
Loading image into ImageSource - incorrect width and height

Hello. My problem is that the image loading seems to be uncorrectly from application resources. This is code: BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage(); bi.BeginInit(); bi.UriSource = new Uri(@"pack://application:,,,/WpfApplication3;component/Resources/Images/16x16_incorrect.png", UriKind.Absolute); bi.EndInit(); ImageSour...

Decoding an mpf exif block in an MPO stereo image file

I am writing something to get at the information contained in an MPO multi-picture file produced by cameras such as the fuji 3D cameras. I have the proposed spec, which is obviously written to confuse, and is available from here: CIPA multi picture spec PDF and have navigated the normal exif parts and extracted the MFP information. Sec...

CImg Python 3 bindings or something at least comparable?

Hi there, i'm searching a Python lib with good image processing functionalities . I was searching for CImg (which i've already used on C++ projects) bindings, but i wasn't lucky. I found PIL, but it lacks a lot of features that CImg has so, is there any good alternative ? Thanks UPDATE PIL is good, but i need Python 3 support on a Mac...

Get Handle of an Image in memory in C#

I have a function that takes in a Handle to an image: DoSomethingWithImage( int imageHandle) { } In my main, I have an Image myImage, which resides in memory. How can I get a Handle to myImage, so that I can pass in that Handle to DoSomethingWithImage() ? main() { //memorySTream is a byte[] Image myImage = Image.FromS...

Get Bitmap Handle (IntPtr) from byte[] using C# .net

I have a byte[]. It contains data of an image (jpeg or bitmap) with all the header info. How can I create a bitmap from that byte[] , and obtain a handle to that bitmap? The important point is, I need to get a handle to that bitmap. The handle I need to get is of type IntPtr. ...

Getting started in ComputerVision/Road Tracking

I want to develop a system that can track and follow a road. Initially, I'd like to handle well-defined roads only and maybe later incorporate tracking for roads that aren't so well defined. The problem I'm facing is that I don't know where to get started. I am new to image processing and I was hoping I could get some pointers on where ...

How to read images in .NET?

What API or component could I use to read images (e.g. scanned copies) using C# and .Net? ...

Scaling down image to a fixed dimension of 135x135

Hey Guys, I have to scale down image of any dimension to a fixed dimension of 135x135, most imp thing I have to maintain good quality of scaled down image. I'm not much familiar with Image Processing algos. Can you guys suggest me any algorithm. ...

Image tracker libary

Dear everyone, I'm looking for a library either in C C++ or Java that can track an image. With that I mean I want my program to get the web-cam input recognize an image in front of the web-cam and display for example a movie over the web-cam image. Thank you. I just did some more googling and found that what I want to do is called: ...

Natural Feature Tracking - augmented reality

Dear everyone, I want to build an app for Google Android that uses natural feature tracking to create some cool augmented reality. Now what I need is a good library that for Android that does some serious natural feature tracking. Can anyone help me out? Thanks you. ...

Creating thumbnails for bmp and tiff files through Rmagic

Hi, I install plugin attachment_fu for uploading an images in rails. It's working properly but the thumbnail for .bmp and .tiff images is not created through RMagic processor. What can I do for creating thubnail for .bmp and .tiff image format. Please give the solution over it. Thanks. ...

Is it possible to recolor an image using JavaScript?

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to recolor an image using JavaScript. Any type of access to an image's pixels would work, I suppose, as long I could read/write color values. It should work in Firefox; if it doesn't work in IE, no big deal, but it would be a benefit if it did. Thank you for your help! ...

Which is the best third party library for Image manipulation in .Net?

Which is the best third party library for Image manipulation in .Net? I have tried ImageMagick.Net ( But it does not have all the wrappers available like transformations and Overlaying with blending. ...

i want a to resize an image but without distortion.

I have an image having dimension 1000*500 I want to make it of 400*300 But My image should not looked distorted. - i used this as a reference. But My image get distorted. ...

gd text and lines show up as grey in gif from Illustrator

I'm using gd in PHP to add some text to a gif image from Illustrator. I've added text and drawn figures, and no matter how I specify the color, they all show up as gray (I'm guessing 50% gray). I opened the image in MS Paint and re-saved it as a gif. When I did that, it gave a warning of color loss. However, the colors show up correctl...

Pattern recognition applied to metallography using wavelet transform

Hi all, We have six standard patterns of graphite particles. We have to recognize these patterns from a sample image by using matlab. I am getting difficulty in how to recognize these different patterns of graphite in cast iron? Can you please help me write the code? ...

image compression for images from moving opengl objects

Hi I am new to the image compression. I have an opengl program that generates a moving 3D object continuously in a loop. I want to capture images periodically, compress them for transmission at a high rate (~30-40 fps). What would be a good image compression algorithm to use? Appreciate any suggestions or pointers. Thanks in advance. ...

Rails image uploader and EXIF data reader?

Any decent paperclip-like Ruby gems that also read EXIF data? It would be a huge bonus if the gem was Windows-friendly. ...

Image Manipulation in Ruby

I'm looking for a way to load up an existing png image, and do a pixel by pixel manipulation of the values. Ideally, something like image ='my.png') image = image.map_each_rgb do |r, g, b| [r-12, g+2, b+30] end'my.png') I've looked into rmagick, but couldn't find a way to achieve this. Are there any alternat...

Capture image from camera into form or html5 canvas

I need to capture an image from a webcam (tethered camera, etc.) into a form or html5 canvas so that I can save the image to the server. Also, I would like to be able to preview the image live in the page. For example, I have a browser running at a registration check in station. I would like to take a picture of the attendee currently s...