
How can I fix CodeIgniter from tinkering with my internal links to pictures?

I am using the CodeIgniter framework to work on my latest website. In my views, I am trying to load graphics from another folder, external of the CodeIgniter installation. However, CodeIgniter is rewriting the links when I use absolute links to the resources. Is there a way I can configure it to allow absolute links, rather than re-wri...

Check for valid link (URL)

I was reading though this other question which has some really good regex's for the job but as far as I can see non of them work with BASH commands as BASH commands don't support such complex rexeg's. if echo "http://www.google.com/test/link.php" | grep -q '(https?|ftp|file)://[-A-Z0-9\+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9\+&@#/%=~_|]'; then ...

How do I convert text to hyperlink in a WPF RichTextBox FlowDocument?

Hi. I'm trying to turn some text to Hyperlink while a user is typing in WPF RichTextBox. My first attempt at it involves running this code at each KeyUp: Regex r = new Regex("[A-Z]{3}"); FlowDocument doc = this.inputBox.Document; String text = new TextRange(doc.ContentStart, doc.ContentEnd).Text; foreach (Match m in r.Mat...

Ajax and Preventing Double "submit"

I am dealing with a legacy application where they use [a] tags for many Ajax form "submits". If we were using [input] buttons we could just set the disable attribute of the [input] tag. But on hyperlinks disable is not part of the spec and is not consistent cross-browser. We are looking for a simple solution for blocking the extra click...

javascript onclick based links ?

I have seen many websites includes apple and most of asp.net sites uses <a onclick='s_objectID="http://www.apple.com/mac/_2";return this.s_oc?this.s_oc(e):true'></a> kind of links. i.e. no href on a tag. and link embedded to onclick event. what are the reasons for that ? analytics ? How does it affect on seo ? ...

PHP: how to create a link inside a body of a text email?

Hi, I have a .php that contents the body of a text email. In that body I want to create a link that when the user receives the email can be clicked. How to create that link? Regards Javi ...

how to access hyperlinks in PDF in iphone? create prob others

This question already asked by some people several time. Once again I am asking this question means in iphone any one can't able to implement this feature. 1. If any one can able to implement this pls share your approach with sample code view otherwise write "I cant able to implement this feature in iphone". If any blog have you enter...

jQuery tabs. Open certain tab from a certain position. Possible?

I am using jQuery tabs on my site and have an article on one of the tabs and comments on the other. Would it be possible to link from the article tab to the comments tab and open it from a certain position defined with an "a name" attribute? ...

Hyperlink in Andorid

Hello... I have a question: How can I place a hyperlink WITHIN a text-block of normal text? I have some text and in the text I mention a URL and I want this URL to be in a different color, underlined and click-able. I know hyperlinks in android can be placed with "Linkify".. and i have referred android docs page Consider the same ab...

Issues with Filemaker IWP working with hyperlinks on images

I have a filemaker database that I need to be able to link records and all associated data (including container field data) to various points placed on a large PDF image, and then make that data appear via instant web publishing when someone clicks on the marker for that area on the PDF. For example the PDF may be an image of a car, and...

[iPhone] how to link to iBook?

Hey guys I am making an app for an author (patrick rothfuss) and i would like to be able to link to his book in the itunes store by clicking a ui button. while I think i can set up the button and everything myself, I can't seem to find out what the link is. anyone have any idea how to do this? Thanks ...

Hyperlink Navigationuri with parameter wpf

Hi All, I want to set navigateURI to the dynamically created hyperlink. I am using the following code but it is not navigation to the page if i pass parameter. showing the following error. Code: Hyperlink hlProduct = new Hyperlink(new InlineUIContainer(img)); hlProduct.NavigateUri = new Uri("Player.xaml?id=109", UriKind.Relative...

When dropping a text snippet how can i keep the links to remain functional ?

I am dropping a text snippet (from IE) from a web page, that might contain links too. string _rtf = (string) data.GetData("Rich Text Format"); RichTextBox box = new RichTextBox(); box.DetectUrls = true; box.SelectedRtf =_rtf; box.SelectAll(); _rtf = box.SelectedRtf; The problem is, when i save the content of the rich text box, the link...

How can I let the user download the HTML-file?

I would like to create an Invoice in HTML instead of a PDF-file. And I would like to let the user easyli download the HTML-file via a link. How can I do this? If I simply link to the HTML file, it is only "temporarily downloaded" and view in the users web browser. I would like the same effect as when the user download a .zip-file or sim...

Set querystring parameter in Hyperlink from selected.item.text in dropdownlist

I have a HyperLink control in a ListView, and I need to pass a couple of querystring parameters. <asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink" runat="server" NavigateUrl='<%# string.Format("Page.aspx?Param1={0}", Server.UrlEncode(Container.DataItem.ToString())) %>' Text='<%# Container.DataItem %>' /> The first parameter is based on the current Da...

How can i create a link to specific gallery or album in nextgen wordpress ?

I need to create manual links for my albums and galleries in wordpress which i am using nextgen gallery plugin is there anyway to use nextgen codes inside my template ? ...

Maintaining state across site in C# ASP.NET

Hi, I have a website that returns search results from Twitter, written in C# ASP.NET. The search works very well. When the user sees the results I want them to also have a 'Next Page' type hyperlink that will perform the search from the last previous result onwards (using Twitter's next_page data). How can I preserve properties so th...

Displaying a links absolute location...

Is there any way I can display a links location absolutely when I only reference it relatively. I.e. A file is relatively referenced like... <a href='../../files/uploaded_file.jpg'>Your Uploaded File</a> But I would also like to display some text saying... You can link to your file via www.example.com/files/uploaded_file.jpg The c...

Problems using webbrowser control with ie7 and anchors

I'm seeing some very strange behavior when using a c# webbrowser control and a link with anchors in it. Oh and this behavior only seems to occur in ie7 in ie8 it's fine! I've created a simple form with a webbrowser control. I've added a new WebBrowserNavigatedEventHandler to load in some html after the browser has loaded the first pag...

css - Padding under background image link next to text link - why?

This CSS problem is killing me :-( I cannot remove padding under a link in this page http://www.yart.com.au/stackoverflow/test2.htm I have reduced the problem to the bare minimum so its really clear. You can see my issue here http://www.yart.com.au/stackoverflow/blue.png <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"...