
HTML5 Canvas: Mouse and polygon collision detection

So I'm making a tower defense game with HTML5 and Javascript. My sole problem is detecting when the mouse comes in contact with the attacker's pathway, which is necessary in order to stop the player from building towers on the path. The path of the attackers is determined in the MAP.js file (see the link at the bottom), by a two dimensio...

get clicks through html canvas

I'm seeing a lot of questions about how to get the html5 canvas element to receive mouse clicks, I'm using the canvas as an overlay and the mouse clicks aren't going through to the elements below. I'm loading an image into the canvas, and I thought that might be the problem but I've also tried it with an empty canvas and I get the same ...

What browsers support HTML 5 / CSS3

Was reading that IE9 will support HTML 5/ CSS 3 What other browsers support this? ...

Image Pixel Array without first drawing into main Canvas?

Do you have to first draw any source images into the canvas before you can obtain the pixel array data? or is there a better way? such as having a second hidden canvas? I am using several images that I will mash together, and draw into the main canvas. What is the best way to obtain to say backgroundData, objectsData, effectsData, from ...

Is it the right time use Html 5

Possible Duplicate: Is it time to start using HTML5? Is it the right time use Html 5 as i am planning to reconstruct my site . Thanks a ton in advance ...

How to synthesize audio using HTML5/Javascript on iPad

Has anybody out there got working sample code that synthesizes (and plays) audio using HTML5/Javascript on Mobile Safari on the iPad? I have found some examples for javascript-based sound synthesis on the web, but they all seem to work in Firefox only. ...

putImageData / Canvas - How do I dump the pixel array in here?

How do I redraw the pixel array after I after I have previously used getImageData? The way that I thought made sense gives me the error: An invalid or illegal string was specified" code: "12 function makeImage(canvasId, background, object) { var canvas = document.getElementById(canvasId); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ...

How do you know if you have to or can close a tag in HTML 5?

In HTML 5, some tags can't be closed and be valid, other tags must be closed to be valid and some tags are optional (I think). How, other than looking at the documentation, do you know when you should close a tag? Is there a rule of thumb? ...

How can I make IE recognize HTML 5 tags?

What are some good solutions for making my HTML 5 pages compatible with IE (at least IE 7 & 8)? Is there an industry standard that I can use that will make IE recognize things like <article> and <nav>? ...

Canvas or SVG UI Components

I want to build a web app using either canvas or SVG. But I would like to use a library that gives me some pre-made ui components like file menus or forms. What are some of the libraries out there that could accomplish this with either of these technologies? ...

How to use radian values in the Canvas method createRadialGradient()

Hey guys, Could someone give me an explanation of the 3rd & 6th params of the following Canvas method: createRadialGradient(0, 0, 50, 0, 0, 100); I've been told they're radian values and I'm not familiar with those types and would like to understand how to use them properly. Thanks. ...

YQL removes HTML5 tags, how do I prevent this?

I'm trying to load the body from one of my HTML pages with YQL. Problem is, YQL removes my HTML5 tags such as section and nav. Does anyone know how to prevent this behavior? YQL statement I use: select body from html where url='' and xpath='*' Corresponding YQL address:

drag and drop uploading in a multipart form with data in other input elements

There is a form with enctype="multipart/form-data". In the form, there are several input text fields, a file field and a "save" button. I want to replace the standard html file field with a "drag-and-drop-uploading" widget. When a user drag and drop a file from the desktop to the widget, it shows the filename (and maybe other information...

iphone/ipad website development/testing on Windows........

Can i successfully do iphone/ipad web development (not native apps) on Windows and without having iphone/ipad device? Work Like PSD to iphone optimized XHTML, CSS layout. Interested to learn and make iphone/ipad optimized websites? Any tips? How much it will be different from desktop? What different other than small screen? ...

HTML 5 local storage

Can I save data to to either CSV or XML files on offline on client-side via HTML5? ...

iPhone HTML5 native <audio> control not rendering correctly

The native audio control does not render correctly on the iPhone or the iPhone simulator. Go to and see what I am seeing. The native audio control will cover up the preceding paragraph and the drop shadow is slightly covering the following paragraph. Even if I put it in a containing div and have a margin-to...

HTML5 Canvas Transformation Matrix

I don't understand what the Transformation Matrix is and how to work with it. The following will draw a circle at 0, 0 of my canvas: (generated from an svg converted with svg2canvas.jar) drawPoints: function(ctx, max_points) {; ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, -551.23701, -368.42499); ...

Can we change the maximum size of the html5 offline app in iPad/iphone from inside the app itself?

First of all is the 5MB limit, that is supposed to be the limit for offline storage, related to the data storage of files specified in MANIFEST or is that related to the data in database that can be stored? Either way is there such a limit in real and if so can it be changed dynamically from inside the program? ...

How to find <script> by id

Hi I have a <script> where it adds to the <head> another script. This new script is supposed to find the original <script> that inserted it. can I put <script id="blablabla"> and let the new <script> find it? <div id="placeholder-1"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> <//![CDATA[ (function() { va...

How does Chrome know my geolocation?

Chrome seems to be very accurate in detecting my location. How does it do it? Can you point me to the source code? ...