
How to aggregate code coverage report in Hudson?

Hi, I have project build with hudson CBS. and i am using cobertura for test coverage. Reports are generated and i am happy about it. but i cannot find the delta of coverage %. for e.g. check-in #1 - code coverage is 90% check-in #2 - code coverage is 75% i.e down by 15%. can i achieve this in hudson cobertura plug-in? is there an...

Display Fitnesse XML reports within Hudson GUI

hello, After running fitnesse test using testrunner, I get an xml file containing all the results. Now I can't figure out how to display those results within the hudson GUI for a specific job. I've surfed the web, and what I found is a couple people modifying the xsd file from CruiseControl.NET, but nobody is actually showing it workin...

Can't get plugins to install on my Hudson CI server

I'm trying to stand up a Hudson CI server. I'm following an article written here. I've gotten the server to stand up successfully by itself, but when I go to install the plugins all the plugins fail to install. This happens the second time I run java -DHUDSON_HOME=data -jar hudson.war when I have all my plugins in the /plugins f...

Can't get msbuild.exe path correct with Hudson's MSBuild plugin

I have the msbuild plugin installed on my Hudson server, and it's attempting to execute the command, but for some reason the path I'm setting in my configuration is not being used when the msbuild task gets fired. I have the following set in the configuration of hudson's msbuild plugin: Path To msbuild.exe C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\F...

Hudson Continuous Integration. Copy contents of a folder to another folder (website)

Im trying out the Hudson Continuous Integration. After the build is executed i want to copy the content of the ReleaseBuild to another website on the server. This should be possible i guess but i cant seem figure it out. I know this can be done in nAnt and msbuild but i need to make Hudson do it, eg plugin or something. Anyone? ...

Using Hudson to build RPM packages.

I've a C project set up in Hudson doing nighly builds, i've also an .rpm spec file used for creating rpms from these sources. Does anyone have any experience on how to build rpms out of all this using Hudson ? Right now the only solution I see is to set up a job running a script that checks svn exports the sources ,creates a tarball an...

Monitoring Grails performance with Hudson

I'm working on a project where performance is important and I would like to be able to monitor how my changes affect performance over time. Has anyone done this with Hudson before? This Hudson plugin mentions something about supporting "JUnit format", but I can't find anythin...

Changing environment in Hudson, that stays for the whole build

Hello, how can I execute a batch-file or just some (e.g. twice) commands in a job of Hudson (running on windows xp, as a non-service, but may change), that the environment just stays for the whole build. I need to do this, because I have to change the current path with 'cd' (we are using relative paths in our proj) and 'set' some envir...

TargetProcess + SVN

I have a TargetProcess machine, and my developers keep committing code to SVN. How can I have TP automatically group builds so that I can know which bugs, were committed during which builds? Thank you. ...

Cruise Control as PHPUnderControl vs. Hudson for PHP

I'm using PHPUnderControl (a Cruise Control plugin for PHP) as the CI server for PHP development. I use Ant to build my project. Main used features of PHPUC are PHPUnit test review PHPCS review Diagrams, PHP PMD, PHPCPD and some misc. thing. What are the pros of Hudson vs. PHPUC? I heard it's development is faster and more widely use...

Hudson to automatically detect a job needs build (SVN HEAD diff)

We are using Hudson for continuous integration of many projects. I would like to know if there is an existing plugin or script that would automatically detect if a job needs to be built - but not actually build it, just send an email, add the job to a queue somewhere, or "flag" the build if it detects if the SVN repository modules have b...

Hudson CI: cannot test grails-app

Hi, I've tried in each and every way to test a grails-app using hudson. I've tried testing with maven, I've tried testing with the grails plugin and I've tried testing with a shell builder it seems that building via shell is the only thing that works.. Every time I get the same error: org.hibernate.HibernateException: contains i...

How to run jobs in Hudson in some predefined order?

There are 4 jobs: Build1 Build2 Test1 Test2 Build1 and Build2 can be started simultaneously. Test1 should be started only when both Build1 and Build2 will be finished. Tes2 should be started only when Tes1 will be finished. Also I would like to have ability to start all of these jobs separately. Is there any way to setup jobs ...

Set Hudson build number from a script

Is there a way to set the next build number in Hudson from a script? I have the nextBuildNumber plug-in installed, and attempted to use wget with --post-data, but that page appears to require login. I have two steps of a chained build and I want to keep the build numbers in sync. ...

Hudson unable to navigate relative directories

I have a Python project building with Hudson. Most unit tests work correctly, but any tests that require writing to the file system (I have a class that uses tarfiles, for example) can't find the tmp directory I have set up for intermediate processing (my tearDown methods remove any files under the relative tmp directory). Here is my p...

How can I get Hudson to be able to access JUnit?

I've got Hudson running on TOMCAT, it can build my Netbeans project using the ant build.xml, but it won't run any of my unit tests because of what I assume is a problem with the classpath: package org.junit does not exist [javac] import org.junit.After; [javac] ^ But I've got the junit-4.8.1.jar on the classpat...

How to make Hudson promote a build after the completion of chained downstream jobs?

I'm using the Hudson promoted build plugin to try an automatic deploy if all of the maven projects are good. My setup is similar to the following Hudson job creates a version control tag and then triggers downstream builds of projects A and B. A triggers a downstream project Z. I currently have the promoted builds plugin listening fo...

Problem with Hudson-JIRA-Perforce integration

I'm looking at using the Hudson JIRA plugin to post a JIRA comment on each build. The SCM I'm using is perforce which is already linked to the JIRA tasks using perforce jobs. I can see that the JIRA story (e.g. PROJ-001) is visible through the perforce plugin when clicking on the changelist number in the build reports. I'm having proble...

Tracking a build from Hudson to Mercurial Repo

I'm working on setting up a Hudson/Mercurial stack for development. One of the use cases I have is "As a developer, I want to update my local sandbox to a particular build number from Hudson, so I can [fix a bug, debug issues, create a branched version of code, etc.]." So, if I see build #49 on Hudson, how do I update my local Mercurial...

Hudson "Source code is unavailable."

I'm using Hudson to continuously build a Python project. Unit tests and code coverage work great, but this message appears when drilling into the Cobertura Coverage Report for my files that are not unit tests: Source code is unavailable.Some possible reasons are: * This is not the most recent build (to save on disk space, this plugin ...