
File Uploading in Icefaces

I have a little problem if someone can help. Actually it is relating to file uploading conflict behavior that when I browse and upload a valid file in icefaces (by using ajax push) and before clicking the save button of the form if I rename or remove the parent file, system is still saving the uploaded file. The question is that why it i...

problem with jsf / icefaces depended form fields and validation

Hi, I have a form with 3 fields (simplyfied example). The first one is a checkbox. <ice:selectBooleanCheckBox value="#{backingBean.bean.visible}" ID="checkbox1" partialSubmit="true" > The second one is a <ice:inputText ID="text1"> The third one is also a <ice:inputText ID="text2" required="true" validator="mycustomvalidator"> t...

JBoss RichFaces vs IceFaces vs Apache Trinidad - JSF component libraries comparison

What do you think/use for interface layer? The "backing" layer will be Spring 3. The criteria are : Your private opinion Components Documentation AJAX Integration Browser support Community Tool support (Eclipse, NetBeans) I found some comparison topics but it was about 2007 and old versions. ...

ICE Faces outputResource

My domain model has the ability to output the byte array of a pdf file. Is there a way to go directly from the byte array to the outputResource without having to create an intermediate bean to store the array into a Resource? This would be a lot easier as I dont want to put Faces code in the domain objects... ...

Glassfish needs restart after deploy with ICEFaces

Hi there, i have a strange problem. I have an ICEFaces(1.8.2) + Facelets application im working on and every time i make a change to it and deploy i must restart Glassfish(2.1.1) else i get a "java.lang.ClassCastException" on my entities. The error message is : java.lang.ClassCastException:

how to work around the icefaces ice:selectInputDate validation issue

When using the IceFaces ice:selectInputDate a date selection always triggers the form validation. So when a user selects a date all validation errors are shown. That's especially tedious when the date input is at the beginning of the form and all fields are empty. Then the user will get presented with all the "Value missing" error mes...

Non-existing values evaluate to some random value in facelets custom component

I have written a custom facelet component which looks like this: <ice:inputText styleClass="datepicker" required="#{required}" id="#{cid}" disabled="#{disabled }" validator="notnull" value="#{value}" rendered="#{empty binding }"> </ice:inputText...

Anobody succeeded in using ICEFaces with jQuery?

Basically jquery is usable with IceFaces. Then only problem arises when partial updates of the page are used. For example you have a panelgroup where a jquery datepicker element (jquery UI datepicker plugin) is used. If the panelGroup is visible from the beginning it's no problem. The jquery call to jQuery(".datepicker").datepick...

JSF selectItem question

Hi, Is there a way to dynamically create a selectItem list? I dont really want to have to create lots of bean code to make my lists return List<SelectItem>... I tried this: <ice:selectManyCheckbox> <ui:repeat var="product" value="#{productListingService.list}"> <f:selectItem itemLabel="#{product.description}" value="#{product...

JSF action on page load

Hi, Is there a way to execute an action when a page is loaded? (Using JSF 1.2 with ICEFACES) Cheers. ...

IceFaces / JSF CSS parsing problem: Content is not allowed in prolog

Hi, I'm having issues with an IceFaces / JSF application. We have an IceFaces InputRichText component that is causing a lot of pain. Sometimes the page containing the component throws this exception and the page loading fails (it becomes all white): [#|2010-03-18T10:44:40.197+0100|SEVERE|sun-appserver2.1|javax.enterprise.resource.webco...

JSF Problem with selectInputDate

I have a problem with selectInputDate: I have a backing bean which I am binding to the selectInputDate... I have a menu which when the menu changes I set the date to now to the same property the selectInputDate is bound to. For some reason, the date changes correctly but the selectInputDate then calls a set and overrides the value with ...

Is there a way to upload a file using a Servlet that allows skipping the save to temporary location?

Posting this one for a friend. They have an Icefaces app that uses Icefaces's inputfile functionality but it attempts to upload the file to a temporary directory before it allows access to it. Long story short, there is no access to the temp location so copying the file (which will enventually end up in a database) is not possible. Is i...

Icefaces graphicImage supported filetypes

Which image filetypes are supported when you pass through a byte[]? ...

Setting date from selectInputDate to object

I have a date controller which does various things. Once a calendar date is set, I want to pass the value from the date controller to another bean. The problem I have is that the setPropertyActionListener gets called before the user clicks on a date. Is there a way to get the date from the selectInputDate after selection and pass to a b...

icefaces error page not navigating to other pages

I'm working with Icefaces 1.8.2 and have created a custom error page. When I get to my error page (a jspx page built using facelets), I can't get out. It won't navigate away from the page no matter what link or action I select. I think I have everything setup properly but I'm new to icefaces so I have been doublechecking my setup like...

Is it possible to perform a forward into a new window?

We are using ICEFaces 1.8 and I would like to perform a forward to a new URL, but want it to open in a new window. We are currently able to perform a redirect to a new window as: public static void redirectToUrl(String urlPath) { if (urlPath != null) { try { final String url = FacesUtil.getContextPath() + urlPat...

Why does IceFaces seem to be eating my get request?

I have an IceFaces page which is powered by several Request scoped beans. When I make an initial GET request, I grab the external context via the faces context grab a GET parameter and use it to initialize my beans in their @PostConstruct method. However, if I try to link to the same page with a different get parameter, it seems to be e...

Internationalization & Localization issue

Hi all, My application supports internationalization and localization, each user can choose his preference language and the application will reflect it perfectly. the issue is when the first user selects English and the second one selects French the resource bundle for the first user will read from the French resource after refreshing h...

toggleOnInput in ice:rowSelector does not seem to work for commandButtons

I have a ice:datatable with ice:rowSelector. In each row there's a button. The click on the button should not trigger the rowSelector so I thought I could use toggleOnInput="true" but it does not work...event with this property set the table row is de/selected on button click. Any workarounds? <ice:rowSelector value="#{item.selected}"...