
Programmatically reading text from an image

hey guys My question is similar to this one 842986/how-to-read-text-written-on-a-image, except I'm looking for a way to do it programmatically. Essentially, does anyone know of a good, and simple, .NET compatible library, that is able to take in, say, a bitmap object or image object, and give me back any text on that image? cheers ...

Best Technology for a medical 3D Planning Software

I am looking to build a new Interactive 3D planning software similar to this one I was looking for some expert advise about the best technologies to use to build the different components of the software (ie: UI, Image processing, visualization, 3D, etc.. ) The softwar...

Determining camera parameters

Given a picture taken by a simple digital that contains an image of a rectangle of known dimensions. How can I - to some degree of accuracy - determine the parameters of this camera? I am mostly interested in Pan-, Tilt- and Swing angles. Optionally distance to the rectangle would be nice. I acknowledge the fact that the focal length ...

How is a sepia tone created?

What are the basic operations needed to create a sepia tone? My reference point is the perl imagemagick library, so I can easily use any basic operation. I've tried to quantize (making it grayscale), colorize, and then enhance the image but it's still a bit blurry. ...

Image file that is ~11MB size takes a lot of memory when rendered using WPF Image control

When i try to set the Source of WPF Image to a Image file that is ~11MB size and Shot in 14 MeagaPixcel Camera, the memory shoots up to around 170 MB when the image is rendered on the screen and the memory also never comes down after Rendering. If i try to do the same using .Net 2.0 Picturebox control the memory utilized is only .5MB to...

recognizing text effect on an image for photoshop

Hello, I had my site designed through an designer, I have this image from it, I want to use same kind of image for other navigation menus which I want to add now, my designer is not supplying me with psd`s of it. How can I know what text effects and fonts I should use in photoshop to achieve the same kind of result? Thank You. ...

Clone MovieClip in realtime

I have a MovieClip with and image inside that I can drag, resize and rotate. I'm creating a little thumbview, so the user can se how it will look. This is essentially a small version of the main MovieClip. How can I clone the MovieClip into a smaller one, so that when I drag, rotate or resize the image in the main MovieClip the small o...

Greyscale darkening problem with Bitmap image in C#

I'm loading a 8bppIndexed greyscale image into memory and reading the pixel values. The problem is that the values I am getting from the pixels do not seem to match the actual image, they are always darker. My image is a simple grey gradient like this: The bottom right pixel is returning 191 and the top left 0. The top left is actu...

Generating an image thumbnail that is <10KB and did not lose proportions

Notice how for every image that google indexes it has a small thumbnail. These thumbnails are: Less than 10KB in size. The proportions of the width / height are the same as the ones in the original image. I would like to write a function (in python) that would take an image and create a thumbnail with these to properties. EDIT: So ...

Locked pointer when locking a rectangle in a C# Bitmap

This may be a repeat of the following unanswered question: Help with bitmap lock - Format8bppIndexed I'm locking an image in the following manner: // PixelFormat is 8BppIndexed in my case. Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap("mySampleImage.tif"); // ClipRectangle will be a Rectangle such as {x=128, y=290, width=250, height=200}, // selecte...

Cleaning an image to only black

I have an image. I would like to go over that image, pixel by pixel, and any pixel that is not black should be turned to white. How do I do this? (Python). Thanks! ...

Fast character detection

I don't want to know what it says, and it will not be dealing with any distortion like a CAPTCHA, I just want to know if a bunch of images contain any text. This is something that will be running on a couple of idle Linux servers, and a cron job will process a large batch of images multiple times a day. One of the things I want to do i...

Is it possible to write or change EXIF data of images saved to iPhone photo library

I would like to add some custom data to an image the user generates in my app, no more than 1kb tops. I could probably hide the data in the image, but I want to do this in a way that will resist resizing but not deliberate deletion of EXIF tags (say, for privacy reasons). Is this possible using the current public SDK 3.0? ...

Auto scale and rotate images

Given: two images of the same subject matter; the images have the same resolution, colour depth, and file format; the images differ in size and rotation; and two lists of (x, y) co-ordinates that correlate the images. I would like to know: How do you transform the larger image so that it visually aligns to the second image? (Option...

An algorithm for a drawing and painting robot - any tips?

Algorithm for a drawing and painting robot - Hello I want to write a piece of software which analyses an image, and then produces an image which captures what a human eye perceives in the original image, using a minimum of bezier path objects of varying of colour and opacity. Unlike the recent twitter super compression contest (see:...

Java and Fingerprint Recognition

Has anyone implement fingerprint recognition system in Java? ...

I need to upload Open Flash Chart 2 image to servlet

How can I upload image with JavaScript from Open Flash Chart 2 to servlet? What I have to implement so that I can save that image to my server ? ...

Creating IMage from Text in PHP - how can I make multiline?

Hi guys, I have a script that generates images from text using Php. Its working fine except that I would like it to generate multiline text as well with differing colors. How can it be done. Below is the code I use to generate single line text images. I'm using Php here. $textval = 'This is some text to be an image'; $textcolor = '66666...

black and white Image processing in C#

In above image I want to mark Circle's edge with red color something like this I have no idea how should proceed, Any help/suggestions would be highly appreciated... ...

Generating Image from text in php - not generating on my online host? Help

Hi guys, I'm generating an image out of text using php. My code works perfectly on my localhost and the text is generated fine. However on my online host it doesn't generate the whole text just bits and pieces of it. Like if I were to pass the text 'This is some text' to it - it would generate just maybe an S or t. The code is fine as i...