
page does not refresh after an action is called

I have commandLink with an actionListener that calls a method to change the value of text. The same commandLink has an action that reloads the page. When I click the commandLink, the actionListener is called. But the action only is completed --showing the updated value of text-- when I refresh the browser. Why isn't the outputText being ...

Setting list items in ice:SelectOneMenu

Hi!! I wish to set items from a list to the selectonemenu in icefaces. But when I do the same I get the following error: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to javax.faces.model.SelectItem The is an entity class. Please Help. ...

Redirecting Icefaces page from an independent thread?

I'm performing a validation task that takes a while and am spinning the validation process into a separate thread. I've got the progress bar side of things working, with PortableRenderer and a ViewScope allowing it to update the progress bar component. However, I'm trying to redirect the user once the page either finishes or a error in...

JSF: logic based on iteration index

Pardon me for the title, that's the best my limited brain can came up this late. So, i have a list of string, something like [abc, def, ghi]. The question: in JSF, how do I iterate the list and create a string that look like this "abc, def, ghi" (notice the commas)? For those who have the urge to tell me that I'd better use a Java me...

How do I access an ice:dataTable's varStatus, an ice:dataPaginator's firstRowIndexVar? Where are they?

How can I access the varStatus variable and the firstRowIndexVar variable programmatically? I couldn't find them in the request parameters. I'd even be happy just to inspect them in the debugger. Thanks, Eli ...

How to save ice:panelpopup renedered after refreshing page in icefaces?

In after log-in when clicking any download link a modal panelpopup will open ,and if the whole of page is refreshed the modal popup still opened,how that?! ...