
How does a browser know what to do with a link for downloading not redirecting?

Hi, I was wondering how a browser decides what to do when you provide a link that is actually meant for downloading not redirecting to another page. How does the browser know for example not to redirect you to a page called http://domain/Music.mp3 rather that just throw the option to download the said file instead? Does the browser look...

Website Link Injection

I have a website that is fairly static. It has some forms on it to send in contact information, mailing list submissions, etc. Perhaps hours/days after an upload to the site I found that the main index page had new code in it that I had not placed there that contained a hidden bunch of links in a invisible div. I have the following code...

jQuery prepend to all hyperlink elements that link to PDF files.

I would like to prepend "Download a PDF of " to any hyperlinks, linking to PDF files. Currently I'm able to prepend that exact text, but it prepends it to the hyperlink text. I would like it to reside outside of the hyperlink element, like so: Download a PDF of [hyperlink with text] This is the code I'm using now: jQuery('a[href$=.pdf]...

Is there a method to programatically add a website shortcut to the iphone?

I am looking to add a button to my website which easily allows people to turn the site into a shortcut on their phone. I'm looking to automate the actions shown here: http://www.simpleleapsoftware.com/blog/how-to-create-shortcuts-iphone-ipod-touch-115 for my users, specifically for my website. I'm open to any alternative ideas of makin...

How to add hyperlink to a cell to link to an object or shape(eg:TextBox) in excel2003?

Hi, I have an excel sheet with TextBoxes and some text in it.(There are around 60 text boxes) My requirement is that i need to assign an hyperlink to a cell which links to a particular TextBox specified in the hyperlink, but i am unable to give link to a TextBox , it is only allowing me to give link to a cell reference but not to a Text...

To open different links using window.open()

I have a dataTable in which one of the columns contains URLs. On click of those links I have to open respective link in a new page. I am using window.open() to open those links. It's opening a new window but not displaying the page. The javascript code I am using is: function openDisclaimer(objectId) { var disclaimerID = objectId.id; va...

Does anyone has a working smart tag solution for autolinking bug numbers from emails?

I'm looking for a solution that will auto add hyper-links to Outlooks emails (including incoming) when the email does contain a text like "bug # 1234" or similar. There are some information on this MSDN article but I wasn't able to find any working solution so far. ...

jquery tools - tabs mouseover - adding a link

I love this tool to show text when moving the mouse over the pix: http://flowplayer.org/tools/demos/tabs/mouseover.htm Now I'm trying to open a link, when one of the pix is clicked by the mouse. I tried this way: original: <'img src="http://static.flowplayer.org/img/commerce/commercial.png" alt="Commercial version" />' adding link: <...

What effect does prefixing a title attribute with "blocked::" have on a link?

I have noticed that some websites prefix the titles of their links with blocked::. For example: <a href="http://www.a-url.com" title="blocked::http://www.a-url.com"&gt;www.a-url.com&lt;/a&gt; I have questions about how this affects browsers and search engines: Is this meant to have some effect on the browser? If so, what is the int...

How to combine URLs when the iframe inside of a mainframe changes

How can I create a URL that will take a user to a specific iframe inside of a mainframe when not originally in the mainframe site? For example, if I have 3 iframes of images on my site and I want to share one of the images with another user, is there a way I can create a URL so that the person I share the URL will go to the specific ifr...

flash movie won't load? linking issue?

artoferichu.com/figures/ doesn't load. artoferichu.com/figures loads. the flash movie won't load in the first link and loads in the second link. any idea what is going on?? i'm using .htaccess to redirect figures to figures.php oh btw, my .htacces looks like this: RewriteRule ^figures/?$ figures.php ...

OpenID. How create special link

I'm trying to make OpenID authentication on the site, but I do not form, and links. Example: there But a question .. how do I make such links for services such as google, yahoo, aol, twitter, facebook and others? Understand?) Sorry for bad english.. ...

Disabled Link color in Link Label

Setting the "Disabled LinkColor" property of a Link Label does not change the color of the Link area in the Link Label when it is disabled. Any ideas? ...

hyperlink in asp.net that takes the value to the next page

im using asp.net with vb.net in backcode. On my first page, i diplay names of all employees. I want to give that a hyperlink, that when clicked upon shall open the next page with say a querystring and opn only that employees records. Also I want the save the employeeid (which is not shown on page 1) on the second page, cause when i do up...

Why asp:HyperLink.NagigateUrl in user control, placed in sub-folder, contains this sub-folder?

~/Folder1/UserControl1.ascx: <%@ Control Language="C#" CodeBehind="WebUserControl1.ascx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication1.WebUserControl1" %> <asp:HyperLink runat="server" NavigateUrl="?foo=bar">HyperLink1</asp:HyperLink> ~/UserControl2.ascx: <%@ Control Language="C#"CodeBehind="WebUserControl2.ascx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication1.WebUserC...

Anyone know of an ASP.NET equivalent to the Rails auto_link helper?

A fast function for scanning text for urls and turning them into html hyperlinks would be very nice... I'd write one but I feel like the odds of someone already having written one are high... Thanks! Tom ...

querystring to a hyperlink in vb.net or maybe another solution

I am new to vb.net. Let me explain the two aspx pages that i have. First one is a table with results populated from the sql server backend. The first holds the "FirstName". I want this to have a hyperlink, so when i click on this, it should goto the second aspx page and show all the data in sql server for that "Firstname". the data is i...

Post to entire document like a form using jquery?

Hi to all, i wan't to pass a variable without using get to php, so, i'm using post with jquery, but i can't write the result into the document (refresh all the page) here is the code: $.post("/"+$(this).attr("href"),{returnto:$(this).attr("rel")},function(a){$(document).html(a);});return false;}); ...

Javascript onclick in script

Ok im new to javascript, but I want to call an onclick function without adding onclick="function()" to the anchor tag. Here is the script I have, but I cant get it to work: <script type="text/javascript"> function clicka() { alert("hi"); } document.getElementById('click').onclick = clicka; </script> <a href="#" id="click">click</a> ...

JQuery UI Datepicker: Making a link trigger datepicker

Hi Guys, I am using JQuery's UI datepicker: http://jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/ implemented here: http://www.clients.eirestudio.net/dermot/ I want to use a link as the trigger but I can't get it to work. Here is my code: // JQuery UI $("#datepicker").datepicker({ changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, maxDate: '...