
WPF: Localizing text that contains links

I have this window where I have a block of text that contains a link. Something like: Click here to read the documentation. Which means only the "here" in the sentence is a hyperlink. My problem is, I want to prepare this for localization. As a result, I have the text in resx files. So in the resx file I have "Click here to read the d...

Open external link in a new window in ruby docs (rdoc)

Hi there, I'm stuck: I need to create an external link using Rdoc which opens in a new window. What I have and what opens up in the current window is this: ... to be found here[link:../../bla_bla_bla/index.html] ... How do I make it open in a new window? Any idea? Thanks Matt ...

Jsf component for html tag

Does it exist a way to create a <a name="bookmark"> in jsf? I would like to create a list with general bookmarks so that i can point them with links, i would like to create these links with values I take dynamically. h:outputLink doesn't have a name attribute. ...

[Struts2] using anchor instead of submit (post)

I have a question, but I couldn't find a solution for my problem in Korean web community. <s:form name="form1" method="post" action="products" theme="simple"> <s:hidden name="code" value="%{code}"/> <s:submit type="button" name="method:selectSale" value="goPage"/> </s:form> This code has no problem. But, I want to use "anchor" in...

Struts Tag> use anchor tag instead of submit

<s:form action="products" method="post" theme="simple"> <s:hidden name="code" value="%{code}"/> <s:submit type="button" method="selectSale" value="see"/> </s:form> Question> How can I change <s:submit> to <s:a> struts tag? I want to send parameters to next page(action) by post (not get) ...

using jquery, how to change an image when hovering links?

I have a list of links (a text menu), and I need to change an image in other area when each link is hovered... the images need to be showed in the same place, lets say a 100x100 area at right... any idea to achieve this? can each link have the src of the images? no idea how to do it :( ...

How to link to a tabbed section of another page?

I have a webpage and if I click a link in the page, it should be redirected to a particular tab of another url. That is, I have a link called 'Submitted' in my home page. If I click that link, it show display the 'Submitted' tab of the view page. Is this possible? $status="Submitted"; <a id="formStatus<?php echo $status;?>" class="code_...

Select a particular anchor element through location.hash

I'm trying to select a particular tab section of a web page, on clicking a link on another page. I was suggested to use the location.hash function to select that particular anchor element of the tab and add the hash property in the href attribute of the first web page. But the code doesn't work for me.I get the entire page,instead of th...

Guidelines for choosing button over a link in web forms

It seems like buttons and links are interchangeable these days. From a user-experience perspective, are there guidelines for choosing between the two? Does it even matter? As a rule of thumb, I'd say that pure navigation should always be expressed with a link and an action should be expressed with a button. But there are so many example...

How to check visited link using jquery without using any plugin

How to check visited link using jquery without using any plugin please help to solve this problem ...

Image on Side of Screen Linking

I have an image floating on the left side of the screen. Link can be seen here (www.mibsolutionsllc.com/proc_dev). How can I make that image a link? What is the terminology so I can research it on Google for answer? Any help is greatly appreciated. ...

[Struts Tag] how to change a link tag: Submit to Anchor

Question> How can I change <s:submit> to <s:a> in struts tag? I want to send parameters to next page(action) by post (not get) <s:form action="products" method="post" theme="simple"> <s:hidden name="code" value="%{code}"/> <s:submit type="button" method="selectSale" value="see"/> </s:form> ...

How to link a relative html file in the scenario where user can call the files from the browser by adding a / at the end.

(Sorry I am not able to frame question correctly.) Following is the scenario. I have 2 Html files. File1.Html has <a href="File2.html">Click Me</a> File2.Html has <a href="File1.html">Click Me</a> Now when I open the file1.html in browser by typing following in browser. http://Localhost/File1.html The file1.html with a link i...

Overriding default jQuery UI tab from link on other page

Hi all, I am using jQuery UI tabs (v1.7x) on the home page of a site I'm working on at the moment, and they are set up as follows: jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $("#mastheadhome").tabs({ selected:4, fx: {opacity: 'toggle'} }); }); It's all working great when the page loads, and the tab I want to be displayed by default is dis...

How does MS-Word open a hyperlink?

I have an MS-Word document with a hyperlink. The hyperlink points at an authentication redirector on my server. When I control-click on the hyperlink, my server logs report that it does a fetch with IE, then fetches the redirect url with IE, then launches the "default browser", which is Firefox in my case, and re-fetches the se...

Automatic opening of hyperlinks within received emails

Hi friends, I have a question, I hope someone can help me. I have to develop an application or a tool bar to do the following: Whenever I receive a email from anyone, it should open any and all hyperlinks within the email in new browser tabs automatically, without any clicking required. Is there any way I can do this? Anyone have an i...

Accessing URL executes JavaScript

Hey, I've coded an HTML page using jQuery for loading content. Now if I want to link directly to a submenu, is this possible to do with JavaScript? So for example if someone goes to www.mydomain.com/submenu1/ then some JavaScript code will execute and load the needed contents? Thanks a lot :) Is it possible to realize that with htacc...

write webpage with links to files in different directory

I am now creating a html webpage under $HOME/public_html on a Linux server. I want to make some pictures show up in the webpage. These pictures are stored under some different directories than $HOME/public_html, e.g. $HOME/dir1, $HOME/dir2... I write the full paths for these picture files in the webpage and change the permission for al...

Add control to Asp page and position in C#

Hi All, I have a varying number of links that I need to add to a webpage using C#. A little background may help so, the ultimate goal of this is to have the user select an area of a map and choose the data they would like to get from this map. After the data reports have been generated, a link pops up for each area selected that is a ...

Linking to Dynamic Content in Rails?

I have three models. User, Product, and Season. I used a standard "has many through" approach: user has_many :seasons user has_many :products, :through => :seasons product has_many :seasons product has_many :users, :through => :seasons seasons belong_to :product seasons belong_to :user On my "show" view for my users, I display the ...