
How to change HyperLink NavigteURL on Click

As you all know, HyperLink have a navigateURL property and whenever you click on a hyperlink you'll redirect to link destination, it is ok. So LinkButton in visual cases are same as Hyperlink but it have not a navigateURL property and instead you can redirect user by using Response.Redirect on OnClick event of LinkButton, the differet ...

Invoke modal view controller from UIWebView weblink

Hey folks I was wondering if anyone can tip me on a painless way of invoking a modal view controller from a web link in a UIWebView. Is it possible to do this? I want the modal view controller to still be a part of the app as opposed to closing the main app and using a helper application instead. Any help would be greatly appreciated...

Add a class to an hyperlink with markdown

This is the original link <a href="http://link.com" class="noborder">my link</a>. How do I translate it to Markdown? I don't know how to put the class in. [mylink](http://link.com) ...

Detect a press on a link and invoke an event?

Hi guys, I need to invoke an event (for example - display alert) if a user presses on a link (not clicks) - and I don't want it to redirect him to another page. In other words - when a user clicks a link - everything is as usual but when the user presses the link, just the event happens (the alert is displayed) and the user will stay in...

Link with Name Attibute in Rails

I was wondering about how i can do this in rails because i want something like <a href="requests/13#new">Comment!<a> anyone knows it? greetings ...

Make javascript run on external link click?

Ok, lets say I have page.php. If i'm currently viewing page.php and I click this link: <a href="#?call=friend.request&amp;user_id=10&amp;width=420&amp;height=250">Link</a> The javascript box will pop up. Success! However, if I'm on a different page, and I link to <a href="http://domain.com/page.php#?call=friend.request&amp;amp;user...

Set value of hyperlink with WPF by code

Hi all, I'm using WPF and an Hyperlink control with <TextBlock Margin="98,190,116,133.418" FontSize="14"> <Hyperlink Name="hyperlink" RequestNavigate="Hyperlink_RequestNavigate"> Click here </Hyperlink> </TextBlock> this is working, but I would like to set the "click here" value by code, but I'm u...

Why does Internet explorer encode link urls on the fly, and how to stop that behavior?

Hi, I have a really annoying problem with IE (all versions from what I can tell). Every link produced from the server side (may it be a string with an a-tag, hyperlink etc.) gets encoded on IE. Eg. http://www.some-domain.com/my document.pdf gets a correct encoding to: http://www.some-domain.com/my%20document.pdf However if I decide to d...

Link to open a download dialog box

When I create a link to an image I'd like for a download dialog box to open when clicking it instead of the user going to a page containing the image. Is this possible? Thanks. ...

How to link to an Embed object in html ?

I have an Embed object that shows a video stream, how to setup a html link to it, so when user clicks on the link, it will open another window to show the video ? <embed id="player" src="http://media2.wtnh.com/_local/livestreams/FMLPlayer.swf" align="center" width="588" height="351" wmode="opaque" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="live=...

Write Hyperlink Formula to Excel with XMLWriter

Is there a way to write a hyperlink formula to an excel file using XMLWriter? In other words, I am trying to create an Excel file using XMLWriter and it works well except that my URL is merely a string and I want it to be a hyperlink. I tried writing =HYPERLINK(A1), for example, where A1 is the url string (thinking I could just hide th...

is there anyway to dynamically create an image with embedded hyperlinks

i am created images on the fly in my controller (bitmaps, pngs, gif) and sending them down to the view. Is there anyway to embed hyperlinks into an image ? ...

javascript: finding the absolute size of an anchored link

Hi guys I need to calculate the position, height and width of every anchored link in my page. I know how to find the x,y coords, but I have a problem with the height and width. The problem appears when the link has children inside (images, divs etc), so heightOffset and widthOffset won't work. Is there a way to do this without going on ...

Install prerequisite (Adobe Reader) from the web using InstallShield 2009

Currently my InstallShield project uses a custom prerequiste to install Adobe Reader on the target machine if it is not already installed. The prerequisite executable (Adobe Reader SetUp) is installed locally and so it is packaged into the SetUp.exe by InstallShield. Everything works as desired with the Adobe Reader setup completed pri...

Program to scan ASP.NET projects or IIS 6 site and show bad links?

I've looked around and haven't had much luck locating a program that will search a site for bad / broken links. We have IIS 6 so I can't use Microsoft's IIS 7 SEO offering which supposedly will do that. We use forms auth so I need something that will allow me to store the user/pass stuff needed to navigate past the login page. Many of...

jquery click doesn't work on hyperlink

I have a simple link click simulation that I want to do using jquery. From what I've read, this should work, but the below code doesn't seem to work. Nothing happens if I do the same thing as a part of some other event or something either. Thoughts? <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#lnk_0").click(); }); </scrip...

hyperlinks in Flash file open 2 ff/ie windows instead of 1

in a .swf file - we have hyperlinks that for some people (myself included) the hyperlink opens up 2 IE/FF windows when you only click on it once. however some other people only have 1 IE/FF window open.. any suggestions on how to get it to only open up 1 window would be greatly appreciated! ...

Text editor and text-file-based hyperlinks

Background: It seems that some text editors and IDEs are starting to get more "browser-like" in their features. Specifically, one such feature is the ability to treat ordinary text in an open text buffer as a hyperlink to another file, resource, or even a runnable command. Programming this as an editor plugin or macro Since this seems...

Is there a character limitation for hyperlinks in Outlook?

We have a web application that allows users to send out customized emails to company employees and all recipients use Outlook 2007 as their email client. In rare occasions, it is possible that an email is sent with a hyperlink that has an apparently excessive number of characters. In these instances, there are no problems except the li...

Linking to location on page (#id) through ASP.NET MVC mechanisms?

My example: I have a View that presents a set of div tags that has content populated from the datamodel. [Multiple of these, with different location_id, naturally] <div> <a name="location_id"></a> Content </div> Now, I have a form [in its own view] that submits content that adds another record to the datamodel. Once the reco...