
Link checking solution.

We have over 10, 000 links to websites added by clients... Can anyone recommend an approach to monitor the status of these linkouts so I can keep track of if they are online... Would I be better of running a daily script? or is there another way to do this? I would be looking for a solution that would alert me when any of these links we...

Jquery - when a link is hovered, switch an image in a seperate DIV

Hi, I am new to Jquery and am having problems getting the following working. I have a web page with two columns. In the left column is an unordered list of links. In the right column is a div. What I want to do is have the div in the right column, change its picture when a user hovers over a link in the left column eg. User hov...

jQuery .load and links are not clickable anymore?

Hi. I'm updating some data from sidebar when I click one element on mainside. When it's updating data from external file (calling same query what is in original sidebar) those links are not clickable any. Here is clip from my custom.js $(function() { $(".removeItem").click(function() { var commentContainer = $(this).parent(); ...

Links not showing in firefox & safari

I have kind of a weird problem .. Something that isn't working on ff & safari but IS working on IE on itself is already pretty weird but I can't seem to figure out this problem.. On my site http://www.turnkring-excelsior.be there are links to social media in the top right corner (youtube, facebook and flickr), on IE they are linked, on...

How to check whethera link is up or not?

I want to create a webpage in which I am adding some intranet links. I just wanted to know how to check whther the link that i have added, at a moment is working or not. I want to mark the link in RED if its not working else it should be green. ...

automatically open hyperlink of incoming mails

i want to automatically open hyperlinks of my incoming mails without opening the mail. i want to develop an addon for a browser or a component for the outlook. is there a way i can do this. does any one have an idea. ...

Link Checker (Spider Crawler)

I am looking for a link checker to spider my website and log invalid links, the problem is that I have a Login page at the start which is required. What i want is a link checker to run through the command post login details then spider the rest of the website. Any ideas guys will be appreciated. ...

download link hidden

I'm working on a shop system and I have the following link http://cmstutorials.org/shop/downloads/2793156879 (original link is cmstutorials. org/shop/downloads.php?download=2793156879) what I'm trying to do is let the user download the item that matches with the id 2793156879 withouth showing the actual link to the file. Like they have ...

jquery: Trying to make image into hyperlink

I'm nearly where I want to be, except that I can't figure out how to turn var imgt into a hyperlinked image. I've tried some things, but it keeps returning [object][Object] $j('#hp-featured-item > div[id^="post-"]').each(function() { var id=this.id.match(/post-(\d+)/); var imgt = $j("img:eq(0)"); // I tried this but ...

Get contents of link tag with javascript?

Has anyone had luck getting the contents of a stylesheet loaded with a tag? ...

ajax check if link is on website

Hello all, I'm looking for a way to check if a link exists on a certain page. I know that this is possible with a ping, but I really don't know how to do this. What I have is a list of links to other webpages, they should have a backlink to my page also. I want to check this, when the backlink is there, a text should appear, something ...

ajax change code "check existing link form" to "outcome behind link"

Meder made me a great code for check existing urls on a other domain with ajax. The code is designed to check the code with a form. At my website I have a list of links to other websites. What I want to have the outcome behind every link instead of submitting a form everytime. This is a example of how it should look like: * computerh...

Javascript link tracking script + Safari

Hi, I'm trying to make a link tracking script. It should work like Google Analytics only it should make posts to our own server. I'm using jQuery for this. The code i have written so far is the following: jQuery(document).ready(function() { var opts; jQuery.fn.trackAllLinks = function(settings) { settings = jQuery.extend({}, jQuery....

Preg_match_all <a href

Hello i want to extract links <a href="/portal/clients/show/entityId/2121" > and i want a regex which givs me /portal/clients/show/entityId/2121 the number at last 2121 is in other links different any idea? ...

jquery trigger a link won´t work

Hello, I have the following problem Is it possible to trigger a link, because this does not seem to work. The img picture has an atribute rel that contains the id of the link. Clicking on the picture should trigger the link if possible. I think it is because I capture a jquery click event and not the native link action anyway, here ...

Automatic Hyperlink in my website

I want the urls in my website automatically hyperlink. I can only use javascript, html, and jQuerry in my website. ...

JQuery datepicker- 2 inputs/textboxes

Two input boxes: when I set the first one, I want the second one to be be one day after the date selected in the first. I am using Keith Wood's jquery plugin: http://keith-wood.name/datepickRef.html. Using altField: just keeps the same in the two fields, but I want to get 1 day after in the second input field. ...

C# RichTextBox control, making non-URLs hyperlinks?

In a richtextbox I see there's DetectURLs and an event to go along with that... Is there a way to set up a word or series of words to act as a hyperlink even though they are not a hyperlink? My specific use is that I'm writing a ticker program that will scroll information across the bottom of the screen, I would like for some informatio...

Strange margin-behaviour with Sifr spans in link (screens)

I'm making a menu and it's supposed to look like picture nr 1 on this link. However, at this moment, it looks like picture nr 2. There's no logic in this behaviour, since all three elements have the same css-attributes. Moreover, let's change the word "Reiki" to "Psychotherapie" and see what happens... (picture nr 3) For some reason t...

jquery - Wrap isn't working?

I'm trying to turn "more" into a hyperlink, but it's like it totally ignores the last wrap... I'm sure that I'm doing it wrong, but not sure how... Help? $j('#sub > div[id^="post-"]').each(function() { var sid=this.id.match(/^post-([0-9]+)$/); var sfimg = $j(this).find("img"); var sfhh = $j(this)...