
Nearest Neighbor rendering in Canvas

I have a sprite that animates using a sprite sheet. He is only 16x16, but I want to scale him up to around 64x64 in all its pixel-y goodness! The results are terrible, of course the browser is anti aliasing it. :/ Thanks! ...

localStorage Getting NULL?

I'm not sure why, as i've done this before and it worked fine, and i'm thinking it might be because of a browser issue/bug: localStorage.setItem('foo', 'bar') alert(localStorage.getItem('foo')); I'm in Firefox 3.6.6 and it alerts "bar" but if I do: //localStorage.setItem('foo', 'bar') alert(localStorage.getItem('foo')); I get NULL....

html5 file api webkit

Anyone know when/if html5 file api drag and drop support is coming to webkit browsers? Thanks. ...

Issue with HTML5 audio control in Visual Studio 2010 and ASP.NET MVC

I am trying to add HTML5 audio control to my page. Here's the code: <audio src="../../Content/BattleNet_MusicLoop.ogg" controls="controls" autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop"> Your browser does not support the new HTML5 audio element. </audio> When I click debug, I can see the audio player for about a second and then it turns dark gret w...

Why does Javascript run so slow on iPhone?

I've been researching writing an app for iPhone. I really like the look of PhoneGap which basically allows you to contain a webpage in an app. My skills are primarially in HTML/Javascript so this tool allows me to make the most of my skills without having to spend many hours learning how to write an app natively for the iPhone. I've b...

Is HTML 5 + CSS 3 >= Microsoft Silverlight

It is said that the unreleased HTML 5 and CSS 3 can produce the effects and graphics which can be done in Microsoft Silverlight. It thats true then can I skip learning Silverlight and wait for HTML5 and CSS 3? ...

Getting state after HTML5 history.pushState(...)

It seems after calling history.pushState, window.location.pathname doesn't get changed (at least in Safari). Any way to get the changed pathname? I currently just keep track of it in a global var. ...

Library/API/program for converting Flash code into html5 code

hello guys, What library/API or even a program for converting flash code into html 5 code automatically do you recommend me? thank you very much ...

Can I do Windows interop story for HTML5?

Is there a way to call C#/.NET/win32 from HTML5? ...

Convert PictureStream to HTML5 canvas

I am retrieving a byte array of a pictureStream from a .net webservice. the JSON byte array response looks like this: [137, 80, 78, 372, 617 more...] I am trying to convert this byte array and draw it into an HTML canvas like this var context = document.getElementById('boxcover').getContext('2d'); context.putImageData(movies.PictureS...

What presentation design pattern fits HTML5 development?

There are various discussions about whether to use Flash, Silverlight or HTML5. When it comes to Silverlight, it has very different programming experience (more of a desktop model), and this makes it reasonable for Silverlight applications to use MVVP presentation pattern. But when it comes to pure HTML5-based Web application, is there ...

HTML5 canvas challenge!

Hi all you geniuses, q1: is it possible to have an invisible rectangle? q2: is it possible to call method upon method? See below. var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.fillStyle = ""; ctx.strokeStyle = ""; // as far FF 3.67 goes, no way // the goal is to fill the rectangle with some t...

xhr.send(file) doesn't post it as multipart

On Firefox 3.6 and Chrome, using xhr.send(file) just puts the raw contents into the body of the request and it is not a true multipart/form-data upload. Tried doing this: But, can't really mix string with File contents during send(). Any workarounds? ...

Displaying form errors with HTML5's new input types

Hello, Currently, HTML5's new input types, <input type="number"...> <input type="email"...> <input type="url"...> simply focus on any offending text-boxes with mismatching user input upon form submission. Problem: Focusing is fine. However it's a very subtle way of telling the user why the form is not submitting. Which of these is...

CakePHP + HTML5 Prefething = Logging Out

After adding HTML5 Prefetch links to head section of default.ctp, all firefox users (in CakePHP application im working on) are keep getting logged out after next page refresh. Any ideas how to make CakePHP prefetch-friendly? Here is example prefetch links placed inside head of the page: <link rel="prefetch" href="/" /> <link rel="prefe...

How can I specify a browser that GWT tests should be run on?

I am writing a GWT project that uses HTML5 canvas. To test application I use GWTTestCase. For firefox some functions are supported since gecko 1.9. While testing, firefox 3.0.1 is being used and errors occur. How can I set up GWT tests to be launched on firefox 3.6? (in Eclipse using GWT plugin or using build.xml for ant) ...

Any way to clone HTML5 canvas element with its content?

Is there any way to create a DEEP copy of CANVAS element with all drawn content? ...

HTML5-compliant cache-control no-cache inside the document ?

This is probably a duplicate question but none of the solutions I've found by searching the internet will validate at w3c. I don't have granular control at the document-level on the hosting-company's server, so I need to include the no-cache directive in the document itself. Are cache directives inside the document permitted in HTML5? ...

Any way to verify user's geolocation?

Newbie question. I'm trying to make a mobile site using html5's geolocation (I know technically it's a separate spec, but still) to identify user's current position and post that to a web service which then does something. Basically a browser version of Four Square. Is there anyway that I can verify that the user is really at that loc...

Html5 Websockets - What should I know about sockets before using websockets

I'm currently experimenting with html5 and websockets. I know next to nothing about "ordinary" sockets. Before messing about with websockets I think it might be wise to learn about sockets. Is there any online material that I should read or excersizes that I should go through to get myself up to speed? It might be worth pointing out tha...