
Users can not modify files created by Hudson

I have a Hudson deployed on Tomcat. Tomcat is started as Windows service under user HUDSON_USER. As result only HUDSON_USER has full access to files created from some Hudson's job. All other users have only read access. Is it possible configure Hudson or Tomcat or Windows in order all other users have write access or full access to Hudso...

Error using JsUnit with Hudson

I've just started using the JsUnit plugin with Hudson. The JsUnit tests are passing, but when the JsUnit plugin runs against the test output it's creating this error: [xUnit] [ERROR] - Couldn't split JUnit testsuites for the file 'tests/jsunit/logs/JSTEST-1266764410175-0.xml' into JUnit files with one testsuite. I'm not sure what I ne...

Hudson adding new E-Mail adress to every project

hi, i'm curious how other people do this task. Let's say you have like 100+ projects and each project has configured some users to be notified when the status changes. Now you have to add a new e-mail to this list. The hard way is to go into every project and add it by hand. That's how i do it atm (of course there are no 100+ projects a...

Running Hudson job on multiple nodes

I'm looking a bit into Hudson, and can't seem to find the option to tell it to run a configured job on a few nodes/labels. How can I configure a job to run on both Linux and Solaris every time there's a new commit? Do I have to duplicate the job? ...

How to build a specific revision of SVN in Hudson

Hi folks: Background: We use NAnt as our building tool. Question: How can I tell Hudson to build a specific revision in SVN, instead of the latest one by default? Thanks. ...

Subversion Release Manager Plug-in

Has anyone ever tried this plug-in? I don't see the releases link shown in the page after installing the plug-in. Thanks. ...

Hudson Too Many E-Mails

When I build my maven project in Hudson, Hudson sends out two e-mails for each failure - one for the project failure, and one for the module that broke. Is there any way to stop this, so I only get one e-mail per build failure? ...

Getting black images with selenium.captureScreenshot

I'm executing selenium tests with testng, that are started on a remote system with Selenium RC via hudson (with ssh connection). The remote system is windows xp with MKS Toolkit installed, hence ssh. Tests are NOT executed as a windows service. I've tried using both captureScreenshot and captureEntirePageScreenshot methods. The first...

Hudson wont send mail

I have recently installed Hudson (on a Windows XP machine, running as a service), and I can't get it to send any mail, not even a test mail. I've tried using the local smtp server, using Exchange, different ports, authentication, no authentication, and I can't get it to send anything. Since I'm a bit new to this whole running Java appl...

How to use hudson tracker with a Ruby on Rails project?

I am very new to ruby on rails.. working on my first project... am using Ankh SVN for source control... I want to use Hudson tracker also... I tried it on my own but not able to succeed... i have not used any build files at all... but when i hit build now it fails and when i see the console output it says U test\unit\product_t...

How to trigger a hudson job by another job which is in a different hudson.

I have job A in Hudson A and Job B in Hudson B. I want to trigger job A by Job B. ...

How to allow to run one job, but do not allow to run another job?

Is it possible in Hudson to allow some people to run one job, but do not allow to run another job? As far as I can see it is possible only to allow to run ALL jobs. ...

Hudson gitorious plugin?

Has anyone integrated a local copy of gitorious with Hudson? Specifically, linking the sha1 on Hudson web page back to the gitorious web page. ...

Are there any HTML widgets for embedding Hudson results?

Because, if there are, I can't find them. Basically, I would love to be able to show the build history on another web page. Has this been done before? ...

Download Maven2 dependency from non-standard layout repository

I need to download a file from a non-standard layout repository. The standard repository layout is groupId>/<artifactId>/<version>/<artifactId>-<version>.<packaging> however, I need to download the following file: where ocp-services ...

Running batch file on remote machine from hudson server using PSEXEC

I am new to Hudson with PSEXEC, i am using hudson in my computer, i want to run batch file on remote computer from hudson build. I used PSEXEC to run batch file on remote computer,when i executed from command promt it working successfully.But same i did from Hudson build its's not doing please give any suggestions...

Problem cloning / fetching repository using Git plugin for Hudson on Windows

Before anybody shoots me down for this - I have already checked every appropriate thread and still not found a solution to my problem. I have Hudson with git plugin installed on windows server (not my choice) and Hudson runs as a service. Git/bin is on the path. However I cannot clone the repository. Here is a shortened display of the c...

How to integrate Purify into Hudson CI?

Hello everybody! I have a Hudson CI system set up and for the moment it is used for building a project and running some unit tests. My next step is to integrate the memory leak detector Purify into the build cycle. Now I want to start the unit tests also inside purify and for this I have created a new batch task which runs following com...

Hudson, Svn & notification sent after a commit

HI, We are currently using Hudson with the plugin SVN. Every error during the maven build implies a email sending to the developpers. We would like to send an email or better a jabber message (we are all using it) to all developpers that a commit was just done (so they may have to update) Any solution ? Thanks in advance for your help...

Hudson cyclic dependencies

Is there a method of checking for cyclic dependencies between jobs in Hudson? It is simple to observe if A->B->A but if A->B->C->D->A then its almost impossible manually. Is there a plugin to do this? I think it is key functionality because such a loop between build triggers can slowly kill a server. ...