
Apache httpd error and crash

I have a WAMP 2.0 server installed on Win XP . Apache version : 2.2.11 PHP Version : 5.3 MySQL : 5.1.36 I have about 11 tables in the mysql . Each run of my web application (HTML/Jquery/PHP/MySQL) fills about 100 rows in 2 of the tables.(One of the table has 2 Long blob columns where data of size upto 20MB is uploaded, I have changed...

setting a default apache virtual host

Is there any better way of setting the default apache virtual host other than it just picking the first config it finds? I have a server with many domains, of which only some are configured with httpd but the default virtual host severed up is for example is where as really I would like it to default to instead? Somet...

Weblogic Apache plugin and session stickiness

If two webserver are configured in between a load balancer and weblogic cluster, will the two Apache server maintain session stickiness.?? Say for e.g. the load balancer forwards the first request to the 1st apache and inturn 1st apache forwards to 1st WL managed instance.Even if the second req from the same user is forwarded by the load...

Need to add httpd support to this wxPython code.

I need to add httpd support to this sample wxpython code. It parses the url and display different images. What's the easiest way to do this? import wx a = wx.PySimpleApp() wximg = wx.Image('w.png',wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) wxbmp=wximg.ConvertToBitmap() f = wx.Frame(None, -1, "Show JPEG demo") f.SetSize( wxbmp.GetSize() ) wx.StaticBitmap(f,-...

Implementation question in web-development

Hello, We are testing a DSL modem's web pages (the HTTP server is running on the modem). We have an automation tool that configures various options on the web pages by sending POSTS of the respective web pages We are using TCL (HTTP package) to send POST data on the web pages . My questions: Is there a faster way to do this other...

MacPorts Apache2 Stopped Launching on Boot

Something that I've noticed recently on two different machines is that Apache2 installed via MacPorts seems to have stopped launching when I boot up. The honest truth is that I can't swear it did so before, but it's something I think I'd notice because installing the LaunchDaemon is part of my install process. In fact, if I try to reload...

attempt to invoke directory as script ?

is something wrong with my apache config ? ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/cgi-bin/ <Directory "/var/www/cgi-bin"> AllowOverride None AddHandler cgi-script pl cgi Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> ...

Starting apache problem "requested operation has failed"

Whenever I try to start apache server on my local development computer I get prompted an error message as follows: The requested operation has failed httpd.conf was not tampered with. How do I set it up to work? ...

Searching for memory leaks in Apache httpd and modules

What is the best way for finding memory leaks in Apache httpd and httpd modules? Are there any howtos? I'v tried valgrind a little, but few obstacles appeared: Valgrind expects for binary to exit normally. I have managed to do that with MaxRequestsPerChild and -X parameter. Valgrind reports about lots of stuff, probably connected wit...

cakephp & httpd.conf issues on windows based apache server (wamp)

So, i was wondering if some one could clarify following occurrence and maybe suggest how I could tackle this. sorry for the weird coloring of the code Let me explain the set up first. I have wamp server installed and it is located physically on one hd and then my development files are located on separate hd. So i have added alias to ac...

Running PHP without extension without using mod_rewrite?

Using Apache 2.2 and PHP 5, what's the best way to run PHP without the .php extension. For example, I have a script called app.php and I like to invoke it as Please notice that I still want keep the .php extension to the file and I don't have mod_rewrite. Don't want use index.php either because it requires too ma...

How Server-Side Include Work without File Extension?

This question is related to this one, So by adding this to my .htaccess, I can run PHP script without the extension, AddHandler server-parsed .php SetHandler application/x-httpd-php AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php I am not fami...

Apache URL Redirect

My program is located at Our webmaster has set up a subdomain: for me. This subdomain will redirect to The redirect configuration was done in the httpd.conf. Each time a user visit he will be redirected to http://server2.abcd....

How to block all connection in squid

How do I block all connections from clients to any website? I have had the client computers to use my linux machine with squid installed as a proxy server. I am new to squid and I have installed it in my linux box. I wanted to see if it is really working. How should I configure squid.conf to block all client request to the proxy. If I c...

mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp for clustering tomcat and ssl

Please tell me what is better in supporting clustering and ssl between mod_jk and mod_proxy_ajp. Thank you. ...

How can I open VLC via browser with PHP (Mac OS X)

I'm trying to open VLC via browser and make it instantly play the given video file on Mac OS X. This runs on my local server and is only meant to run locally - therefore I already run apache (MAMP) with my username and with group "staff" (defined in httpd.conf). YES - I do know that VLC has http interface - however that is not what I n...

default webmail url workaround

Hi, Is there a way or at least a workaround on masking default webmail urls or disabling access webmail urls so users will not be able to change their passwords? Website is PHP based and is using apache server under a shared hosting account. The thing is that will let users access the main panel where they can...

.htaccess stupid issue

I have a server where I can only configure httpd using .htaccess, a cannot access global configuration. I want to rewrite almost every non-existing path to index.php, so I did something like: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?path=$1 [L,QSA] And that is ok. But another...

Need to use httpd.conf instead of .htaccess for rewrite.

I am working on a host that blocks my .htaccess file from being used so I can not change my permalinks using it. I need to figure out what code to use and where to put it in my httpd.conf file to get the same effect. The code in the .htaccess file is below: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /wordpress/ RewriteCond %...

Setting Up Apache Alias for Parallelized Downloads

I'm trying to point: to so that works. However, I do not want or to work. I'm trying to implement additional domains for parallelized downloads, but need to make sure that users can't access any other content other than images, c...