
Problem with iterating over a lots of images in OpenCv with mac os

I'm trying to iterator over some directories containing approximately 3000 images. I load the image. If the image is loaded I release it. That is the smallest program that I can write to reproduce the error. After loading and releasing 124 images the program stops loading images. I think this a memory issue but I don't understand what...

Face detection in java

Can anyone recommend a decent java library for face detection (recognition not required, just detection). The library would preferably be pure java (e.g. no dependencies on other native libs, DLLs or such). Platforms: Linux is a must; OS X and windows are very nice to have. Performance isn't a big deal, can be slow, it's for server offli...

Rotating JPEGs in .NET with minimal loss of quality

I am attempting to support rotating JPEG images from ASP.NET MVC (in 90 degree increments). I am attempting to use System.Drawing (GDI+), however I am running into issues. I tried using Image.RotateFlip which is able to rotate the image but causes a loss of quality. Even with an encoder quality of 100, there are still visible artifacts ...

How can I display an OpenCV IplImage in Gtk+/Gtkmm?

I've got images as IplImage that I want to display in a small Gtkmm application. How can I convert them to something Gtk can display? Solved: IplImage* image; cvCvtColor(image, image, CV_BGR2RGB); Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> pixbuf = Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_data( (guint8*)image->imageData, Gdk::COLORSPACE_RGB, false, image->dept...

Looking for a nice image library

Update: I'm not looking for a wordpres plugin. I'm currently developing an application which is just using Wordpress as a CMS. I need a standalone function to upload images, and resize them to the sizer I need. I need a library for uploading and resize iamges. I want to store the images in folders, and store image reference in databa...

Constructing a bitmap from code; what steps are necessary?

I'm building a System.Drawing.Bitmap in code from a byte array, and i'm not sure what properties and such need to be set so that it will properly save as a .BMP file. I have Bitmap b = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); as my constructor and for (int i = 1; i < data.Length; i += 2;) { Color c = new ...

Y coordinate is out of range in a loop

I am working on constructing and saving a bitmap, and i have a loop that sets the pixels in the bitmap to their proper values. However it crashes after a short period of ime with an IndexOutOfRange exception at the noted point in the code. //data is an array of bytes of size (image width * image height) * 2; Bitmap b = new Bitm...

proportions of a perspective-deformed rectangle

Given a 2d picture of a rectangle distorted by perspective: I know that the shape was originally a rectangle, but I do not know its original size. If I know the pixel coordinates of the corners in this picture, how can I calculate the original proportions, i.e. the quotient ( width / height ) of the rectangle? (background: the goal ...

Sort images based on content

Hello everyone, I have a bunch of images I would like to sort automatically. These are screenshots from a videogames, so there are parts of the images that never change. Is there a simple/quick way to sort those images, based on rules such as "if there is this bunch of pixels in the right hand corner, put in folder N#1", "if the middle...

Fastest Image Resizing in .NET

I need the fastest library to resize full size images (some up to 9MB in size) to multiple sizes. Here's the scenerio: User uploads a photo a FileSystemWatcher is running in a service watching the drop location (on a SAN) When a new photo appears, the service will create 4 versions of the image at full JPEG quality: 100px wide 320px...

Reading JCS_YCCK images using ImageIO

I'm using to process uploaded image files. The code is similar to BufferedImage bufferedImage = ByteArrayInputStream(image.getContents())); I've managed to solve most of the issues, but this one has left me clueless. The uploaded image has a JCS_YCCK profile, as defined in com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPE...

Best way to display image in WPF

Currently I'm working on a Ultrasound scanning project, which displays the continues images aquired from a probe, to do that I'm writing following code. XAML: <Image Name="imgScan" DataContext="{Binding}" Source="{Binding Path=prescanImage,Converter={StaticResource imgConverter}}" /> C# Assignment: Bitmap myImage = GetMeImage(); ima...

making a bigger image by stitching the others together

I want to make an app that gets your friends profile pics from say your facebook,myspace or twitter account and makes an image out all of them. I already know how to use these social networks' APIs to get the image url, the question is, how do I "stitch" them together. If you know how to do this using a specific class in Zend or PEAR th...

iphone camerOverlay for use with Alternate Reality applications

Does anyone know a way to take an image captured on the iphone's camera, and do some image processing (e.g. edge detection, skeletization), and then overlay parts of the processed image on the original image (e.g. only the highlighted edges). More generically how do I create a UImage with transparency (do I just scale the image and ove...

Detect an object in a camera image in C#

I have an image, taken from a live webcam, and I want to be able to detect a specific object in the image and extract that portion of it to do some further processing. Specifically, the image would be of a game board, let's say for the purposes of this question that it's a Sudoku game board. Here is a sample image. My initial approach...

Java AffineTransformOp memory question

I'm trying to apply an AffineTransform to an image in Java. Here's the code that I'm running. AffineTransformOp op = new AffineTransformOp(atx, interactive ? interpolationInteractive : interpolationNormal); displayImage = op.filter(displayImage, null); Where atx is a valid AffineTransform object. This code seems to run fine, ...

C++ Fast way to convert between image formats

Ive got some in memory images in various simple formats, which I need to quickly convert to another format. In cases where the target format contains an alpha channel but the source does not, alpha should be taken as its full value (eg 0xFF for an 8bit target alpha channel). I need to be able to deal with various formats, such as A8R8G8...

JPEG artifacts removal in C#

Hi all I am building a website for a club that is part of a mother organisation. I am downloading (leeching ;) ) the images that where put on profile pages of the mother organisation to show on my own page. But their website has a nice white background, and my website has a nice gray gradient on the background. This does not match nicel...

Mono Compatible RAW Image Decoders

I would like to be able to decode and preview all manner of RAW image files from within an application written in C#/Mono. Preferably something that is fully implemented in C# as I need to to run cross-platform and would rather not have to have platform specific binaries just for the raw decoding... Anyone know of any libraries that do ...

Reading RAW images from Java

Canon/Nikon/other cameras save raw output of their sensor in some of their proprietary formats (.CR2, whatever). Is there any Java library designed to read them and convert into manageable BufferedImages? I don't reqlly care here about fully customizable conversion similar to ufraw or imagemagick, rather something simple that "just work...