
Using JQuery to create hyperlink found in a paragraph.

Hi people, How can you use JQuery to find URLs within some text and automatically convert them into an actual hyperlink? Example text, var TextMemo = "This is some random paragraph text, but i mention a link to a website here. www.stackoverflow.com and another one here this time with http (http://www.google.co.uk)" Is th...

Add to favourites link for Google Chrome

The "add to favorites" link code that I use, works for firefox but not for Google chrome extensions. What should i use to create a link that adds to Chrome favorites/bookmarks ...

Extract hyperlink from Open Office Calc Sheet

I have an Open Office Calc Sheet with a column full of data that has hyperlinks. I wish to trasnfer the hyperlinks to another column. How do I extract them? Thanks.,. ...

how to link css file at html page

dear all... i have some script..it lies in some direktori : var/www/html/dataTables-1.6/media/css/demo_page.css how to put in html page? <link href=......??? rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"> ...

firefox image link style problems (see pics)

I have some funky Firefox issues going on... Here is what my web page looks like in Chrome/Safari: http://grab.by/5ok9 Here is what my web page looks like in Firefox: http://grab.by/5oke It's applying some undesirable styling on my 2 image links. Anyone know why and how to turn this off (the ugly purple box)? Thanks... ...

Modify the links in plist using c#

Is there any code or tool available to modify the links within the plist, which are used in iPhone? ...

How to link to Android Market app

What's the best way to link to an Android Market app without knowing who will get the link (Android user/non-Android user) and from where (desktop/mobile)? For iPhone I use the itunes.apple.com app links. They show a complete description of the app, and if you have iTunes installed, either on the desktop or on your mobile, it allows you...

how to make UIBarButtonItem give menu-options

You know how if you click and hold on a link in safari (4 iphone obviously) it gives you of options like "open in new window", "Open". "Copy" etc? how do you call this and is it possible to get a UIBarButtonItem to do this (but every time it is clicked not just when held down)? Thanks ...

jquery: open link on doubleclick?

hey guys, i wonder if this is the best solution? $('.folder a').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); $('.folder a').dblclick(function(e) { window.location.replace($(this).attr("href")); }); it's working! would you do it in a different manner? ...

How do I change link-text in Wicket?

I created a link with static text. That works fine but now I also want to change the text when you click the link. I got as far as this: add(new Link("doAnything") { @Override public void onClick() { // change the text! // this.modelChanging(); // this.detach(); } }); I hope you can giv...

LaTeX - Add clickable links to a section/subsection with a PDF document

I am making PDF with LaTeX. I have a few sections and subsections. I want to put a link towards the top of the document so that in the PDF someone can click on it and it'll go to that section/subsection. I know it's possible to have this with a linkable table of contents, but I don't want to make a table of contents, I need more control....

LaTeX - using \hyperref to refer to a section/subsection before the section/subsection is defined?

I have been using the hyperref package and \hyperref[…]{…} to put a clickable link (in a PDF) to a section or subsection. However I want to put the clickable link before i put the \subsection declaration. My first attempt seems to produce a link that goes to the first page. Is there something special you have to do to get the links worki...

permanent-id-based hyperlinking scheme for Web HTTP/HTTPS, how many ways can it be done?

Background: Suppose I have a website that is hosted on http://www.example.com and the site has a lot of absolute internal links. Something happens that requires me to move the entire website to http://www.example.net with all other things remaining the same. Obviously, I can do a global search and replace on the website code to fix thi...

hyperlink starting slash?

In my php script I created a constant variable that defines the base url to be put in my hyperlinks, but do I really need this? Here is an example of what I mean. I have this: // base url is only defined once and reused throughout define("__BASE_URL","http://localhost/test1/"); print '<a href="'.__BASE_URL.'index.php?var1=open/>Ope...

iphone Feed Type Text with Hyperlinks

Hi All, Im creating a tableview that displays a feed similar to the facebook iphone app news feed. Im just wondering what control i should use in my custom table cell that will allow me to show a mixture of text and hyperlinks. e.g. UserA has just sent you a message. Where "UserA" is a hyperlink and when the user clicks on it I need to b...

How to get the 'similar' link in google?

Hi! I made a website that I submitted to google a few months ago. It comes up in results, but it could be much better. I've noticed that all the results in front of my site, there's a 'Similar' link just near the 'Cached' link, but it doesn't show up for my site. I know that that link gives related results, so I wonder if there's some...

MediaWiki Local Extension Link

Hi, I installed MediaWiki locally. Everything worked but I needed a functionality to link files from our file server. I stumbled upon an extension called Extension:NetworkLink which provides this functionality. You just have to add filepath in your wikipage and it should work. My problem is that I the path of my local wiki installation "...

same page links in iphone mobile safari

Hi everyone Mine is something of a newbie question which I'm hoping someone can shed some light on. I have a table of contents on my page, with titles which link to sections further down the page. the targets are created like this; <a name='appendix'>Appendix</a> and the links are created like this; <a href='#appendix'>Jump to Appendi...

iPhone, CGPDFDocument - PDF links

Hello! I'm trying to write a simple PDF viewer using CGPDFDocument, based on QuartzDemo. There is common rendering: -(void)drawInContext:(CGContextRef)context { // PDF page drawing expects a Lower-Left coordinate system, // so we flip the coordinate system before we start drawing. CGContextTranslateCTM(context, 0.0, self...

Make cells in datagridTextColumn text columns appear as hyperlinks

I'm looking for the simplest way to make text in the cells of a dataGridTextColumn appear as hyperlinks, ie; blue, underlined. Any ideas? ...