
iPhone Rich Text Control.

I am about to build an iPhone screen where I need to display formatted text, a link that will kick off a browser, and an email address link that will kick off the mail client. Which widget do I use for that? ...

How does Pricegrabber find and link to all the products?

I'm building a site where vendors will link their products to our product pages (for affiliate sales) and was wondering what algorithms people use to automate/facilitate this process? Right now they would have to manually enter the link for each product they own which is quite tedious. I noticed that Pricegrabber finds any product you ...

Link previewing ala Facebook

I am curious if there are any libraries in Java (or perhaps web services that I can call) out there that previews links like it is done in Facebook. Right now what I am doing is reading the URL using a new URL([url here]) and parsing the html to get to the content I want to print. This means removing unwanted tags and all. But this is ...

Any time you should use relative links for internal pages?

So, I know some software (like KompoZer, and probably some CMSs) will use relative links when linking to pages on the same site. Whereas, say you're writing a post with your free Blogger blog and you link to an older post, you're probably going to use an absolute link (because you just navigated to the old post and copied its full URI). ...

Determine to SQL Order by ASC or DSC

I have a datalist that receives values from a MySQL database. This datalist can be sorted by various column values such 'Title', 'Author', 'Published Date', etc. To determine what value to sort by, the value is inserted into the query string. I.e. www.web.com/default.aspx?order_by=title I also determine wheter to order in ascendi...

Link checking a password protected website

I have a requirement to check that all the hyperlinks still work on a password protected, private website. What's the best way of doing this? The site is mix of HTML and ASP.NET Webforms. EDIT: Sorry - I don't think this question was clear. I need something like this: http://validator.w3.org/checklink But for a site hidden behind a...

Hyper reference links in Latex document starts from the beginning of the page

Hi, I have a latex document. I am using hyperref, makeidx and glossary packages for my document. Every thing is created fine; table of content (all references works nicely), glossary and index except that page numbers printed in the glossary and index are correct but they point to page numbers starting from the beginning of the documen...

How can I click a link using it's HTML with Watir

I have a link that looks like this: <a href="#" onclick="new Ajax.Request('/data_entry/ajax_add_term/131?contract_id=227', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true}); return false;">add a term</a> I would like to click it using contract_id=227. ...

Drupal - use l or url function for mailto links

Does anyone know how to use the l() or url() function to create mailto links? I am running drupal 6. ...

html - table row like a link.

Hello, i can't set my table row as link to something. I can use only css and html. I tried differenet things from div in row to something another, but still can't make it works. ...

How to get information form link clicks?

I am wondering how it is possible to get information from link clicks. For example, a user is logged in and clicks a link. Is it possible to record that information? Number of links clicked, which ones, etc... things like that. I have no idea how to do this. Any ideas / links to information? ...

HTML links to local network shares

Why do these links not work? If I click on them in FF or Chrome, nothing happens - it doesn't even try to open them! <a href="file://someshare/dir/subdir/file.txt">Linky</a> <a href="file:////someshare/dir/subdir/file.txt"> Linky</a> <a href="file://\\someshare\dir\subdir\file.txt">Linky</a> Any ideas? ...

iPhone: How do you control UITextView's link color when phone number/email is recognised?

I have a UITextview that has a phone number in it. I see when it detects it it turns it the standard link blue and underlines it. I just want to know how I can control that link state programmatically. ...

Creating a hyperlink in Expression blend

Hi, I'm trying to create a hyperlink colour change in Expression blend. Is this done using behaviors or is it a styling technique. I'm very new to Expression blend to don't fully understand where things are and the process. Thanks Judi ...

open html xls link into EXCEL application (not in IE browser)

Is it possible (using html / javascript) to ensure that the .xls file behind a html link opens up into EXCEL rather than within the (reduced-functionality) browser alternative? <a target='_blank' href='http://etc/etc/Myfile.xls'&gt; Mylink </a> ...

How do I change the visibility of a hyperlink when the mouse moves over it?

How can I make a link visible only when one hovers over the link? ...

How to make a URL relative to a different virtual directory on the same server

I know about the notation that uses a tilde character ~ to represent the root of a website. The links below are part of a virtual directory called "MDWelcome" and while the code below "works", how can I eliminate the "hardcoded" domain name in HyperLink3 below such that it will link to the MDS virtual directory on the "current server" (...

Page moves on link submit

Hi i was wondering if anyone new how, when on link submit the page does not move i.e <a href="#"></a> If it was 2 page leghts down it would shoot up to the top. regards ...

Hyperlinks in contextMenues (wpf, partial trust) didn't work

Hi guys, I got a problem. I have a contextmenu and it's items are hyperlinks. If I click on those nothing happened. They are OK, because if I add them to a grid they work fine. Anybody an idea how to solve this? I am in an partialTrust environment ... so Process.start is not running. ...

How to shown an Hyperlink in Inno Setup?

I'm making a validation in my Inno setup installer to check whether or not a Microsoft update is installed on the machine, if not, I'm showing a simple message box telling the user that the update is required, this is the message code: MsgBox('Your system requires an update supplied by Microsoft. Please follow this link to install it: h...