
Best articles to start learning about edge detection/image recognition

Hi, I am involved in a personal project which will require pretty extensive knowledge of edge detection and image segmentation/object recognition. I know the importance of planning/understanding before writing code and with this in mind, what is the best place to start, to learn about these areas of computing? I am ideally looking for ...

Canny Edge Detector in C

I am looking for a bit of clarification on how the algorithms implemented in Canny edge detection - Wikipedia entry - work. It seems pretty straightforward to perform noise reduction using a 2D Gaussian filter, but I have heard that using two 1D filters - how is this accomplished? It's also simple to calculate the gradient and edge dir...

PHP Function to bend/warp an image.

I'm working with my simple PHP captcha algorithm ( and I have been struggling to try and adjust it to be the more attractive and easier to read, Google style captcha. Does anyone know of a function that will take in a GD image reference and bend/warp it, Google style? ...

plotting points on top of image in R

These days I am extensively using R to scatter plots. Most of the plotting is concerned with image processing, Recently I was thinking of plotting the scatter plots over an image. For example, I want something like this, The background needs to be filled with my image. With a particular scale. And I should be able to draw points (co-or...

Image warp with VTK?

Hi all, I'd like to warp a vtkImageData with a vector field, similar to what itk's WarpImageFilter does. the vtkGridTransform object seems promising, but there doesn't seem to be a vtkTransformImageFilter... Is what I want to do at all possible with VTK? Thanks a lot! ...

protocol development to programming image processing algorithms

For a long time (about 10 years now), I have been mostly developing firmware and device drivers for protocols like USB, SCSI, Firewire, etc ... but recently (owing to many inexplainable reasons) had to switch to programming related to Image processing. I think it is fun, but I am feeling like a novice for sometimes now. Now my question...

iphone app developement: How to manipulate a selected area of an image?

The function I need to implement is like this: 1> select an small area of an image. This small area could be various shape, not only rectangle. 2> manipulate this area. for example: blurring Is there any way to do it? Thanks. ...

How to compute similarity of images with small color differences for font-recognition?

I'm trying to do some simple and fast image comparison of similarity. All of the images are of the same size. The color differences are quite delicate. Currently, I calculate a difference measure by calculating the sum of difference in the R,G and B values between the images, sort of a Hamming distance. That is, Abs(P1.R - P2.R) + Ab...

OCR - most "different" or "recognizable" ASCII characters?

I am looking for a way to determine the most "different" or "recognizable" N ASCII characters... For example, if N = 10, what would be the most different N characters in the ASCII set from 0x21 to 0x7E? Obviously, the character "X" is very different than "O" (the letter), but "O" (the letter) is very similar to "0" (zero). Assuming a ...

Image processing libraries

I recently came back to image processing. Most of what I used previously was Matlab. I'd like to switch to a more convenient and open language. After having used Python library PIL and bitterly understood it had, built-in, only 3x3 and 5x5 filter kernels, I decided to ask here if someone knows of good image processing libraries. What a...

Change Image Encoding Dynamically?

I want to know whether it is possible to programmatically change an image encoding on the fly without saving the image to a file? Use Case: When the user copies a binary image from a source, would it be possible to change the image encoding from binary to base64? ...

How to apply a watermark to an uploaded picture using PHP

How can I apply a watermark to an uploaded picture using PHP? Example LINK: ...

Library for lossless image conversion

Is there any c# library that handles lossless conversion between different image formats? ...

Image processing related discussion forum

I am looking for discussion forum for Image processing related queries, Can someone direct me some discussion groups, Though I am a beginner, I am catching up fast ;-) ... ...

Rendering images with on Java servlet

How to render images on Java servlet? My scala code is: class Image extends PApplet { override def setup { size(200,200) background(0) } override def draw { stroke(255) line(10,10,50,50) } def renderImage = g.getImage } class ImageServlet extends HttpServlet { override def doGet(request: ...

Get all pixel coordinates of a vector inside a image

Hi, i wonder if you guys know a solution (in matlab) to my problem: I have a intensity/greyscale image and i have choosen a pixel inside this image. Now want to send vectors starting from this pixel in all directions/angles and i want to sum up all the intensities of the pixels touching one vector, for all vectors. After this step i wo...

How to save a snapshot of a SWF to the server with AS3?

I am facing the task of having to upload a snapshot to the server. But I don't want the user to download the image to their computer. I have explored a few solutions of generating an image serverside with PHP, but they all seem to use a method where the server sends the image to the user. See for instance:

Is an algorithm to judge the age of person in a photo feasible?

My friend works for a non-profit organization working to stop the illegal exploitation of minors over sites such as, which is one of the more popular mediums. The question is whether or not it is possible, now or in the near future, to develop an algorithm to analyze a photo of a person and return a prediction of their rel...

Image Processing using ARM?

I'm doing a project on image processing using ARM. I have with me an AT91SAM9263 with Linux ported in it. I would like to know what are the image processing libraries which can be used? And what are the other toolsets required? I'm a newbie in this field. ...

How can I process an image in .NET for a full-page print with a quality like Windows Photo Gallery does it?

I'm writing a printing routing in C#, using the .NET PrintDocument class, handling the OnPrintPage event. I've managed to maximize the margins and print the Image in landscape mode, but it simply does not look as good as when I print the same image file from Windows Photo Gallery (formerly Windows Picture and Fax Viewer), the default im...