
Is it possible to have WAMP run httpd.exe as user [myself] instead of local SYSTEM?

Hello! I run a django application over apache with mod_wsgi, using WAMP. A certain URL allows me to stream the content of image files, the paths of which are stored in database. The files can be located whether on local machine or under network drive (\my\network\folder). With the development server ( runserver), I have no t...

Lightweight HTTP application/server for static content

Hi, I am in need of a scalable and performant HTTP application/server that will be used for static file serving/uploading. So I only need support for GET and PUT operations. However, there are a few extra features that I need: Custom authentication: I need to check credentials against a database for each request. Thus I must be able ...

Recommendations on apache tuning for chat application

Hi, I have a chat application (xmpp / muc) that is going to be served by apache (we might change to nginx later but right now it's not easily done). If a user is in 2 rooms, he'll have between 2 and 4 active connections to the server (long-polling connections), so if we have 200 users per room and we have 5 rooms, what should the Server...

Running commands though PHP/Perl scripts as a priviledged user on Linux.

Background: I am writing a script for a company that will allow users to create FTP accounts through a web interface. In the background, the script must run a bunch of commands: Add the user to the system (useradd) Open and edit various files mail the user via sendmail and a few other things... I'm basically looking for the most sec...

Is it worth it to apply a cdn to static media on a production site?

Pretty much all of our sites are setup the standard mod_php, apache2, LAMP style with the static media living on the same domain as the dynamic php scripts. I'm wondering if there are any practical benefits to actually switching to a cdn? If I'm not really having issues with my server performance, is it really worth it? ( Our servers ty...

Who Knows AppWeb HTTP Server And Its Embedded PHP?

Hi all, on my search for a fast but comfortable web server I dropped into the homepage of EmbedThis(TM) AppWeb(TM) HTTP server. This one has 2 licencse models, GPLv2 and a commercial one with support. On the first view it looks good: the footprint is not too big, it is fast and it has a lot of configuration otions. The most important t...

Can an Apache module inject configuration in runtime?

Hi, I wonder if it's possible for an Apache module to change global config structures. What I want to achieve is injecting new vhosts without Apache restart. Of course I'm aware that the changes would fully take effect after all workers have recycled, but for me - it's still better than a restart. I've written an Apache module before...

Child segmentation fault when doing SOAP request in php 5.1.6

I get a "[notice] child pid 26701 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)" in apache log when I try to do a simple soap request using standard php soap library. I'm running php 5.1.6 on Centos 5.4 ...

Is it possible to launch a php script at apache startup

Hi, As the title says, I want to know if it is be possible to automatically launch a PHP script when a restart of apache is done. thanks MORE INFO EDIT: I will try to explain what is the purpose of this, the best I can. We are currently refactoring our application and we'll be stuck with 2 differents configuration file system for th...

apache & php 500 error nightmares

I was trying to add curl support to php on a VPS, and after logging in and trying to perform a php upgrade, my site gives me a 500 error every time I try to access it. So, I tried refreshing apache install with easyApache, and it went swimmingly outside of the fact that php scripts still didn't work. I decided there must be something g...

Issues in using 3rd party libraries while developing Apache Modules

Hello everyone! I am writing an Apache module for my internship. I am using C for this (I am not acquainted with Perl or Python that much). I need to use an HTML Parser to solve the problem for which I am writing this module. I am considering libxml2 for this purpose. I am confused how should I link the library in my module ? Should...

Making a content generator Apache module that only works for text/html requests

The title of this question may be a bit misleading. I couldn't quite think of anything better. Here is my problem. I am developing an Apache module that needs to manipulate a bit of content in the requested HTML document (this document can be a file on the disk or may be dynamically generated by CGI or PHP) and so I am using libxml2 wit...

Very slow TRUNCATE accompanied with "Server seems busy" on httpd log

I have this very simple table with only 35 rows on 5 simple columns (primary key on id auto increment, title (varchar), a bool, and 2 datetime). As we work in team, we import data from Google Docs, rephrase it as a SQL to do a TRUNCATE->LOCK TABLE WRITE->INSERT INTO (multiple lines)->UNLOCK TABLE at once. On other bigger, more complicate...

httpd rewrite rule with a different DocumentRoot dir

Is there a way to make a rewrite rule to file located in a different than DocumentRoot path? Say I have domain http://test.ldt/ with DocumentRoot */home/test_ltd/* and I want that when a file is requested under static. subdomain (http://stats.test.ldt/) it would look for requested file from another path, say /home/static_files/ I was ad...

Cannot access XAMPP (1.7.3) from my local network

Hi I am running XAMPP 1.7.3 on windows 7. My problem is that when I try to access my server (localhost) from another computer, the server does not respond. For example, [on my computer] when I type in 'http://localhost', my pages come up. However, when I try accessing '' from my computer, nothing happens. When I type...

Can I set up variables for use in an apache configuration file?

I have a php webapp convention that I'd like to follow and a lot of setup for it is done in the apache configuration file. Is there any way I can configure some strings that contain paths for multiple uses throughout the configuration file? A dim example might be: EnginePath = /opt/engine AppPath = /opt/anapp DocumentRoot [AppPath]/P...

Mapping domains in a forward proxy

I'm currently running apache on my local machine as a forward proxy server. The config is pretty simple: ProxyRequests On ProxyVia On <Proxy *> Order deny,allow Allow from all </Proxy> However, if a user uses my proxy, I'd like to be able to map certain domains (without touching my hosts file or DNS) to certain directories o...

mod_rewrite with mod_jk, rule works on one server, gives a 404 on another

Hi all. I am using mod_jk and mod_rewrite on httpd 2.2.14. I have a rule.... RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/video/play\.xhtml.* RewriteRule ^/video/(.*) /video/play.xhtml?vid=$1 [PT] I just want to rewrite something like /video/videoidhere to /video/play.xhtml?vid=videoidhere This works perfectly on my developer machine, but on produ...

preload="true" hyperlinks

Is there a method, javascript script or anything that could allow to preload hyperlinks in the page? For instance, I want that when user comes to and the page fully loads, the script would start preloading other pages in the navigation (Booking, Map, Facilities, Look around, [...]). So when user clicks on any of those ...

How do I set the local document root in Apache?

So this is my directory structure / /test index.php blah.php blah.php So in /test/index.php I have a link such as this <a href="/blah.php">Link</a> but I want it to link to /test/blah.php, not the blah.php in the root directory. Basically, I want to set a local document root. Is this possible to set this using .htaccess ...