
How do I make a link that goes no where

Is it possible to make a link that does nothing. I want the item to be a link so I get the cursor to change on mouseover, but I don't want the link to actually go anywhere as it actually triggers the showing of a div with extra functionality on the same page. ...

WPF Datagrid Hyperlink Right Click

Hi, I have a datagrid which has one hyperlink column with the following code: <dg:DataGrid Style="{StaticResource DataGridStyle}" x:Name="movieGrid" ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=This, Path=movieData}"> <dg:DataGrid.ContextMenu> <ContextMenu Name="cm"> <MenuItem Header="Copy" Click="CopyC...

Adding Hyperlinks in a richtextbox that activate a method instead of a webpage

Specifically, im looking for a way to add links to all the words in my (rich)textbox that start with #. so, if my richTextBox1.Text property equaled "This is an #example of what i want" i would want "#example" to be highlighted. and if its clicked, id want to add a context menu for right click, and just on left click id want it to trigge...

Slow hyperlinks in wpf??

I have an app that is similar to a chat application. It also creates hyperlinks in many situations, which are added to the inlines of a TextBlock. The problem is, once I reach a few dozen hyperlinks, the mouseovers become horribly slow! It takes several seconds to change colour, and CPU usage shoots to 100%. I tested this out with a v...

PowerShell: Links to interesting sites or blog posts

In this question Alan posted links to interesting pages about PowerShell. I found also some interesting pages: http://channel9.msdn.com/wiki/windowspowershellquickstart/ (cheatsheet) http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb978525.aspx (core reference) http://devcentral.f5.com/weblogs/Joe/archive/2009/01/05/powershell-abcs---k-is-f...

List folders and subfolders from a directory in Excel with hyperlinks?

Hi, I am looking for a vb script that would list the folders and subfolders from a directory, and output it to excel so that i could open the folders via hyperlinks. I am trying to create a sort of directory index that collates about 100 parent folders from 2 directories located on 2 different servers. Some parent folders have up to ...

IE8 - navigation links not working.

Hey all - I've been googling this as much as possible, but nothing I do seems to help. I've been working on a website (www.philipdukes.co.uk), and although the nav seems to work fine in FF, Safari, chrome, even IE6 (miraculously), on my system here it fails miserably in IE8: the navigation links don't work. I hover on them, get the rol...

Struts2 back button and linking

Hello! I am using Struts 2.1.6 with Dojo plugin, whole app has ajax links (sx:a). Did anybody succeed to implement back button functionality and linking to certain content? Does anybody have any experience how to implement? I am planning to implement (if there is no good solution already) something like so: changing address bar li...

Adding Link Column to ASP.NET GridView

I want to output a list of news headlines that are clickable. So far I can get it to print out a list of headlines because I dragged and dropped the NewsHeadline table in designer view in VS 2010. How do you think I should the make the list elements clickable? I looked for a URL attribute but I did not see it. Do I need to wrap in a ...

anchor linking to a certain position of the page

I have an anchor link which links to another page. When it is clicked, by default it goes to the top of the next page. I want it brought to a certain position of the page. How do I do this (either with a jQuery slide effect or normal html)? For instance, when .sample a is clicked I want it to bring you to a certain position of the linki...

I'm trying to make bookmarks in Filezilla be availble on the desktop

So far it only looks like the bookmarks you make become available inside Filezilla[1] but I want to make them show up on the desktop like shortcut links. Maybe a shell script would work? I am trying to find (arguments/parameters/options) what I can pass into filezilla via a command line but no luck so far here/google/etc. I'm checking o...

Facebook Site Linking Support

When someone posts a link to a web site in Facebook, it populates the link preview box with a photo and some text from the site. If someone posts a link to my site in Facebook, it is generally just get the site's domain name and one of the images that appears on the site. No text appears. I would like to be able to control what text a...

favicon dissapears

Hello, Does anyone know why the favicon dissapears Background: I have my site made according to mvc So, I will have a frontcontroller and a main layout All the other views will be loaded in the $content variable from the main layout. The main layout holds the tags withe the link rel "shortcut favicon". The favicon dissapears when I...

How to use grail authentication plugin action from link?

I am using the authentication plugin in grails. The logout button code is something like this:- However this creates a submit button on the page. I want to have a link () instead. Does anyone know a way of doing this? I thought createLink might work, but not sure... ...

After clicking on google CSE result link, it will open to other website. How to keep the other website opened in same iframe (my website)?

i want to keep my website user surfing other website in my website. CSE will open result link in top frame and leaving my site. so, i want to keep it in parent frame.for an example, i want myspace.com in my website in iframe. For temporary, i make the result open in new window. TQ ...

Does a website link (href) validation service exist?

I am looking for a web service kind of like Google Analytics. Paste some javascript into your web page and if any of the links there become invalid, hey presto, an email is sent to someone telling them which link, which page etc etc has the incorrect link. Anyone heard of such a service? ...

Can an image map be linked to open the browse file controller?

I want the user to be able to click on an image on tab 1 of my app that will open up the file browser to enable a photo to be uploaded. is this possible?? ...

regular expression to parse links from html code

Possible Duplicate: Regex to get the link in href. [asp.net] I'm working on a method that accepts a string (html code) and returns an array that contains all the links contained with in. I've seen a few options for things like html ability pack but It seems a little more complicated than this project calls for I'm also interes...

CakePHP: image inside link, want to make link point to image location

I have some images inside links that I want to essentially look like this: <a href="/path/to/img.png"><img src="/path/to/img.png" /></a> Clicking on the link should load the image it contains. I'm trying to use CakePHP's HTML helper to do this, as follows: <?php echo $html->link( $html->image('img.png'), 'img.png', arra...

Best practice to create absolute URLs with Zend framework?

Is there a best practice for creating absolute URLs using the Zend framework? I wonder if there is some helper or if this would just be concatenating the scheme, host, etc. from the $_SERVER variable and then add the relative path generated by Zend. ...