
Is Flash the only option for browser-based video-conferencing?

To display a P2P video chat / screen-share session in the browser are we limited only to Flash? I think there are HTML5 solutions 'in the pipeline' but I've no idea of timescales. Do you know of any flash alternatives? ...

Play Video and Sound with HTML5

Hi All, I'm trying to make a smartphone software using python and HTML5. Now in server I can receive rpt packet content audio and video, but I don't know how to play it in the web browser (I don't use Flash). I see that HTML5 have the audio and video tags, so I intend use websocket to transfer data. But I can't find the way to play it i...

HTML5 Drag and Drop for precise placement

All, We are looking to use HTML5 Drag 'n drop in our web-application, however, we need precise drop of items, not just a drop in the broad basket. As an example, we will create an icon and the user has to precisely place the icon in the canvas (or SVG) frame. In the background we will record the X Y co-ordinates where the item was plac...

Extending HTML5 geolocation with custom access points

Hi, I'm experimenting with HTML5 geolocation, and would like to improve the accuracy, by assigning the exact GPS coordinate of some custom access points. How can I add these access points, and their exact position to the current database? If I cannot add custom APs to the database, can I view the source code used by Google (and others)...

z-index layering for HTML5 video (ipad)

I am using the BrightCove smartplayer code to write an HTML5 video tag into the page. This code replaces the object tag with video tag so that it works on the iphone and ipad, whils still working in browser that dont support The problem I am having is with the layering of this dynaically written in tag. It does not seem to obey the ...

HTML5 and frameborder

I have an iframe on an html5 document. when I validate I am getting an error telling me that the attribute on the iframe frameBorder is obsolete and to use CSS instead. I have this attribute frameBorder="0" here because it was the only way I could figure out how to get rid of the border in IE, I tried border:none; in CSS with no luck. I...

HTML5 video player: dynamically loading videos

So, using a HTML 5 compliant video player, (like Video JS) how would one go about loading a video dynamically, without having to reload the entire page? Imagine, a list of links (something like a playlist), and each link points to a video. When clicking the link, I want to load the selected video into player. Currently, I'm using an Ifr...

"Skip Intro" link over HTML5 video not working on iPad

I am using the "Javascript Fake Click" script to autoplay an introductory HTML5 video on an iPad, which then directs to a landing page. I have a simple "skip intro" link on top of the video element in a higher z-index. This link works in other browsers, but not on the iPad (iOS 3.2.2). I think it may have to do with the click event on ...

local file system access via HTML5 and PHP5

I want to enhance my browser-based web application with functionality that needs to read the absolute path of the files being uploaded and used for some processing, I have used HTML5 File API and PHP POST Upload method to support the upload functionality. Question: Direct or work around method of reading the absolute path (client-side) ...

Constrained Panning/Zooming using a ViewMatrix

I'm trying to add constraining boundaries to the Zooming and Panning behaviors I've implemented for Unveil.js ( With boundaries enabled you shouldn't be able to pan outside the scene boundaries and the zoomlevel (=scale) shouldn't ever become lower than 1.0. As a result you shouldn't be able to pan at al...

jquery-watermark plugin and HTML5 email input type not working correctly

diveintohtml5 says it's okay to start using the email form type. So I am trying it out on one of my forms. I'm using jQuery and a plugin called jquery-watermark. It makes the placeholder element work across browsers. The plugin still works on Firefox 3.6 but on Opera 10.61 and Chrome 6 the placeholder isn't rendered. <script type="text...

Javascript HTML5 Canvas Collision Detection

I'm working on creating an Air Hockey-like game using HTML5 canvas and Javascript. I've gotten pretty far, but detecting the collision of the mallet and the ball has me stumped. I've tried using the distance between the two circles and distance squared (to conserve CPU by bypassing square root). I can't figure out why the collision is no...

Any way to make firefox 3 compatible with HTML5 tags? (like section, header, etc.)

So yeah.. firefox 3 isn't compatible with html5 tags. How would one get around this without recoding everything? You know, like IE's conditional statement or some such. ...

PHP MySql and geolocation

I am writing a site that basically looks for places within a 25 mile radius of a lat and long using php and mysql. I am wondering how something like this would work? I would pass a lat and long to the scrip and have it pull out only locations that are within 25 miles of the lat and long from my Database of locations. What is the best ...

uiwebview doesnt load external javascript file

I have the following innocent looking code (index.html), but it doesnt load the code.js file. It works well if I copy / paste the contents of the file in the html page. Both index.html and code.js files are in the same directory. This is the code snippet. Any help would be great. index.html : <html> <head> <script type="text/javascrip...

Throw away sound effects in Javascript using HTML5 audio?

I'm building a simple game using a canvas tag and want to add some sound effects to it. If I use the following code to play the SFX... function playSfx( sound ) { var snd = new Audio("file.mp3");; } Is the garbage collection / memory management clever enough to play the sound and then dispose of the Audio object? Or will ...

How to fix innerHTML on IE not rendering entities with HTML5 doctype?

I'm observing that when using an HTML5 doctype (<!DOCTYPE html>), assigning a string containing HTML entities to a DOM object's innerHTML does not convert/render those entities on IE8 (and probably other IE versions). document.getElementById('some-div').innerHTML = 'Doesn&apos;t work.'; Does anybody have a solution? I've come across t...

Minimizing latency in streaming audio with html 5

I'm trying to listen to a live audio stream on a webpage with a latency of less than 3 seconds. So far with ogg vorbis streams generated using ices & icecast, I've been unable to get latencies less than 7 seconds. All players I've used so far (html5 audio tag in Firefox, Opera, Safari; VLC as well) seem to introduce similar delays. It's ...

Nested Doctype tags

Let's say I begin an HTML file with the usual DOCTYPE declaration. However, let's also assume that another instance of a DOCTYPE tag is introduced inside the body of that document via some soft of included content (eg. a content template). From my testing this doesn't seem to be a problem. But I was wondering if anyone know of a situa...

ASP.NET MVC HTML helper methods for new HTML5 input types

HTML5 appears to support a new range of input fields for things such as: Numbers Email addresses Colors URLs Numeric range (via a slider) Dates Search boxes Has anyone implemented HtmlHelper extension methods for ASP.NET MVC that generates these yet? It's possible to do this using an overload that accepts htmlAttributes, such as: H...