
Which image format is cost effective in terms of network operation for iPhone?

I want to display a thumbnail image in a cell of table view controller,this thumbnail image is located at some remote place(URL of address is in XML file) so which format of image is cost effective? thanks in advance. ...

Writing Color Calibration Data to a TIFF or PNG file

My custom homebrew photography processing software, running on 64 bit Linux/GNU, writes out PNG and TIFF files. These are to be sent to a quality printing shop to be made into fine art. Working with interior designers - it's important to get the colors just right! The print shops usually have no trouble with TIFF and PNGs made fr...

How can I serve an image to the browser using Struts 2 + Hibernate 3?

I am developing a web application using Struts 2.1.2 and Hibernate 3.2.6.GA. I have an entity, User, which I have mapped to a table USERS in the DB using Hibernate. I want to have an image associated with this entity, which I plan to store as a BLOB in the DB. I also want to display the image on a webpage along with other attributes of t...

Are there any 'ok' Image Recognition libraries for .NET?

I want to be able to compare an image taken from a webcam to an image stored on my computer. The library doesn't need to be one hundred percent accurate as it won't be used in anything mission critical (e.g. Police investigation), I just want something 'ok' I can work with. I have tried a demonstration project for Image Recognition fr...

ASP.NET Image Listbox

I want to display a list of images (instead of text) for the user to choose from. The control is databound (the URLs come from the database) Instead of the typical vertical scroll bar in a listbox, I want this box to be horizontal. I'm looking for an ASP.NET server control similar to this:

What is the best image manipulation library?

I would love find out which is the best image manipulation library for which platforms and languages. Likely you could use a library under multiple platforms with the right API or Plugin capabilities. I'm specifically looking for web based applications, but please answer for desktop apps as well if you like. Libraries (and the common di...

Flex: Modify an embedded icon and use it in a button?

Just that, if you embed an icon: [Embed(source='icons/checkmark.png')] private static var CheckMark:Class; You end up with a dynamic class. You can pretty easily assign the icon to a button at runtime by calling the setStyle method: var btn:Button = new Button(); btn.setStyle("icon", CheckMark); But what if you wanted to alter the ...

Making every pixel of an image having a specific color transparent

I have an object of the type System.Drawing.Image and want to make every pixel which has some specific color, for example black, transparent (that is, set alpha to 0 for this pixel). What is the best way to do this? ...

How to fetch a remote image to display in a canvas?

How can I fetch images from a server? I've got this bit of code which allows me to draw some images on a canvas. <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function draw(){ var canvas = document.getElementById('canv'); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); for (i=0;i<document.images.length;i++){ ...

javascript: how to force Image() not to use browser cache?

If I load the nextimg url manually in the browser, it gives a new picture every time I reload. But this bit of code shows the same image every iteration of draw(). How can I force myimg not to be cached? <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function draw(){ var canvas = document.getElementById('canv'); ...

Regex to check if valid URL that ends in .jpg, .png, or .gif

I would like users to submit a URL that is valid but also is an image, ending with .jpg, .png, or .gif. ...

HTML: POST for images?

Hello, I am working on a web-application in which dynamically-created images are used to display information. This data is currently sent to the images using a GET query-string but with more complex images and data I am worried about running into problems with the url character limit. I could simply pass the record ID to the image and h...

What Could Cause Intermittent Issues with Images Loading in Internet Explorer 6?

I am having issues with a website that I am working on in which images and background-images fail to load in Internet Explorer 6. Here is an example of a page on which you might experience this issue: Example Page So far I have looked at the following possible issues and pretty much ruled them out: XML/Extraneous data in the image f...

Version control for video editing work

I am looking into improving the backup process a group of animators use. Currently they back up their work into external hard drives or DVDs manually, taking full copies of everything. The data consists of thousands of high resolution images, project files of various video editing software and sound files. Basically everything is binary ...

PNG Creation in PHP (is it different than gif and jpg?)

I have a image upload form that should take image types (PNG, JPEG, GIF), resize it and then save it to a path. For some reason I can't get the PNG file types to work, it works fine with JPEG/GIF and the file is copied so it looks like it's something to do with how I'm creating the PNG. Does PNG creation in PHP require different para...

Are there any command line tools to generate windows icons?

I am working on a project that requires a number of icons generated from a set of source images. I have a script that generates all the required images with judicious use of ImageMagick, although I have not found a suitable tool to package the images as icons. I have a set of png files (from dimensions of 16x16 up to 256x256, and in a ...

Skipping the 'CompressResources' build step for XCode iPhone apps

Is it possible to set an iPhone XCode project to skip the 'CompressResources' build step? Specifically, I want to skip the stage where it runs pngcrush on all of my .png files, many of which don't survive the experience in a form which my app can read. Edit: the version of pngcrush used creates png files which contain a non-standard 'm...

In a WPF ListBox with more than 1000 Image Items the Zoom Images become slow

I met a problem when deveoping a photo viewer application. I use ListBox to Show Images, which is contained in a ObservableCollection. I bind the ListBox's ItemsSource to the ObservableCollection. <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type modeldata:ImageInfo}"> <Image Margin="6" Source="{Binding Thumbnail}" ...

Free tool to Create/Edit PNG Images?

Is there any free tool available for creating and editing PNG Images? ...

How to draw ARGB bitmap using GDI+?

I have valid HBITMAP handle of ARGB type. How to draw it using GDI+? I've tried method: graphics.DrawImage(Bitmap::FromHBITMAP(m_hBitmap, NULL), 0, 0); But it doesn't use alpha channel. ...