
Javascript event not being set correctly in closure when called cross frame

I have the following code in the top frame of a two frame page: function setKeyHook() { logMessage("setKeyHook()"); top.frames.BOTTOM.document.onkeydown = top.frames.TOP.document.onkeydown = function( evt ) { return function(){ t...

How do I embed an ASP.NET Web Site (or Web Application) into another?

I have very little experience with ASP.NET and I am doing some self-training before I start writing my first web site/application, which will be a calibration utility. How that utility works is not my concern right now. However, the utility eventually needs to end up embedded in someone else's web site, either just as a URL to the page w...

Does Window-target meta tag work for busting frames?

Does adding the followin tag in the header section of a html document prevent the loading of the document within a frame? If so, why does anybody bother with Javascript methods? <META HTTP-EQUIV="Window-target" CONTENT="_top" /> ...

javscript document.getElementById in other frames

so, I have 2 frames and want to access to element from one frame into another : frame 1: <div id='someId'>...</div> frame 2: var div=document.getElementById('someId'); div.innerHTML='something'; this is somehow not functioning in Firefox so I want to be sure, can I access to element in another frame by its ID ? ...

accessing Frames rendered in webbrowser control in

i need to get the links in a page rendered in webbrowser control in Problem is that i think the page uses Frames that's why i cant get any links from webbrowser. how can i access or see those frames in the webbrowser control? ...

How to communicate between frames?

I'm maintaining an application that goes sort of like this: There is a Page A with a Frame that shows Page B. Now page B is part of a completely different product, so there's a frame in a that just calls B. Now, they want that when B an option in B is clicked, the WHOLE page is redirected to another page in A. The problem is that the u...

Detecting and closing frames using Javascript

I'm working on an ASP.NET web application. There's a bill page which has two links to different pdfs of the same bill. When you click on one of the links it takes you to a ViewPDF.aspx page that shows the pdf. There's also an option to view both in a split screen so that you can compare them. When you click on this link it takes you ...