
Connecting from host to virtual server fails with network unreachable from Java.

I have a server that has several virtual machines running on it. I'm trying to connect to one of these servers using Java, but it fails with "Network unreachable". The usecase is Hudson connecting to run a slave on a windows-machine. It works using python sockets, so it's quite odd. This is the network configuration on the host machine ...

Setting up an efficient and effective development process

I am in the midst of setting up the development environment (PHP/MySQL) for my start-up. We use three sets of servers: LIVE - the servers which provide the actual application TEST - providing a testing version before it is actually released DEV - the development servers The development servers run SVN with each developer checking out t...

Properly using SVN & CI

I am setting up the development environment for my start-up just now. I use Hudson for continuous integration of source code. It polls the SVN repository for changes every 10 minutes and if there are any deploys them to the LIVE servers from our DEV servers. What I would like though is to have another Hudson job which deploys from DEV t...

Binding hudson build number in C# project

Hi, Is there a way to bind the hudson successful build's number in the C# WPF application? Meaning, on running the exe after building I want to show the build number say 10 in my application somewhere. In project configuration file, I have used ${BUILD_NUMBER}, that a hudson understands and creates a build with the revision number. If I...

Possible to register Selenium RC's with the Hudson Selenium Grid Hub w/o the RC's being slaves in the Hudson cluster?

I am trying to get Hudson to run my ruby based selenium tests. I have installed the Selenium Grid plugin, but I don't want to have the RC's running as slaves in a Hudson cluster. The reason for this is I don't want to waste the next six years of my life trying to configure each of my projects in various Windows environments. Hudson cur...

Can you do this with Hudson?

I want to create a hudson job, that takes an id as a parameter. And use that id to calculate the svn-repo path. Where I work you have a svn path for every issue that you resolve. And then all the issues are joined into a single svn-path. What I want to do is to run static code analysis on the partial issues. So I think maybe having an...

How to integrate junit/pmd/findbugs report into hudson build email?

my team is looking into using hudson as our continuous integration software, 1 problem that we try to figure out is to integrate the reports of junit/pmd/findbugs etc into the build email that get sent to the team. the graph/reports on the dashboard are nice and all, but people usually want to just read the email and not clicking the ...

Hudson Notifier?

Is their any notifier which let's you add specific build in the notifier. Right now i am using Hudson Tacker ( which works fine but it only let's me add one build or all the builds. I didn't see any notifiers in which might have this functi...

How do I specify a keys password with MSBuild for the purpose of using Hudson?

We have just setup our hudson server to build .NET projects which seems to be working fine, however for projects that require a password when signing the assemblies I can not figure out how to tell hudson what the password is? For us the password is asked the first time a developer checks out the source code and they open with visual st...

How do I specify a project dependency with Hudson?

We have common library projects shared amongst many projects that are required to be checked out into a "Libraries" folder which a developer needs to checkout prior to opening the main project in visual studio. How I tell hudson that there is this dependency? I figured one thing I could do is setup a custom workspace and specify the lo...

automating hudson builds with ant throwing 403

We have a hudson server which deploys builds. We have a few services which we want to be able to remotely tell hudson to deploy a certain build ... these services are using ant. So I'm trying to get it working but keeping getting a 403 response when giving a build number like so... <ac:post to="http://hostname:8080/hudson/job/test_r...

Is Tomcat 6 ready for continuous integration or how to get it work?

I'm looking for a hint how to make tomcat CI ready or an servlet container / application container which stand often redeploys like they happen when using hudson ci. I experienced that Tomcat 6 does not properly undeploy webapps, leaving classes in jvm. For example I monitored tomcat 6 with VisualVM: on start 2000 classes, on deploy ...

How would I start integrating pyflakes with Hudson

We use Hudson for continuous integration with the Violations Plugin which parses our output from pylint. However, pylint is a bit too strict, and hard to configure. What we'd rather use is pyflakes which would give us the right level of "You're doing it wrong." ...

Plugin to commit hudson build artifact

Hi All, Are there any plugins available which will commit the build artifact back to SVN? Thanks, Rahul ...

How to configure Hudson and git plugin with an SSH key

I've got Hudson (continuous integration system) with the git plugin running on a Tomcat Windows Service. msysgit is installed and the msysgit bin dir is in the path. PuTTY/Pageant/plink are installed and msysgit is configured to use them. When I run a job that attempts to clone the git repository I get the following error: $ git clone...

NCover Hudson Plugin fails on Slave

Hi I'm trying to get NCover to work with our hudson server. The .NET jobs are run on a windows slave while the master is a linux box. After a job finishs successfully (also generating ncover+nunit reports), the NCover.Plugin tries to copy the report files from the ncover output directory to the job's directory. Here is the error messag...

Apache with mod_dav_svn starts to consume a lot of memory

Sometimes Apache with mod_dav_svn starts to consume a lot of memory. Today Apache(httpd.exe) consumed about 600M. And there was a lot of java.lang.OutOfMemoryError in Hudson when it tried to update working copies for some jobs. What can I do in order to fix this problem? ...

Why up-to-date files committed to SVN will not be immediately pulled out by Hudson to build

I sometimes found our Hudson will not pull up-to-date versions of files from SVN to build up the package. For example, current latest revision is 1201, but Hudson use 1200 to build. Do you know the reason behind the scenes? ...

Hudson build on URL token

I configured a hudson instance and have created jobs. While creating builds, I was able to see this option "Trigger the build by accessing this URL + SecretTOKEN" option. Now, I am unable to see that for any new jobs I create. Am I missing some setting or a configuration? The only change I made was running the servlet container from Root...

How do you prevent a Hudson slave from archiving artifacts?

It turns out our slaves spend a considerable amount of time moving the archived artifacts back to the master Hudson node. It at least triples the duration of the build. It would be nice if there would be a way to prevent it. However, setting the maximum number of builds to keep doesn't have an influence at all. Is there another way to pr...