
Changing Hyperlink foreground without losing hover color

I'm writing a WPF app, and I want some of my hyperlinks to be the default blue, and others to be green. No problem -- I can just set Foreground: <TextBlock><Hyperlink Foreground="#0C0">Mark as done</Hyperlink></TextBlock> The trouble is, when I do this, the hover effect goes away. In a normal Hyperlink, when I move the mouse over the ...

PHP, MYSQL and hyperlinks - linking from one page to another

I have 2 php pages. One returning the id of the last 10 records of a MYSQL query and another returning all field values for a specific record. Can anyone help me link the two so that when I click on say row 3 (id = 3) of the table in the first page it takes me to the second page using the id 3 in the MYSQL query utilised by the second pa...

PHP search for <link> tag and prepend

Hi! I'm using this code to prepend the url variabel inside the src tag for images. Now i would want an regex code that makes it possible to search for tags and add the url variabel inside the link tags href attribute. This code i have for the images, it might give u hints. function imgprepend_proxy($matches2) { $url = (substr($_GET[...

Shortcut/Link to another folder in TFS

We have a service written in one of our Team Projects. It's in "Project A". This service was modified to work not only for "Project A", but also for "Project B" which of course, is another Team Project. Now, if a dev sees it running, it will be with a name that would make them look in Team Project B... but of course, the code isn't th...

PHP MYSQL Hyperlinks and Form Fields

I want to use a hyperlink to load details into an updatable form page. I have 2 php pages. One returning the id of the last 10 records of a MYSQL query and another returning all field values for a specific record into a form, giving the end user the opportunity to update the field values. Can anyone help me link the two so that when I c...

call javascript function on hyperlink click

I am dynamically creating a hyperlink in the c# code behind file of ASP.NET. I need to call a JavaScript function on client click. how do i accomplish this? thanks in advance ...

Text wrapping in WPF hyperlink

In my WPF application I have this: <StackPanel> <TextBlock> <Hyperlink> <TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" Name="HyperlinkText" /> </Hyperlink> </TextBlock> </StackPanel> But if I set HyperlinkText.Text to a long text that wraps, the whole text is underlined only once at the bottom (see image). Is there a way to have ...

What is the difference between these two HTML anchors?

I tried to use Link Checker to find any broken links, but the second one is not included, the displayedPage.html shows 404 error, but it will not show in the Link Checker's report. What is the difference between the two <a></a>? Why wasn't the second one being checked as a link? <a href="showpage.go?page=mypage&room=yours"> <span>my own...

How to change cursor of hyperlink in richtextbox wpf?

I add hyperlinks dynamically in code to a Richtextbox, but I can't seem to set link.Cursor to any value, such as Cursors.Hand (it just ignores it). Any help? ...

Customizing InfoPath Hyperlink Addresses

I have a repeating table, and I want one of the fields to be a hyperlink. There doesn't seem to be any way to set the address of the hyperlink based on a formula, though. I want to be able to make the address equal to some base URL concatenated with one of the other fields in the table. Is there any way to do this? ...

How do I run PHP code when a user clicks on a link?

I want to have a page run some PHP code when a user clicks on a link, without redirecting them. Is this possible with <a href=""></a> or with the javascript onclick event? ...

Extracting link display text as well as href attribute with PHP 5

$oldSetting = libxml_use_internal_errors( true ); libxml_clear_errors(); I have seen many examples on the web on how to extract the URLs from HTML with PHP 5's DOM functions, but I need to get the link text as well as the link. If I use the code below to extract the link "http//X.com" from the "href" attribute in the anchor tag YYYYY, h...

C# - Open link in new TAB (WebBrowser Control)

Hi there, Does anybody know how to click on a link in the WebBrowser Control in a C# Windows Forms Application and then have that link open in a new tab inside my TabControl? I've been searching for months, seen many tutorials/articles/code samples but it seems as though nobody has ever tried this in C# before. Any advice/samples are ...

Is there a way to add "alt text" to links in PDFs in Adobe Acrobat?

In Adobe Acrobat Pro, it's not that difficult to add links to a page, but I'm wondering if there's also a way to add "alt text" (sometimes called "title text") to links as well. In HTML, this would be done as such: <a href="url" title="Text goes here">link</a> Then when the mouse is hovering over the link, the text appears as a little...

prevent popup from opening new window in Ie6

Hello. I create a popup using window.open in IE6. Created popup contains a link to other page, which i want to show in the same popup window, but after clicking on the link, the target page is displayed in another brand new popup, so i have 2 popups opened at that moment. How can i make a new page loaded in the same popup that holds a li...

Dynamic navbar using XML for www links.

Okay I'm trying to make a navbar which is dynamically created when the flash movie starts, and the number of buttons and their links are defined by XML. So far, I've got the navbar making itself correctly and taking button names and number from the XML page. What I cant seem to figure out is how to have actionscript 3.0 take the link a...

adding a link to text attribute with jquery

Probably a simple question but I need to add a link to the text as below and I am not sure how to do it callBack: function(me) { $(me).text('All done! This is my link to google!').css('color','#090'); } ...

Using a query string in an excel hyperlink to an ASP.Net Web Application

I want to pass some data between an existing excel application and an existing ASP.Net VB Webforms application. I thought a hyperlink with some query string variables would be the most straightforward means of doing this. However, it seems that the hyperlink does not retain the session of the logged in user. Testing this with the same ...

How to convert an address into a Google Maps Link (NOT MAP)

After looking (Googling) on the web for a while I can find nothing that takes a address like: 1200 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Washington, District of Columbia, 20003 and converts it into a clickable link: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&amp;source=s%5Fq&amp;hl=en&amp;q=1200+Pennsylvania+Ave+SE,+Washington,+District+of+Columbia,+20003&amp;s...

Custom Nav In CMS Not Displaying sIFR'd Links

Here's the site I'm working on: http://citylivingmag.com/test/ I wanted to do three things with sIFR: Create a horizontal navigation that used the font the magazine has branded with for nearly a decade. Have the headings read in the same font, but bolder. Use sIFR to imitate the signature used in the Publisher's letter in the print v...