
How to get into image manipulation programming ?

Hello all how can i do simple thing like manipulate image programmatically ? ( with c++ i guess .. ) jpgs/png/gif ..... ...

Find images of similar color...

Hello! Based on suggestions here @ SO, I have cataloged the average color for a set of stock images. r,g,b = image.convert("RGB").resize((1,1), Image.ANTIALIAS).getpixel((0,0)) Now, I would like to present a color wheel to the user and run a search against my catalog to find images that are the closest match to the color selected. ...

Which EXIF tag to store keyword/tag for a photo?

I am developing a photo gallery which will read/write EXIF tags. I will put photo title in the EXIF tag DocumentName and description in EXIF tag ImageDescription. I also plan to use the geo-tags. But what about photo tags/categories? I want to store a space-separated string of the tags a photo is tagged with in my system. Is there any EX...

Where can I find a good read about bicubic interpolation and Lanczos resampling?

I want to implement the two above mentioned image resampling algorithms (bicubic and Lanczos) in C++. I know that there are dozens of existing implementations out there, but I still want to make my own. I want to make it partly because I want to understand how they work, and partly because I want to give them some capabilities not found ...

Using BmpBitmapEncoder for all image formats

Hello, I found that using BmpBitmapEncoder to render any type of image works, the only thing I'd need to do is send the correct format in the file to be saved as in the following example: BmpBitmapEncoder encoder = new BmpBitmapEncoder();; encoder.Frames.Add(BitmapFrame.Create(renderer)); using (System.IO.FileStream fs = System.IO.File...

How can I compress jpeg images in Java without losing any metadata in that image?

I want compress jpeg files using Java. I do it like this: Read the image as BufferedImage Write the image to another file with compression rate. OK, that seems easy, but I find the ICC color profile and the EXIF information are gone in the new file and the DPI of the image is dropped from 240 to 72. It looks different from the origi...

Images have a fubar color palette when generated under Xvfb instead of normal X.

When generating a png image file in Mathematica on a linux box running X, there's no problem. Doing the same on a linux machine without X but instead Xvfb the png generates fine but the colors are all screwed up. We tried changing the pixel depth from the default of 8, to no avail. Any other tweaks that might make Xvfb mimic normal X ...

Face recognition Library

I'm looking for a free face recognition library for a university project. I'm not looking for face detection. I'm looking for actual recognition. That means finding images that contain specified faces or libraries that calculate distances between specific faces. I'm using OpenCV for detecting the faces and a rough Eigenfaces Algorithm...

Load Jpg/Gif/Bitmap and convert to Bitmap

Hi, I have to load an image from an XML file. There is no information in the XML file about whether the image is JPG/GIF/BMP. After loading the image, I need to convert it to Bitmap. Does anyone have any clue how to convert images to Bitmap without knowing the actual file format? I'm using Delphi 2007/2009 Thank you. ...

Creating very large image files with BufferedImage, strange issues depending on compilation and computer

I'm attempting to create a very large image in Java like so: BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(58240, 1664, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); obviously the image is very large. Now the issue I'm having is that it seems to work fine 100% on some computers but really slowly on others (and no this has NOTHING to do with specs). My most m...

Image resize before upload

I need to provide a means for a user to upload photos to their web site in jpeg format. However, the photos are very large in original size, and I would like to make the resize before upload option very effortless for the user. It seems my only options are a client side application that resizes the photos before uploading them via a we...

Image Remapping Algorithm

Hi all, I have been developing (for the last 3 hours) a small project I'm doing in C# to help me choose a home. Specifically, I am putting crime statistics in an overlay on Google maps, to find a nice neighborhood. Here is an example: Now, I manually found the Lat and Lng to match the corners of...

Checking image feature alignment

Hi guys, I have written my own software in C# for performing microscopy imaging. See this screenshot. The images that can be seen there are of the same sample but recorded through physically different detectors. It s crucial for my experiments that these images be exactly aligned. I thought the easiest would be to somehow blend/substr...

How to isolate a single color in an image

I'm using the python OpenCV bindings and at the moment I try to isolate a colorrange. That means I want to filter out everything that is not reddish. I tried to take only the red color channel but this includes the white spaces in the Image too. What is a good way to do that? ...

Calculate the center of a contour/Area

I'm working on a Image-processing chain that seperates a single object by color and contour and then calculates the y-position of this object. How do I calculate the center of a contour or area with opencv? Opencv links: ...

How can I convert a DOM Tree into an Image

I'm have a web page where I have a div within which there is a somewhat complex DOM tree. It displays fine across most browsers(IE 6-8, FF 2.x-3.5.x, Chrome, Safari) but when I try to print the page I'm having some cross-browser problems, some work half some of the time and others don't work at all. I had the idea that if I could send o...

Opencv sort sequences in python

I'm using the Python OpenCV bindings to find the contours in an Image. I'm know looking for the possibility to sort this sequence. It seems the usual python ways for list sorting don't apply here because of the linked list structure generated from OpenCV. Do you know a good way to sort the Contours by Size (Area/BoundingRectangle) i...

What's the best way to "smudge" an image programmatically?

I'm messing around with image manipulation, mostly using Python. I'm not too worried about performance right now, as I'm just doing this for fun. Thus far, I can load bitmaps, merge them (according to some function), and do some REALLY crude analysis (find the brightest/darkest points, that kind of thing). I'd like to be able to take ...

Best Programming Language for Medical Image Processing

I am looking to build a medical solution to be used by surgeons to visualize Dicom images in 3D. Also, the software will allow them to perform some segmentation and manipulation to the images. I will probably use the VTK package to assist with this project. Now, I am wondering whether it is easier and better to do this pr...

Visual similarity search algorithm

I'm trying to build a utility like this, but I don't know which algorithm they are using, Does anyone know? ...