
What is "mt=8" in iTunes links for the appstore?

Anyone know the significance of the mt parameter? It seems that any value will work, like mt=0, mt=999 etc... Sample link: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=337319445&mt=8 ...

Call href from JavaScript

This is the same question as THIS ONE, I can't answer that anymore, so I'm re-posting it with my account. Sorry for the mess. I need a Greasemonkey script that on a page load activates a href link like 'javascript:FUNCTION'. I've seen this code: <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> function somescript() { ...

How to prevent a iframed page from opening in a new window

Hi, I have a site iframed in and it has a bunch of links in the menu. The way their site is built they have all the links in the menu set to open the pages in a new window. Is there any way to override this and have it open in the iframe? Thanks, Matt ...

Using XSLT as xhtml link extractor.

I'm starting using XSLT and write this scipt: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"&gt; <xsl:output method="text" encoding="utf-8" /> <xsl:template match="span[@class='thumb']" > Link: <xsl:value-of select="$base" /><xsl:value-of select="a/@href" /> </...

Generate a ActionLink that takes you to an html element with a particular ID

My original question was a bit confusing, so let me edit this post to be more clear: How can I generate an ActionLink that not only uses the Routing engine, but also takes you to an html element with particular ID on a page? I want to generate something like this: <a href="/ControllerName/ActionName/#section2>Link</a> or sometimes t...

Bug in Mobile Safari regarding HTML LINK

My native iPhone app displays HTML files using UIWebView. These HTML files are stored locally on the iPhone (they ship with the app). Now I'm also trying to use a central CSS file in the HTML files, using something like: <link href="../../stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> In Safari, this works, the HTML files look OK. I...

How do I extract links in JavaScript that point to HTML pages in Perl?

I want to extract all the links from a page. I am using HTML:LinkExtor. How do I extract all the links that point to HTML content pages only? I also cannot extract these kinds of links: javascript:openpopup('http://www.admissions.college.harvard.edu/financial_aid/index.html'), EDIT: HTML Pages - text/html. I am not indexing pictures ...

How can I make the div tag link back to the home page?

http://www.winteradagency.com/Arvin/advantages/advantages.htm I need the logo in the top left corner to link back to the home page for this site. I can't figure out how to make a tag have an anchor tag in it. thanks! ...

UIView that takes you to anchor link

I'm developing an iPhone app where I have my HTML content loaded in a UIWebview as a HTMLString and would like to have a UIView that tells the UIWebview to scroll to an anchor link. Can I scroll to the anchor link from the already loaded HTML content or I would have to reload the page with the anchor link in the URL? thanks, fbr ...

Hyperlink display problem for different browsers (Firefox vs Internet Explorer)

Here is how I give a url to my asp.net hyperlink in c# reportHyperLink.NavigateUrl = "\temporary_reports\" + "department_report" + "_" + numberOfTicks + ".xls"; This is how it is displayed in internet explorer. http://myportal/temporary%5Freports/department%5Freport%5F20091126%5F11%5F25%5F56%5F914.xls This is how it is displayed in ...

javascript - know if a link has already been opened.

Hi, I'd like to know if there is a way to know if a link has already been opened. In firefox, the color of a link changes once you clicked it, so I guess it's possible. Edit : This is for a firefox extension, so I can't change the HTML or CSS file. Thanks :) ...

Is the concept of a link inseparable from its html markup?

I'm looking for a strategy for managing links within articles. The body of the article is saved in a database and pulled during page assembly. What all should be saved in the database to easily define and manage links? Some purists believe that markup should NEVER be stored in the database. Some believe its ok in moderation. But to m...

Unwanted padding on link images in IE only

Hi, I hope someone can help. Within my container DIV I have 3 images which I require to sit side by side in one row. This is indeed the case in every other browser except, annoyingly, as usual, in IE6, IE7 and IE8 (groan). Each of the images is wrapped in an tag as follows:- <div id="images"> <a href="images/image01.jpg" rel="milkb...

ASP.NET: Enumerating header elements from codebehind

On Page_Load() in the codebehind, I'd like to enumerate all the <link> tags. The purpose being I want want to add a <link> to a CSS file if it isn't specified in the Page's markup. How can I do this? I'm thinking I should be able to use LINQ on the collection of elements in the header, no? Here's my pseudocode: var pageAlreadyContain...

Webtrends Issue - Adding data to links

At my company, we are using webtrends. The stats guy is telling me that we need to append &WT.svl=UniqueDescOfLink to every single link on our site. I don't know much about webtrends, bit I am sure someone here does. How would you avoid concatenating every single link on a website with this webtrends tagging data? Rewrite all of the ...

hyperlink in new window c#

I have a variable with hyper links (www.wow.com) like this. I have to pass this value to <a href=""> here in this href tag. My real task is to open this hyper links which will change time by time in my variable, in new tabs. For that I have used javascript in my asp.net web application with c#. I have used window.location function in js...

hyperlink open is seperate windows

i have used a js code to open a hyper link in a new window. function openNewWindow() { alert("hello"); var theurl="http://www.google.com"; popupWin = window.open(theurl, 'open_window', 'menubar, toolbar, location, directories, status, scrollbars, ...

Creating clickable links in runtime of c# aspx webform

I'm creating asp links using response.write in c#, the same HyperLink code works smoothly when inserted directly in the asp code, but when i copy/paste it to the response.write("...") it appears as an unclickable black text. Am i forgetting something? <asp:HyperLink ID='HyperLink1' runat='server' NavigateUrl='Exibe.aspx'> CLICK HERE </...

Concatenating a string in a querrystring of a <a> link in c# created through asp.net

I can already send something in the querrystring: <a href='Exibe.aspx?var='lalala''> but i'd like to send a string instead of lalala, and when i try to concatenate normally in the response.write with "+" signs, it just doesn't. it creates the url only with the part before the "+". facts: the string has a value i can concatenate it wi...

detect link in 2nd level li and add a span, plus add class to parent li on hover

I'm working on a two level unordered list menu, and so far was able to take some decent newbie steps in figuring out how to show and hide the menu using jQuery, as well as animate it a tad. I have two issues to resolve: I want to have the parent li remain in hover state when it is hovered while the mouse is hovering over its child ul ...