
Set up Apache for local development/testing?

I've been impressed by the screencasts for Rails that demonstrate the built-in web server and database to allow development and testing to occur on the local machine. How can I get an instance of Apache to execute a project directory as its DocumentRoot, and maybe serve up the files on port 8080 (or something similar)? The reason why I'...

Top & httpd - demystifying what is actually running

I often use the "top" command to see what is taking up resources. Mostly it comes up with a long list of Apache httpd processes, which is not very useful. Is there any way to see a similar list, but such that I could see which PHP scripts etc. those httpd processes are actually running? ...

Is SVNAutoversioning directive in apache subversion imporant?

If so why? I know setting this on will result in more number of automatically committed revisions. Is it good to have more auto commits? ...

Is there a difference between installing mod_python via httpd.conf and conf.d in apache?

I am working with a hosting provider who has installed mod_python for me. I followed the install instructions locally and included it in httpd.conf but they have opted to put it in conf.d/python.conf. Is there any difference/benefit to doing it either way? ...

How to use client certificates in Apache httpd to connect to an LDAP for authorization?

I have a site that is using x509 client certificates (2 way SSL) to authenticate users and an LDAP directory that contains authorization information. I would like to use one of the certificate attributes to query the directory ( SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN to be exact ). I see how to use mod_ssl to use the user's client certificates for authenti...

How to test that I configured Subversion Path Based Authorization in the right way?

The problem is about security settings of the Subversion repository served trough the Apache web server. I use the Path Based Authentication to protect some company information from external collaborators. I need something that tests that the authorization is given the people I want, i.e. I need to check that I hadn't make mistakes in t...

DirectoryIndex setting to index.jsp not working as expected

I've got a Tomcat application mounted on /geo and that app has an 'index.jsp' that is accessible directly and works, but when I try to get apache to use it as a directory index entry it never shows up. More odd than this, if I remove the index.html from the DIrectoryIndex line in my httpd configuration, an access of '/' redirects some ho...

yslow still not giving me an A for expires header in apache httpd even though I added them

Hi, trying to add an ExpiresDefault ExpiresByType to content on my website so that way it is cached. I use cachebusting in the URL (a revision number in the path) for Javascript, CSS, and images so that way I can set it to forever for these mimetypes. I have the following rules set up in apache httpd: ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault...

Apache HTTPD reload

Does anyone know if while Apache HTTPD is doing a reload (which, let's say, takes five seconds) can it still serve requests during that time? ...

Simplest way to back Tomcat with an Apache HTTP instance

I have a single Tomcat 6 instance that frequently needs to be rebooted because of PermGen issues after multiple WAR deployments. In a Production environment it's clearly bad practice to take down the site, leaving any visitors with nothing but a connection failure. The big picture is to set up a fail-over Tomcat cluster of one or two mo...

Run a php app using tomcat?

Is it possible to run a php app using tomcat? Before you tell me to just use httpd, I already have a java application running on my webserver at host/myapp. Now I want to install RoundCube at host/roundcube. One is php however and one is java. I keep seeing offhand references saying this is possible but no real instructions. No, I do not...

Apache 2.2 ignoring VirtualDocumentRoot VirtualHosts?

I have several domains that I would like to have wildcard subdomains enabled for through mod_vhost_alias Included in my httpd.conf I have the following generalized rules: <VirtualHost [ip here]:80> ServerName ServerAlias DocumentRoot /home/user1/public_html </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost [ip her...

How to test that test if a path is (or isn't) writable without writing nothing in it.

Suppose you have the following subversion httpd server:;project-name&gt; Suppose you have complex authorization rules that specify who can read where and you have written them down in the svn-access-file.conf which contain the path-based authentication configuration. Now suppose that you would test th...

How to set up virtual hosts on Apache 2.2

Can anyone direct me to a good tutorial on how to set up virtual hosts using Apache 2.2? Here's my situation: I have Apache running on my laptop and I want two websites-- one on port 80 and one on port 8089. I want to access each site from the other computer on my network by entering the computer's IP address, such as http://192.168.1...

Enable mod_deflate to send Content-Encoding: gzip

EDIT I have found that the problem is actually php minify. This was sending the deflated content instead of Apache. I'll find more on this. According to High Performance Web Sites, if I enable mod_deflate in Apache 2.x, by adding the following line, it should send gzipped/delfated content: - AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text...

What does "apachectl" stand for? Why isn't it just "apache"?

This should be easy, just curious. I know "httpd" is the HTTP daemon, just curious what the relationship is between "httpd" and "apachectl." ...

Apache httpd cluster logging

I have a cluster of Apache httpd servers. It's a load balanced cluster where all nodes serve the same, shared, content. The content itself is located on a shared storage. I would like to setup all nodes to log (server access logs) to the same log file (again on the same shared storage), but I am concerned that this would create concurre...

How to password control access to all urls except one in apache 2

Hi Apache Gurus I want to password protect all urls on my beta site at the moment. Except one url because it is called by flash and flash can't handle basic auth properly it seems. So i want to disable basic auth for that one url. This is my config in apache. Apache is a proxy for tomcat but that should not matter right ? <IfModule mod...

Mono (mod_mono) & Apache (httpd) on Fedora 10: failing to start correctly

Hi It seems I am one of the few trying to get Mono's mod_mono to run on httpd on Fedora 10. Mono is installed and the httpd is configured to use mod_mono.conf But when I do this: service httpd start I get this error: Starting httpd: [crit] (13)Permission denied: Failed to attach to existing dashboard, and removing dashboard file ...

Mod_Mono & Apache: Failed to create shared memory segment for backend

Hi I have successfully installed mod_mono 2.4 and httpd on Fedora 11 and got httpd to start. But when I add: <VirtualHost XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:80> ServerName ServerAlias ServerAdmin [email protected] DocumentRoot /usr/lib64/xsp/test/ MonoServerPath "/usr/lib64/mono/2.0/mod-mono-server2...