
Icefaces and javascript bridge

Hi all, I'm facing a problem with Icefaces and it's javascript bridge. I don't know what are the changes which made by this bridge after i made a changes in the server-side. For example: I have a ice:panelPopup component in my page with the visible attribute = "#{bean.customPopUp}". If i changed the "bean.customPopUp" to be "true" the p...

Icefaces: Multiple actionListeners for command button

Hi Folks, Is it possible to have multiple actionListeners on a command button? If not is there any way around this? Thanks for your help! ...

Is there any way to set items in htmlselectmanycheckbox?

Actually I am developing an application which uses a panelseries. Inside the panelseries I have some outputtexts and a HTMLSelectManyCheckBox. Is there any way to set the alyes in the backing bean? ...

Notifying one bean from another in ICEFaces

Hello, I have an ICEFaces we application. One page has two beans that display different things on the page. I want to be able to notify one bean when another bean changes something on the bean so that the first bean update its content on the page. Is that possible in ICEFaces? if so how? Thanks, Tam ...

Error adding auto-complete component to ICEFaces screen

I am trying to create a pretty straight forward screen that has a text field with auto-complete functionality. I have been following the examples found on the ICEFaces website here. No matter what I try I keep getting this error: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to javax.faces.model.SelectItem at co...

Facelets and JSP in same project?

Is it possible to use Facelets pages and .jsp style ICEfaces pages in the same project? In looking at the ICEFaces Facelets tutorial, the migration appears to be an all-or-nothing switch. Is it possible to support both (for a slow migration)? ...

Change the upload directory path for an ice:inputFile component

I've noticed that the ice:inputFile component will only upload files to the directory $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/MyAppName/upload/. I want this directory to be dependent on the user initials for the current user (i.e. user with initials abc wants to upload a file, the file goes to $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/MyAppName/upload/abc/). How can I dynamica...

Icefaces command link doesn't work on my local solairs

I use Icefaces to develop a web app. The weird thing is I can't trigger the command link when I deploy it to my local instance and test it on FireFox of Solaris. But when I use my laptop (Windows Vista) to visit the site, it works just fine. I also tried to click the button from another workstation of solaris, but still doesn't work. Any...

ICEFaces page refresh

I have a page where a user enters data and hits a "save" button. The data gets saved to the db, and I want the page to refrsh itself to reflect the new data in the db. I am using a managed bean, how do i get the page to refresh on its own? ...

ICESoft messages

I have a JSP with a managed bean. I want to display a message on the page, not related to any component, so, I do not need to use the "for" attribute. My message code: public void foo(ActionEvent event) { FacesContext context= FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); if(true) { FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage(); message.setSeve...

Icefaces selectInputText cancelling valueChangeListener on loss of focus

I have a selectInputText box that I am using the auto complete functionality. The problem is when the user doesn't need it and types in the value quickly and tabs to the next field, the selectInputText will grab focus back and really messes up the user who has already moved on and typing in the next field. Any way on loss of focus to c...

Richfaces + Icefaces Ajax Push

Hello, I have a project using Jboss Seam + Richfaces and I want to use comet (ajax push). I've been reading some stuff and found Icefaces ajax push really interesting. The problem is that I can´t get icefaces and richfaces work together... not sure if I'm configuring it right. Somebody already did this? What are my alternatives using...

Full page refresh in Icefaces 1.8.2 ?

Icefaces only refreshes the changed parts in the page. In my program I want to do a full page refresh through the manage bean. Does anyone know how to do that ? Thanks. ...

ICEFaces inputFile getting the file content without upload

Is there any way of just getting the content of the browsed file without any upload/file transfer operations? I currently use ICEFaces inputFile component but I do not need the default uploading operation of the file. Thanks. ...

Setting floating point formatting locale for JSF / ICEfaces?

I am writing a JSF (ICEfaces) application using resource bundles to handle internationalisation. The application nicely applies the (default) Dutch "nl" locale for the resource bundle but fails to apply the same locale on formatting floating point numbers, even if I explicitly set the locale for a page using <f:view locale="nl">. How d...

Unit testing icefaces

Can you separate components of an IceFaces application so they can be tested in isolation instead of using something like Selenium or HttpUnit on the assembled application? Backing beans can be easily isolated (if written to be testable) but I am interested in testing the template/display parts of the application while using as little o...

ICEFaces + Liferay : how to set value for public-render-parameter

Hi, ICEFaces + Liferay : I created two war file firstApp.war and secondApp.war file and deployed on liferay. I want to implement, when I click submit button on firstApp.war application’s page , firstAppBacking bean should set some value in public-render-parameter so that I can get that value in secondApp.war application something lik...

Differences in WYSIWYG capabilities for ICEfaces on Netbeans and Eclipse?

While evaluating ICEfaces I have used Eclipse and its Web Page Editor to visually create a webpage using ICEfaces components. I have heard that Netbeans 6.5 provided a similar capability, but Netbeans 6.7 does not support a visual drag and drop. I was wondering if there is a plugin for Netbeans to enable this? Also to those who have e...

Escapse url GET parameters in URL with Java/ICEFaces

Hi, I have a JAVA with JSF/ICEFaces application. I need to pass parameters from one page to another so I user something like: <f:param name="eventName" value="#{item.event_name}" /> And then get it in the constructor using: eventName = request.getParameter("eventName"); While works fine unless there is a '/' character in the strin...

PersistentFacesState method is throwing exeception

When I click this url "http://localhost:8080/web/guest/pages" , it goes to very first page i.e. page0 under the Page menu (Liferay Page). But my requirement, when i use url like http://localhost:8080/web/guest/pages?showPage=page3 , it should display the page3 instead of page0 under same Page menu (Liferay Page). Here snapshot of portl...