
Image noise filtering

Hi, I am looking for inputs on an image noise filter method. A 9-pixel median filter does not work very well with dense noise. Noise is periodic (periods of 50 lines) and additive. Thanks, Bi ...

PHP - getting a site's favicon and converting it to png if necessary

Hi For any given site "example.domain.tld" or merely "domain.tld" I need to do the following in PHP: If the site has a favicon, get it wherever it is If it is not already a PNG, convert it to PNG Save it to /favicons/example.domain.tld.png If the site has no favicon, do nothing. Any ideas? I'm being stumped by the unreliable filef...

Convert JPEG/png image to TIFF image format in android OS

hello I am developing an app in which i need the image in TIFF format.But in android u can convert your bitmap/image to only JPEG/png image. is there a way to convert JPEG/png file to TIFF format or is there any jar availble to do so.. plz help... thanx in adv... ...

Flattening Images in Iphone SDK

I am trying to save more then 1 image with a background image into a single image and then saving it out. I found out how to flatten the images, but the images I added on top of the background are not appearing in the correct position when flattening them. It seems like they appearing in different position with different background image...

Would it be possible to read clipboard on a website if the content is an image?

I have this idea for a imageshack style photo uploading service where you can paste a printscreen and then crop it in your browser. I am just wondering if it is even possible to take the image from the clipboard into the browser. ...

How to set threshold when converting JPEG to non-dithered bitmap?

I'm using my digital camera as a quick and dirty scanner. Resolution is actually around 300dpi, which is quite reasonable. But my camera produces a color image, which I want reduced to a bitmap. I do not want to dither the image; I'm looking for what I would get if I put the document through a black-and-white scanner. Converting a JP...

Image Processing in C# - A smart solution ?

I have an image with letters in it, the letters are in two colors black and blue, I want to read the blue colored letters from the image. Can anyone suggest me a method to do this in C#. Iam studying GDI+,but still didn't get any logic to develop this program.. I tried OCRing it, but the issue with common OCRs is that they dont recogni...

Is it possibile to use TDD with image processing algorithms?

Recently, I have worked in a project were TDD (Test Driven Development) was used. The project was a web application developed in Java and, although unit-testing web applications may not be trivial, it was possible using mocking (we have used the Mockito framework). Now I will start a project where I will use C++ to work with image proce...

Fastest way to draw an overlay on an image in windows forms

What is the fastest way to draw an on an image in .net? I'm trying to draw an image on top of another image that have in a windows form control. I know that when I try to draw it directly using loops it takes an Eon. Options I have heard tossed around are GDI+, Direct Draw, or DX10. I start with a bitmap of a fixed size and after apply...

I need to do a histogram stretch

I have an array of BitmapFrames and need to do a histogram stretch. I know this is different from a histogram equalization, and what the final outcome is... sorta. the problem is I have absolutely no idea what to do after I get the histogram. So far my code creates an array for the histogram so I know how many pixels of each value i hav...

Image Comparison

What is the efficient way to compare two images in visual c..? Also in which format images has to be stored.(bmp, gif , jpeg.....)? Please provide some suggestions ...

Image Resizer for ASP.NET

Anyone knows of any good Image resize API for TIA ...

How can a webserver do images like this?

Below is a thumbnail type image that is on a post from, if you haven't been on the site yet, it is similar to this site but for css/design stuff and when you post a question you can have it post a screenshot image as well for you of a website url. Below is one of them I saw, do you think this is something done progra...

Pixel Processing Algorithms

Hi, I am looking for some information on pixel processing. I am interested in the following algorithms: Gamma correction Edge detection Changing overall brightness Converting to grayscale etc. Where can I find articles that have a description of how this can be achieved? Thanks. ...

Using a CDN to store/serve user image uploads?

Hi everyone, I'm still new to the whole CDN ideaology, so this might be a stupid question but I'm sure someone can shed some light on this. I've got a basic php script that takes user image uploads, resizes them, creates a directory ($user_id), and stores the finished product in the directory (like$user_id/image...

Multiplying and adding images with CImg In C++

Hello I am trying to find C in the following function in CImg C=B*L+(1-B)S Where C, L and S are all RGB images of the same size (and B is a single channel grayscale matte) I cannot figure out how to loop over the pixels. I've seen code like: cimg_forXYZ(S,x,y,z) {... } But I have never see than kind of syntax before, could it be ...

Identifying the corners of a polygon in 2d space

Given four (x,y) pairs that represent the four corners of an arbitrary polygon (quadrilateral) in 2d space, I'd like to identify: Whether the polygon is convex If it is convex, Which particular point represents the top left, top right, bottom left, and bottom right corner I'm doing this as part of an image processing program, so assu...

Having an image file buffer in memory, what is the fastest way to create its thumbnail?

Trying to create a an image acquiring application optimized for a fast scanner (which can provide up to 6 compressed images [color+gray+binary][front+rear] for each paper at speed of 150 ppm) I have some speed issues. Using TWAIN technology and memory buffer transfer mode (TWSX_MEMORY) I receive image buffer (as JPEG or TIFF file loade...

Using attachment_fu, how do you edit an existing photo, update only thumbnails, and leave original unedited?

After a photo is uploaded and created using attachment_fu, is there a way to edit just the thumbnails and leave the original as it is? I understand how to do the resizing or cropping, but it's applying the edits to all of the thumbnails and the originals, which is how I'm sure attachment_fu was intended to work. For example, say in a p...

How does a blur gauss algorithm look like? Are there examples of implementation?

I have a bitmap image context and want to let this appear blurry. So best thing I can think of is a gauss algorithm, but I have no big idea about how this kind of gauss blur algorithms look like? Do you know good tutorials or examples on this? The language does not matter so much, if it's done all by hand without using language-specific ...