
How do I force UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum to synchronize (flush) buffers?

I am writing a simple application for an artist who wants to market his work on iTunes. Because there are only twelve images, which can be deleted more rapidly than they could be selected from an image picker, the user does not select the images individually. Instead, the images are copied programmatically from the application bundle in...

What's the best approach to recognize patterns in data, and what's the best way to learn more on the topic?

A developer I am working with is developing a program that analyzes images of pavement to find cracks in the pavement. For every crack his program finds, it produces an entry in a file that tells me which pixels make up that particular crack. There are two problems with his software though: 1) It produces several false positives 2) If ...

Efficient ways to determine tilt of an image

I'm trying to write a program to programmatically determine the tilt or angle of rotation in an arbitrary image. Images have the following properties: Consist of dark text on a light background Occasionally contain horizontal or vertical lines which only intersect at 90 degree angles. Skewed between -45 and 45 degrees. See this image ...

Simple object recognition

===SOLVED=== Thanks for your suggestions and comments. By working on the flood_fill algorithm given in Beginning Python Visualization book (Chapter 9 - Image Processing) I have implemented what I have wanted. I can count the objects, get enclosing rectangles for each object (therefore height and widths), and lastly can construct NumPy a...

How to convert text to images on the fly?

I have seen in a couple of cases like: Facebook Profile: The E-mail address comes as a jpeg pic and not as text Google Forms Summary: Different Sized, Different Coloured Interactive Barcharts are made on the fly using the data you have. How does it happen? What do I do? ...

C++ libraries for Image Segmentation

Hi, I am going to do a project in Data Mining related to image clustering (in C++) .I am looking for a powerful library which is helpful in image processing, linear algebra and 3d graphics. Any thoughts? Thanks. ...

Prerequisites for understanding Wavelet theory

I have a degree in computer science and I have taken the following math courses. Calculus I Calculus II Discrete Mathematics and Number Theory Linear Algebra Probability Logic Automata Theory What other courses should I take in order to prepare for studying wavelets, with a focus of implementing wavelet transforms? EDIT: Looks like...

matlab: correct approach to add geometrical objects to image

hi, please help with Matlab beginner challenge i need to create an image with few geometrical objects (circles, ellipses) and then to apply some projective transforms my problem is that i cant understand how to actually "drow" on image image is AFAIU generally defined as [X;Y;3] matrix, functions as SCIRCLE1 can compute/return collecti...

library that identifies similar images

I want to determine how similar 2 images are. The images may have been scaled, cropped, etc, so a simple pixel comparison won't work. I have had a look around and there are a lot of academic papers on this topic but they don't release their code. So, do you know of a released library that can compare images (for Linux and Windows)? ...

Django-imagekit: how to reduce image quality with a preprocessor_spec ?

Hi, please excuse me for my ugly english :p I've created this simple model class, with a Preprocessor to reduce my photos'quality (the photos'extension is .JPG): from django.db import models from imagekit.models import ImageModel from imagekit.specs import ImageSpec from imagekit import processors class Preprocessor(ImageSpec): qu...

Pruning short line segments from edge detector output?

I am looking for an algorithm to prune short line segments from the output of an edge detector. As can be seen in the image (and link) below, there are several small edges detected that aren't "long" lines. Ideally I'd like just the 4 sides of the quadrangle to show up after processing, but if there are a couple of stray lines, it won'...

Any good examples of projects doing vision and image analysis ?

I have a need to take an image of a series of glass test tubes, and automatically give an indication of either the level fo liquid in the tubes or the point at which the liquid reaches the bottom of the tubes. The image would probably be gathered by a webcam and processed on a standard PC. I have no restrictions on language or method, ...

How can I draw tinted translucent images in iPhone SDK?

For the visuals in my iPhone application I'm compositing UIImages in a transparent UIView. I'd like the images to appear in their normal colors sometimes, but under other conditions I want them to be drawn tinted red. This is easy to do with opaque square images, but parts of my images are translucent, and I only want to tint the solid p...

OpenCV Vs ImageMagick?

Hi I have an upcoming project which is about image segmentation i.e. to group the pixels constituting the image into clusters based on certain visual properties of the pixel. We plan to do it in C++ and have zeroed in on two image processing/manipulation libraries - OpenCV and ImageMagick. I'm reading on ImageMagick and it seems it has...

Is there some easy way to detect if a file has EXIF data?

Is there some cheap and reliable way to detect if an image file has EXIF data? Something like "read the first 100 bytes and search for EXIF substring" is highly preferable. I don't need to read and parse it - only to know if it is there. The key is that it must be very fast. C++ is preferable. ...

implementing erosion, dilation in C, C++

I have theoretical understanding of how dilation in binary image is done. AFAIK, If my SE (structuring element) is this 0 1 1 1. where . represents the centre, and my image(binary is this) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 so the result of dilation is 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I got ab...

Detect single color overlay area with ImageMagick

I have a bunch of images that have a single color overlay with some text on it positioned at the bottom. Not all images have the overlay and the overlay is not of the same height on every picture. I am looking for a way to detect the overlay rectangle, and crop only the part of the image without it. Trim seems the logical way to go, b...

Most used Python module for video processing ?

I need to: Open a video file Iterate over the frames of the file as images Do some analysis in this image frame of the video Draw in this image of the video Create a new video with these changes OpenCV isn't working for my webcam, but python-gst is working. Is this possible using python-gst? Thank you! ...

edge detection of an image

Hello everyone, I have written a code to detect edges using double thresholding,what i am doing here is if the higher threshold image has a pixel value of 255 then it is valid and if the lower thrsehold image has a connected white pixel to that pixel then it is valid edge. but in my program only the high threshold image is getting copi...

Quality of a saved JPG in C#

I made a small C# app to create an image in .jpg format. pictureBox.Image.Save(name,ImageFormat.Jpeg); The image is succesfully created. I input an original pic, do some stuff with it and save it. The quality of this new pic however, is lower than that of the original. Is there any way to set the desired quality? ...