed HTTP body from server via a socket HTTP library (not class HTTPService ). First it seems that nginx supports ONLY gzip compression with gzip on;. (Correct me if I'm wrong.) So, add HTTP header of Accept-Encoding: gzip to request. Then I get a compressed By...

gzip equivalent in dos

Hi, I need to use DOS to zip files. I have file with similar but not exactly same filenames. for example one file is call temp.txt and the other is called temp123.txt I need to create a separate zip version for each of the files i.e. I need a temp.zip and temp123.zip. using the zip command with temp.txt creates only 1 zipped folder whi...

URLOpenPullStream and gzip content download - need uncompressed data

I am using URLOpenPullStream along with a IBindStatusCallback and IHttpNegotiate callbacks to handle the negotiate, status, and data messages. Problem that I have is when the content is gzip (e.g. Content-Encoding: gzip). The data that I am receiving via OnDataAvailable is compressed. I need the uncompressed data. I am using BINDF_...

GZIP HTML Files on Hard Disk - not on a web server

Hi, I have quite a few html files with datasets and huge tables and about 8-9 MB in size. These are currently saved on my hard disk and are not being served through a web server. I am looking to deflate/gzip these similar to what a webserver does. The end goal is to reduce the size and when opened in a browser, the file opens and displ...

How to use gzip compression in apache for html, css and js files?

Hello When an Apache server supports gzip compression, how can from PHP send a CSS file to the client. Is this using .htaccess or with a library? If is a simple .htaccess line, do provide it! Thanks a lot ...

Gzip in web.config not working for me

I am having problems setting up gzip on an IIS7 server via the web.config. The following is the setup <httpCompression minFileSizeForComp="0" doDiskSpaceLimiting="false" staticCompressionDisableCpuUsage="98" staticCompressionEnableCpuUsage="95" dynamicCompressionEnableCpuUsage="30" dynamicCompressionDisableCpuUsage="...