
hyperlink question (anchors?)

How can I make the data (Req#Approved or Req#Reject) to be hyperlink so when I click it will drill down details below. empnum Req#Approved Req#Reject 123 2 123 3 10-q ;) ...

CSS: How to make a span link to expand?

Hello, I am trying to to make link inside a div button that when you mouseover in a div then it will detect the link because of the css property display:block;width:100%;height:100%; Using a div it works fine, but I am trying to use it as a span but the display gets misaligned. How can I make the display correct? Here's the code: ...

jquery link tag enable disable

I want to disable the link during onloading, for the code given below <span id="addlink">"<%= f.add_associated_link('Add Task', @project.tasks.build, :class=>"add") %></span> please,suggest some answers if you have i tried with the below samples but not working $("#addlink").attr("disabled", "disabled"); and $("a.add").hide(); ...

Getting mediafire directlink without using WebBrowser .NET control ?

I'm looking for the way to get the direct link from mediafire. By default, when a user visits a download link, he will be presented with a download page where he has to wait for the download to be processed and then a link will appear. I googled and found a VB.NET 2008 solution to this using WebBrowser WB http://www.vbforums.com/showth...

Asp.net MVC Firefox shows hyperlink location in parentheses, why?

http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/1331/19748435.png Looking at that image is the menu bar on my webpage. So far simple but why would firefox show the link in the parentheses while IE doesn't? I disabled all of my addons and it still does it. I looked at the source in firebug and it shows exactly what's in the HTML: <div id="menu" > ...

CSS Hyperlink for any text

Question for CSS designers. How do I add anchor behavior to any css class without "<a href.." attribute. Here is what I mean. I'm going to have this html code: <span class="my_link">LINK TO SOMETHING </span> and this text should have link behavior (visited color, active color and underlining, "pointing hand pointer"). Is it possible...

How to open asp:HyperLink.NavigationUrl in a new tab.

Hello all! Is there a way to open an asp:HyperLink.NavigationUrl in a new tab and not change location of the current? ...

How do I open links in Visual Studio in my web browser and not in Visual Studio?

If there is a URL in a source file comment, I can "CTRL + click to follow link." However, when I do this, the link opens inside Visual Studio. How can I make it open in my web browser--in my case, Google Chrome? ...

Override IE email auto formatting.

Hello, Our site makes use of a web based, rich-text editor FreeTextBox. In IE, not FF, if a user types in something like: someone@blah IE automatically creates a mailto hyperlink. I have tested this with other text editors out there and the story is the same with all of them. So the question can I override this browser behavior s...

Emulate appearance of a link with javascript

Hi, I need to open links with javascript (window.open) when the user clicks on positions in a google-maps map. How do I make the user understand that it is a link, that he can click it, and where he will end up when he has clicked it? Among other things, while the user is hovering over a map position, the URL of that position should b...

how to make a download link in PHP?

i can upload a file in the database using sql but how can i make a download link for it? like when you download something online then a message box will come up you will be asked if you would like to open it with a program or save it. how can i do that in php? can you give me the codes for it? i'm still a noob. ...

How to add links to a html formatted text? (randomly, using program)

I am using PHP. I have some articles stored in MySQL and they all have some style (like with some css or tags). Now I have to add some links to some text randomly and automatically. This means I have to add links to the text and make sure the links do not break the style. I think the most difficult part is how to add links but not to ...

Redirect Entry form in SharePoint back to itself once entry submitted?

The issue I have is that people in my group are using a link to an Entry Form to post new itmes to a SharePoint list. Everytime they click 'submit' to post new item, SharPoint redirects them to the list. I need a solution for SharePoint to direct them to the empty Entry form instead, no matter how many times they need to use it. Is there...

Activate and Deactivate the Rails code hyperlink using JQuery

How to activate and Deactivate the Rails code hyperlink using JQuery for the following code <%= f.add_associated_link "Add another email address",:class => 'add' %> please suggest me to solve this major problem ...

Linking to an iphone App

Hi All :) I have an App i am developing. Part of the functionality allows the user to send an e-mail to friends from the App. In this E-mail i would like to have a link to my App in the iTunes store. I was wondering if it is possible to do this before your app has been submitted? Or would i have to send an update as soon as the app ...

How to bind a WPF hyperlink in a richtextbox to a command?

With the MVVM pattern, how does one go about dynamically binding an ICommand to the click event of a hyperlink inside of a RichTextBox? ...

targetting a new page for a link on a pdf.

I've got a html form submitting to a pdf using cfdocument. Within that pdf, I have a link at the bottom that goes to another policy. I need that link to open up on a new page, rather than _self. I've tried using Jquery to open the window and not sure if that is even possible, but wasn't successful to say the least. So basically, I'v...

Regular Expression validating hyperlink for export to Excel

I have a web application that takes input from a user, usually in the form of a filepath, hyperlink, or fileshare, but not always. A user may enter "\my.fileshare.com", "http://www.msdn.com", or "In my file cabinent". These inputs are exported to a Excel file. However, if the input is in the form of "\look on my desk" or "http://here ...

How to access hyperlinks in PDF documents (iPhone)?

Is it possible to get access to "internal" links in PDF documents using CGPDFDocument, or other means? I'm building a simple reader app and would like to deliver my content in PDF form, but if I can't support links between pages in the doc this probably isn't going to work. This question is similar, but does not address the issue of ho...

PHP replace question

Hi. I'm using file_get_contents to get a certain files contents. So far that is working. But then i would want to search the file and replace all <a href=" with <a href="site.php?url= before showing the file. How can i do this? I know i should use some kind of str_replace or even preg_replace. But I don't know how to actually search and...