
How would I programmatically crop an image to a non-rectangular shape?

I want to crop a rectangular image to a non-rectangular shape. I realize that if you take that completely literally, it's not possible. What I want to end up with is image X, cropped to shape Y, on a transparent background. Let's say for example that I want to take a picture of the Idaho flag and crop it to the shape of the state of Ida...

Image processing on the iPhone

I would like to apply image processing on pictures taken on the iPhone. This processing would involve 2D matrix convolutions etc. I'm afraid that the performance with nested NSArrays would be pretty bad. What is the right way to manipulate pixel based images? Should I simply use C arrays allocated with malloc? ...

Change resolution of image from 72 to 25 dpi in PHP.

Hi All, I want to change the resolution of the image from 72 to 25 dpi using PHP? is it possible? Regards, Salil Gaikwad ...

PHP, IIS Image not displaying on browser

The following code is not displaying the image from IIS 6/PHP 5.2.9. It works OK from XAMPP (PHP 5.3) $img = @imagecreate(200, 200); $background_color = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 0, 0); $text_color = imagecolorallocate($img, 233, 14, 91); imagestring($img, 12, 60, 90, 'image here', $text_color); header('Last-Modified: ' . date('D, d ...

Image Processing and Stroke filter

Hello, I am new into Image Processing, and I have started simple project for recognizing text on images with complex background. I want to use stroke filter as first step, but I cannot find enough data about stroke filters to implement this. I have only managed to find pure definition of Stroke Filters. So does anyone know something ...

Basics in Resizing Pictures or What happened to Picture Size ?

Hi, I am writing a program that resizes pictures like this: Image originalImage = Image.FromFile(pathToOriginalPicture); Bitmap b = new Bitmap(newWidth, newHeight); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b); g.DrawImage(originalImage, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight); g.Dispose(); b.Save(pathToOutputPicture, ImageFormat.Jpeg); I tried to set: ...

How to separate object from background in an image?

I have a segmentated image, looks like this: // I am not allowed to post pictures since I am a new member, so only the link: // Turns out I cannot post two hyperlinks either, so I am only going to post the link of the map file. Edit: I believe now I can post images: I also have a map file that clearly shows the segments: Now, wh...

Java Advanced Imaging - Layer Mask

I'm working on a project which deals with image processing and I don't have a great deal of know-how about image processing in JAVA. I've recently started using "Java Advanced Imaging" for manipulating images. I'm facing problem in applying "layer mask" to images. I have to use a "layer mask" in my application much like the layer masks...

Best programming language for Image and motion processing

I'm an actionscript developer and my next project is a traffic information capture system. I'm assuming that this project will require a lot of image processing and motion capture methods on images obtained through cameras. I know I can achieve this with ActionScript, but might require sacrificing performance and accuracy. Will Java be b...

image focus calculation

Hi folks, I'm trying to develop an image focusing algorithm for some test automation work. I've chosen to use, since it seems like a nice mature .net friendly system. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find information on building autofocus algorithms from scratch, so I've given it my best try: take image. apply sobel edge det...

Image Processing for Augmented Reality

Hello, I need some help on Augmented Reality. I have develop a small application.NOw I want to use shape detection algorithm or specially circle detection algorithm.I want that after my camera get open It should only detect circles and if it gets circles it should get replaced with some corresponding image. I hope you understood what I w...

how to use opencv to get binaryzation image's histogram

for example I have a binaryzation image like this I want get histogram like this! how to do it use opencv. ...

Python image processing of picture directly from the web

Hello, I am writing python code to take an image from the web and calculate the standard deviation, ... and do other image processing with it. I have the following code: from scipy import ndimage from urllib2 import urlopen from urllib import urlretrieve import urllib2 import Image import ImageFilter def imagesd(imagelist...

OpenCV / SURF How to generate a image hash / fingerprint / signature out of the descriptors?

There are some topics here that are very helpful on how to find similar pictures. What I want to do is to get a fingerprint of a picture and find the same picture on different photos taken by a digital camera. The SURF algorithm seams to be the best way to be independent on scaling, angle and other distortions. I'm using OpenCV with th...

How to separate an image into two with java

Hi, I'm wondering if there is a "smart" way of splitting an image based on certain features. The images are 300x57, black and white (actually grayscale, but most colors are either black or white), it is comprised of two main features (let's call them blobs) separated by black space, each blob slightly varies in width and height, the pos...

GDI+:How to overlay an image on top of another one?(without using Graphics object)

I'm working on a solution that enables our users to draw annotations over images.So far I'm using graphics object to draw an image(annotations) over another one. The problem is that we can't always get a Graphics object from an image(GDI+ throws an exception if we try to get a graphics object of an indexed formatted image) So the questi...

Java JAI JPEG image encode RuntimeException

Hi there, I'm trying to build an application that encodes and resize images off any type of image and store it as a JPEG. The current url ->$File/f225200800143.JPG is a kind of weird jpeg and use for testing. For some reason JAI cannot render this image as a JPEG. I use the foll...

Java: Generating thumbnails with transparency

Hi, I'm having problems generating thumbnails of images with an Alpha channel (transparency). The code I use is this: public void saveThumbnail(File file, String imageType) { if (bufferedThumb == null) { return; } if(bufferedImage.getColorModel().hasAlpha()) { logger.debug("Original image has Alpha channel"...

What algorithm to use to obtain Objects from an Image.

Hi, I would like to know what algorithm is used to obtain an image and get the objects present in the image and process (give information about) it. And also, how is this done? Please do help me out! :) Thanks in advance. - Karthik.K ...

Augmented Reality Help

I need a help to develop a small application on Augmented Reality.I have spend almost a week trying but with no proper solution.Tried some sample code but still not successful. I have seen many videos and want to develop something like that. for example my code should detect only square or any particular shape.And then after detecting th...