
c#, ASP, HyperLink

Hello, I create a list with upload files (just .txt files), blListDocs.Items.Clear(); string pn = Server.MapPath("../Uploads/Data"); string pathToWebAppRoot = Request.ApplicationPath; string pathToFolder = "/Uploads/Data/"; string urlPath = pathToWebAppRoot + pathToFolder; ...

Drupal no www. linking

how can I disable automatically converting WWW.SOMETHING into a link in Drupal? I just want to display URL , don't create a like. This must be done per page, as some of the pages need to have it works as links. so is there a special TAG or something to tell DRUPAL not to convert it to linkable text? ...

Open the url in the current active browser

How can I open an url in the current active browser which is been provided as a part of the mail Example- I receive an email in my outlook.I am browsing also.If I click on the url provided in the email it must open in the current browser window which is open ...

sIFR links are not visible

Hi, I'm trying to get a link in a truetype fornt with sIFR3. It's working fine for all ordinary <h1> and <h2> items, but not for links within a <h2>. sIFR is replacing the <a> correctly, but the result is invisible. When I click the area where the text should be, it follows the link. Even with a pointer cursor. But where's my text? Re...

UIWebView not responsive

Hi, I'm having trouble intercepting URL clicks within a UIWebView. I've read around and found the most common problem is that links have a target="_blank" attribute to open in a new window, but mine have no such attribute. URLs are of the form "/word", where word is some arbitrary word. I'm also encoding them with %20 when necessary. My...

Detect and Activate Hyperlink in ASP.Net

I have a ASP.Net page for user to post their comments. Now I want that once user posts comments if any hypelink is found in the posted text then how can we make the hyperlink clickable. Right now we are displaying the text and hyperlikn is not clickable ...

JQuery and links - strange situation

Hello, I have this: <div id="inner"> some text <a href="#contacts">link1</a> </div> <a href="http://anotherlink.com"&gt;link2&lt;/a&gt; And JQuery code: $('#inner a').click(function(){ console.log( 'achtung' ); }); But when I click at link1, click-handler doesn't call. And in another situation: $('a').click(function(){ co...

Add hyperlinks to datatable

I would like to add hyperlinks dynamically to the cell of a specific column in my datatable. Currently my code is only showing the text. Here is my code: SqlConnection conn = null; string sSQL = ""; string connString = "Datasourceetc"; sSQL = "SELECT TEST_ID FROM TEST_TABLE"; SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(sSQL, conn); Data...

Responding to HTML hyperlink clicks in a C# application.

Question: How can I detect and handle clicks on hyperlinks in a Windows.Forms.WebBrowser control in C#? Background: My C# application does not carry a centralised help file. Instead, all the pieces that make up the app are allowed to display their own little help topic. This was done because the application is merely a framework, and ...

Creating a download link for .jpg file using PHP

This one should be easy, I think. I have a paginated image gallery, and under each image is a small link that says "Download Comp". This should allow people to quickly download the .jpg file (with a PHP generated watermark) to their computer. Now, I know I can just link straight to the .jpg file, but that requires the user to have the i...

Problem lInking to PDF files in a Flash projector on the Mac

I'm a designer, not a developer, so please forgive any obvious oversights on my part! I am building a CD with a Flash interface that launches on loading. Inside it is linking to several PDFs. It linked correctly on my local machine, a mac, and in a test environment. However, once burning the projector files to the CD it does not link co...

How to extend the sensible area around active area (hyperlinks) in Firefox ?

At which level in Firefox the active zone around active areas (text and image hyperlinks) is defined ? I would like to experiment ways to extend them to ease the use of touchscreens for the web... ...

How can I insert new text with a hyperlink into a page in CSS?

Say I have the following code: ... <div id="originalContent">Foo</div> ... How can I use CSS to insert "Bar" after "Foo" and make "Bar" a hyperlink, like this: ...Foo Bar... I know that this would write "Foo Bar": #originalContent:after { content: " Bar"; } but I can't figure out how to make "Bar" a hyperlink. Any ideas? ...

Link css different color scheme problem

Hello all, I have a really basic question, but I can't get it to work. This is a basic navigation menu: <!-- Begin menu --> <div align="center"> <span class="nav"> <a href="index.html" title="Graphic Boulevard - Home pagina">Home</a> | <a href="autobelettering.html" title="Graphic Boulevard - Autobelettering">Autobelettering...

Link to page coordinates

Is there a way to link to another page's content using coordinates, without using #anchors? For example, say I want the link to go directly to content that's 1200px down the page. How can I do this? Javascript, server-side magic, anything goes as long as it will work for the average visitor. ...

How to make links clickable in a QTextEdit?

Is there a way to make links clickable in a QTextEdit? I know I can use a QTextBrowser and connect to anchorClicked but I'd rather keep the editing and viewing all in one widget, and have clickable links when I set the widget to read-only mode. Is this possible or am I stuck with having two separate widgets in a stack and switching be...

Extract hyperlinks from .doc

Hi guys, Is there any way to extract hyperlinks from .doc. I got bunch of hyperlinks in doc that I need to import in my database. I have tried converting doc to HTML, but hyperlinks are not transferred. Regardz, Mladen ...

Why would I put ?src= in a link?

I feel dumb for not knowing this, but I see a lot of links in web pages and instead of this: <a href="http://foo.com/"&gt; ...they use this: <a href="http://foo.com/?src=bar.com"&gt; Now I understand that the ?src= is telling something that this referral is coming from bar.com, but I don't understand why this needs to be called out...

PHP: STR replace by link

Hello, i have this PHP chatbox. If i would type a link in the chatbox, it would not display it as a link. How can i use STR replace to do this? It should respond to stuff like 'http' 'http://' '.com' '.nl' 'www' 'www.' .... My other STR replace lines look like these: $bericht = str_replace ("STRING1","STRINGREPLACEMENT1",$bericht);...

About Isolated Page In My Web Site.

I Produced a page which I have no intention to let Search Engines find and claw it. The advisable solution is robot.txt. But it is not applicable in my situation. So I isolated this page from my site by clearing all links from other pages to this page, and never put its URL in external sites. Logically, then, it is impossible for sea...