
Purpose and benefits of Athena Common Build for Eclipse plugin project

What would be the purpose and/or benefits of implementing an Athena build for a private Eclipse plugin project? (using a private Hudson setup) It seems like no search results ever answer this question, and I would really like to know. Thanks in advance for your insights! ...

Manage groups of build configurations in Hudson

I'm using Hudson to build my application. I have several branches that come and go. Whenever there's a new branch, I have to set up the following builds for it: a continuous build that runs after every change in SVN a nightly build a nightly site generation (I'm using Maven under the hood) and a weekly integration build for some branch...

Can Hudson branch promotion get based on project stability?

Hudson CI server displays stability "weather" which is cool. And it allows one project build to kick off based on the successful build of another. However, how can you make that secondary project dependent additionally on the stability of multiple builds of the first project? Specifically, project "stable_deploy" needs to only kick off ...

Grails - Link checking as part of a continuous integration.

So, we have a grails app set up with a Hudson CI build process. We're running unit tests, integration tests, and about to set up Selenium for some functional tests as well. However, are there any good ways of fully testing a sites links to make sure nothing has broken in a release. I know there's link checkers in general, but I'd like ...

InstallShield 2010 with license - no license for automatic build system (CI) as Windows service

I really need help here. We are using CI build-process (Hudson) as an automated build system using Msbuild. The CI run in Apache Tomcat 6 that run under the credentials of a domain user (not a local Windows user ). Every time the CI try to build an InstallShield project (using isproj files) we get a license error message: " C:\Program ...

On a Hudson master node, what are the .tmp files created in the workspace-files folder?

Question: In the path HUDSON_HOME/jobs/<jobname>/builds/<timestamp>/workspace-files, there are a series of .tmp files. What are these files, and what feature of Hudson do they support? Background Using Hudson version 1.341, we have a continuous build task that runs on a slave instance. After the build is otherwise complete, includin...

Is it possible to see the source code of the violating files in Hudson with Violations and Pylint?

I'm using Hudson CI with a Python project. I've installed the Violations plugin and configured it to run the code against pylint. This works, but I only see a list of violations without linking to the source code. Is it possible to setup Violations and pylint to load and highlight the violating source files (something similar to the Cobe...

Is there a existing way to generate surefire reports with simple-build-tool?

I'm working on a project using Scala running Selenium tests as part of a continuous integration process. Hudson displays very helpful information based on the results in the surefire reports but I would much prefer using sbt to Maven. Is there an existing way to get sbt to generate surefire reports from sbt tests? ...

How to setup Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment for Django projects?

Hello, I am researching about how to set up CI and continuous deployment for a small team project for a Django based web application. Here are needs: Developer check in the code into a hosted SVN server ( A CI server detects new checkin, check out the source, build, run functional tests. If tests all passed, deploy the cod...

Version Control for Hudson Continuous Integration Build Jobs

We have a continuous integration server with over 40 jobs that are constantly changing. I would like to version control continuous integration build jobs in Hudson so we can roll back changes if we have problems. Is there a Hudson plugin that will do this or other solution that already exists or should I keep the config.xml files in SV...

Hudson leaving open sessions

Does anyone have any experiences with Hudson leaving sessions open to a Subversion server? We've been increasing our job list and got ~50 which poll the SCM regularly. It's been working fine but recently our SCM has started acting up by refusing handshakes, which we suspect is down to the sessions left open by Hudson. Last count there ...

Build Environment setup - Using .net, java, hudson, and ruby - Could really use a critique

I'm trying to figure out the best way to stitch together a fast, repeatable, unbreakable build process for the following environment. I've got a plan for how to do it, but I'd really appreciate a critique. (I'd also appreciate some sample code, but more on that later) Ecosystem - Logical: Website - MVC 2, .net 3.5, Visual St...

Hudson trigger builds remotely gives a forbidden 403 error

I have a shell script on the same machine that hudson is deployed on and upon executing it, it calls wget on a hudson build trigger URL. Since its the same machine, I access it as http://localhost:8080/hudson/job/jobname/build?token=sometoken Typically, this is supposed to trigger a build on the project. But I get a 403 forbidden when I...

How can one configure Hudson to integrate with Sventon?

Dear ladies and sirs. Hudson ver. 1.353 Sventon ver. 2.14 I just cannot figure out how to configure Hudson to work with Sventon. It seems that the path format that Hudson expects from Sventon is not the format used by Sventon. Any ideas? Thanks. UPDATE Given an SVN repository with the name of windows, the Sventon URL path to the r...

Hudson CI project doesn't run NetBeans JUnit tests of dependent projects

I have a set of NetBeans java projects with dependencies between them. I added the project at the top of the dependency tree to Hudson for continuous integration. Everything works fine, except that the unit tests of dependent projects don't get run by Hudson. This is because the ant scripts that NetBeans creates has dependent projects se...

Continuous integration with ClearCase and long-updating snapshot views

Hi, I need to set up a continuous integration system. We use ClearCase version control and only snapshot views due to platform restrictions. I have tried setting up Hudson and Luntbuild. They both show the same behaviour. In a view, we have lots of libraries that are used for build but are strictly read-only. The CI system executes clea...

Hudson can't find local maven repository (including 3rd party jars)

Hi all, I have created a Maven2 project. Everything works fine. Now, I have set up a Hudson project in order to make nightly builds possible. Hudson should check out the current project state from a Subversion repository, run the tests, build the project and deploy everyting to a repository. My Subversion repositroy contains my Maven2 p...

What's the workflow of Continuous Integration With Hudson?

Hi, all. I am referred to Hudson today. I have heard about continuous integration before, but I have no idea what the heck is a ci-server. Hudson is really easy to install in Ubuntu and in several minutes I managed to set up an instance of it. But I don't quite understand the workflow of a ci-server, or how am I supposed to use it? ...

How to deploy on a remote machine using hudson's WAS Builder Plugin?

I have a hudson build server (Windows) that does not have Websphere installed. I created a Hudson node that I connect to via SSH. I also installed the WAS Builder Plugin to run jython scripts on the AIX machine. The job that uses the WAS Builder Plugin is tied to the AIX box. I run into errors. Does anybody know, whether that setup migh...

Ant script generate a findbugs_result.xml, but the hudson can not display on main interface. why?

Findbugs script in build.xml: Findbugs checks Coding... Findbugs checks Coding... genetate a findbugs_result.xml. Download Findbugs plugin for hudson. Enter findbugs_result.xml path for hudson. But hudson can not display on main interface. why? ...