
C# Image.Clone Out of Memory Exception

Why am I getting an out of memory exception? So this dies in C# on the first time through: splitBitmaps.Add(neededImage.Clone(rectDimensions, neededImage.PixelFormat)); Where splitBitmaps is a List<BitMap> BUT this works in VB for at least 4 iterations: arlSplitBitmaps.Add(Image.Clone(rectDimensions, Image.PixelFormat)) Where arlSp...

How do you make GridView load images with a DataSet in ASP.NET 2.0?

I have a pictures table that has the following columns: PICTURE_ID int IDENTITY(1000,1) NOT NULL, CATEGORY_ID int NOT NULL, IMGDATA image NOT NULL, CAPTION1 text COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL, MIME_TYPE nchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT ('image/jpeg'), IMGTHDATA image NOT NULL In my code-behind I have this: string tableName = "C...

The best way of storing an image/sound inside a class?

I'm developing a kind of an exchange format between instances of an application so that user could save information to file and restore it later. The whole 'exchange format' is a single class that gets serialized and written to disk. How would you suggest to store graphical/sound information inside that class? I'd like to avoid just put...

How does Google Maps work?

What is the name of the technology behind Google Maps which allows the server to send only the part of the map requested from the user to enhance the performance, and is there any library to handle this? ...

How do I add ajax calls to Mootools class

I have modified (very slightly) the Mootools class noobSlide ( to create a flickr style photostream. Here is the modified html (note you can see the original on the above page) print("code sample");<h2>Sample 2</h2> <div class="sample"> <div class="mask4"> <div id="box2"> <span><im...

Any caveats to generating unique filenames for random images by running MD5 over the image contents?

I want to generate unique filenames per image so I'm using MD5 to make filenames.Since two of the same image could come from different locations, I'd like to actually base the hash on the image contents. What caveats does this present? (doing this with PHP5 for what it's worth) ...

Image processing textbook

Can you recommend a good textbook on image processing? A friend of mine asked for references, and that made me realize that my image processing library from my college days is probably very outdated. I'm looking for something that is a good introductory book for someone with a decent programming and math background, but who's not an ima...

Finding blank areas of an image file using ImageMagick

I need to be able to determine if a part of an image (outside of predetermined crop marks) contains any image content. Is there a way with ImageMagick (specifically the php interface) to do this? Scenario: The canvas is 8.5x11 with .5 in margins on the top, left, and bottom edges and a 1 in margin on the right edge. The image needs to...

Validate image from file in C#

I'm loading an image from a file, and I want to know how to validate the image before it is fully read from the file. string filePath = "image.jpg"; Image newImage = Image.FromFile(filePath); The problem occurs when image.jpg isn't really a jpg. For example, if I create an empty text file and rename it to image.jpg, an OutOfMemory Ex...

Images not rendering in IE7 (but working fine in IE6/Firefox)

Hi all, Having an issue with some images using IE7 - work fine in 6 and in all versions of Firefox. Has anyone run across this before? I know I've had it happen in the past (and I googled a fix, but darned if I can find the fix again... note to self, document things like this for future ;) ) <div class="contextBlock"> <p class="cntIm...

32-bit PNG loading in .NET

Howdy, I haven't written any code yet, but I've encountered a similar problem before. Hopefully things have changed since the last time I visited it. I'm trying to do my own image conversion for games into a special OpenGL image format. In order to perform the conversion correctly, I need all pixel data and more importantly, i need al...

Ajax Loading Icons - Where to Get?

Anyone know where I can get this icon in 32x32? And more generally what's a good source for finding Ajax loading icons? This one only offers 16x16. ...

Efficient Image Thumbnail Control for Python?

What is the best choice for a Python GUI application to display large number of thumbnails, e.g. 10000 or more? For performance reasons such thumbnail control must support virtual items, i.e. request application for those thumbnails only which are currently visible to user. ...

Best way to tell if Event.COMPLETE has already fired for an <Image> in Flex

I'm looking for the best way to tell if an <mx:Image> has already fired the 'Event.COMPLETE' event. I want to do something if it has shown, or attach an event handler if it hasnt yet. something like : if (newBackground.percentLoaded < 100) or if (newBackground.content != null) i was originally doing newBackground.content != null, ...

How to resize all images in a block of HTML to a specific width and cache the results

I'm writing a mobile content adaptation plugin for a bespoke CMS in PHP. The CMS contains links to images with absolute URLs which are all 400 pixels wide and vary in height. I'd like to parse the HTML (which is stored in MySQL) and re-scale each image to a new width - this will vary according to the device. I'd also like to cache the i...

javascript image rotator issue, default image

I wrote a simple javascript image rotator which picks a random image on each page load. The issue is that if i use a default image, that default image will show up for a second before the javascript loads and replaces it. Obviously if someone has javascript disabled i want them to see an image. How can i have a default image without a f...

How to get the file size of a "System.Drawing.Image"

I am currently writing a system that stores meta data for around 140,000 ish images stored within a legacy image library that are being moved to cloud storage. I am using the following to get the jpg data... System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile("filePath"); Im quite new to image manipulation but this is fine for ...

Returning a gif image from a method

I am creating an application in java which will be the part of an external application. My application contains a viewport which shows some polygons and stuff like that. The external application needs to get the image of the viewport in gif format. For that it calls a method in an interface (implemented by my application) and my applicat...

Using a CMYK PSD without Photoshop

I have run into a common, yet difficult problem. I do not use Photoshop for image manipulation. Since all my work is web-based, GIMP does what I need in 99% of the situations. The problem is that I occasionally receive PSD files with CMYK encoding rather than RGB encoding. These files will not open in GIMP, nor will they convert in Image...

Resources for image distortion algorithms

Where can I find algorithms for image distortions? There are so much info of Blur and other classic algorithms but so little of more complex ones. In particular, I am interested in swirl effect image distortion algorithm. ...