
Algorithm for searching for an image in another image. (Collage)

Is this even possible? I have one huge image, 80mb with a lot of tiny pictures. They are tilted and turned around as well. How can i search for an image with programming? I know how to use java and c++. How would you go about this? ...

Java library for image processing masking task

Is there any handy library can handle masking operation in Java? Taking care of element by element multiplication, masking boundary elements, etc. Thanks! ...

How can I recognize slightly modified images?

I have a very large database of jpeg images, about 2 million. I would like to do a fuzzy search for duplicates among those images. Duplicate images are two images that have many (around half) of their pixels with identical values and the rest are off by about +/- 3 in their R/G/B values. The images are identical to the naked eye. It'...

Use numpy to mask an image with a pattern?

I'm using numpy to build pixel arrays. An 800x600 image is an 3-dimensional array of uint8, 800x600x3. I also have a similar array with a fixed pattern (a checkerboard, see here). I have another array, 800x600 of mask values. Where the mask is zero, I want to copy the pattern pixel to the image pixel. Where the mask is not zero, I wa...

Is there any technique to convert a image in to real text which is copyable

I have scanned a page of a book and saved it as a picture. How do I convert that image into real text? Is there any technique for that? Any help will be highly appreciated. ...

How to find all the colors in a photo with Ruby

Does anyone know of a Ruby library that can list all of the colors in a photo, as well as listing them in order of frequency? Or is it possible that RMagick already can do something like this? If no one knows of one, how exactly could I get started on making such a tool? I have a great idea for a program I'd love to try, however I jus...

who know how to compare two binary image and how to encode a binary image

when we have two binary image,may be they are similar, How can we let computer knows it. shall we do something such as encoding the binary image to compare, my question is how can I do that. ...

Stacking several 2D images into 3D in Matlab

I have 25 2D images (of equal size), each image represents one layer equally spaced. Each image is in grayscale and black color (or values equal 0 in data matrix after importing it) is the background that needs to be removed. And my questions are: How to combine these 25 images to one 3D image? How to draw each one with some space bet...

Convert bmp to 256 colors

I need to reduce a 32bit bmp to a maximum of 256 colors, either manually or through some built in .net functionality. I haven't managed to find any info on how to do it. Could someone offer some pointers please. Edit: To clarify, I don't really just want to convert the 32 bit bmp to an 8 bit bmp. I want to map the input bmp to a standar...

Using the Image.point() method in PIL to manipulate pixel data

I am using the Python Imaging Library to colorize a black and white image with a lookup table that defines the color relationships. The lookup table is simply a 256-element list of RGB tuples: >>> len(colors) 256 >>> colors[0] (255, 237, 237) >>> colors[127] (50, 196, 33) >>> My first version used the getpixel() and putpixel() met...

Extracting text from images

Can anyone tell me how to read the text in an image by using vc++ ...

Android: BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray gives pixelated bitmap

I am working on an Android app that displays photos which are downloaded from Flickr. I obtain a bitmap object from a byte array, which in turn is read from the relevant Flickr URL, as follows: BitmapFactory.Options opt = new BitmapFactory.Options(); opt.inDither = true; opt.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888; Bitmap bitmap = B...

Colour of photos in different bowsers?

Hey guys I've just put some photos up online and I noticed that they photos appear to be a different colour in Firefox and Safari to IE and Chrome... Any ideas on what the issue could be? Due the browsers interpreter colours spaces differently or something? Cheers Anthony ...

who have used PedestrianDetectionHoG_NET2005 I need to know the configure process

this object detect soft ware is good to detect object and recognize them. I want to learn it, I download it and download the lib it required such as blitz0.9 boost1.41 and opencv 2.0,but when I run the software it have too many problem . I think maybe the configure is not right that cause the errors,I want to know who have run the softwa...

A good place to learn about image processing in c/c++?

any websites, books etc. If someone would like to share their own experiences. thank you ...

What are the best Image transcoding libraries/Solutions available?

My project requires some image transcoding functionality, i.e converting images into various formats. My requirements are: Preferably scalable, for performance reasons. Compatible with Microsoft .NET Can be either paid software, or FOSS. Can anyone suggest some good libraries they have come across. Thanks! ...

OpenCV with other GUI (like Qt or WxWidgets) on Win32 VC++

I want to use OpenCV's image processing functions, but not the OpenCV GUI. I'm using OpenCV 2.0. I will use either Qt4 or WxWidgets for GUI functions. I compile with VC++ 2008 Express (VC++ 9.0). I guess it breaks down to two or three questions: Is it necessary to do something to disable OpenCV's higui so it does not interfere with...

iPhone, modify UIImage to a target average color

Hi, I need for a project to modify UIImage. Here are steps I have to follow - I extract the average color of the image by taking several points in the image and calculating the average R, G and B - The next step is to modify the image in order to have a new average R, G and B for the modified image. This new R, G and B is given, the thi...

Looking for customizable online (flash) photo editor like Flickr have. (paid, I suppose)

Hello, I'm looking for some kind of customizable online flash photo editor, like have. The main features I'm looking for are... customizable editor design (redesign it to fit my design) images should be 100% processed on client side (not my servers) and beeing uploaded to server (using my API) resize / crop image reducing re...

Good reference of color-modifying functions?

Hello, everyone! I can't find a good reference about color-modifying functions (such as contrast, brightness, gamma, ...). (Is there a more exact term for what I mean?) Would appreciate a tutorial with example pictures and implementation algorithms. Thank you! EDIT: Platform and language is not so important. I'm interested in pure m...