
Best practices or tools for installing a SQL Server database

Best practices or tools for installing a SQL Server database I have a SQL Server database designed with the SQL Server GUI database editor/Visual Studio. What is the best way to "install" that database on other systems. Said another way how should I ship this thing? I know I can save the scripts and set the primary/foreign keys with T...

wampserver installation

Hi. I'm trying to install wampserver on my windows xp pc. It is throwing this error: C:\wamp\wampmanager.exe An error occurred while trying to rename a file in the destination directory: MoveFile failed; code 2. El sistema no puede hallar el archivo especificado. Click Retry to try again, Ignore to skip this file (not recommended),...

.Net installation issue with SqlServerPipelineHost and SqlServer.DtsMsg

I added a web service consumer to a vb 2005 Windows app and tried to install it on another computer, which had an earlier version already installed (ClickOnce deployment). An error came up saying I needed to install Microsoft.SqlServer.PipelineHost in the GAC. I added PipelineHost to the list of references and marked it Copy Local = true...

Determine location to install software with click once deployment

I would like to make sure that my application is installed in the correct location on the hard drive or allow the user to determine the install location. How can I do that? Thanks ...

reinstalling development application on iphone

I was able to build and install my app on my iphone. If I want to fix some issues and reinstall it, is there anything I should do before reinstalling? I do see the latest changes but some things are messed up. ...

Python: what package contains the installation metadata?

e.g., how can I find out that the executable has been installed in "/usr/bin/python" and the library files in "/usr/lib/python2.6"? ...

Error while Installing Android app on Android virtual device

Hi. I have created a small and simple android app. I tried installing it on an actual android device. But because it won't install, I created an AVD resembling my phone. I tried copying and installing app on that AVD and it still says that error. "Application xxx could not be installed on this phone". Before I tried installing my app o...

Windows Installer (C#) error code 2869

I have a project, in VS 2005, which has a console application and a setup project associated to install the application. I also have an installer class in the console application that the setup project will use to do some validation before installation. Those tasks are checking the database connection string and checking some directory...

Installing MonoDevelop on Suse Enterprise 10.0

I tried to install MonoDevelop on Suse 11.0 Enterprise, using the 1-click install on the MonoDevelop download page, but quickly wound up in a tangle of missing dependencies. I then tried using the Suse software repositories to get MonoDevelop, and waded through several of the dependencies for awhile trying to get the necessary packages ...

Upgrading Visual Studio 2010 RC to RTM/Retail/Final

I have the RC build of VS2010 installed on my computer. Now that the RTM build is out, I want to upgrade. Aside from the main Visual Studio package and .NET Framework 4, what else should I remove before I install the RTM build in order to minimize potential breakage/conflicts? VS2010 installs a whole bunch of ancillary packages and I'm ...

Winforms / .Net - dynamically creating install .exe or script

Hello -- Does anyone know how I can Dynamically create an installation package that installs files into a folder that is determined at installation-runtime, not by the user, but by obtaining the UserAppDataPath for that specific user on that specific PC. By dynamically I mean that I must create the installation package programatically ...

Automatically install and launch a code-signed application from Safari

Is it possible and if so what are the steps necessary to package (or build) a Mac OS X application and code-sign it so that it can be downloaded with Safari and automatically launch? ... possibly after the user responds to some sort of dialog explaining that it is a signed application and the publisher has been verified. An example of t...

How to sign setup with .crt file?

I've got a Comodo certificate to sign my application files with the appropriate publisher (that'll be me). But how do I sign my installation to prevent those triple "are you sure?" UAC dialogs? Am using the Visual Studio (2008) setup project, no third party tools. ...

What directory does CURL to be saved to in Xampp?

Hello, I am trying to get started with CURL. I am running windows vista and have xampp installed. I downloaded the curl zip and extracted this but the curl executable when run just does a quick flash of a command promp then disappears. where am I going wrong on this curl install? ...

Installation of Tkinter

Where can I download this programm? ...

Unmet dependencies error in ubuntu

I am trying to install anything on my machine, It's giving error saying "Following package has unmet dependencies" Try apt-get -f install .. but still same error if using apt-get -f ......... ...

Make ImageMagick recognize a font

I've been playing image generation on ImageMagick on Ubuntu 9.10. I want to be able to get it to recognize a font so that I may call it by it's "nickname". I can find the list of fonts ImageMagick recognizes by typing identify -list font In that list I see Times-Bold. Therefore convert -font Times-Bold label:abcdef times.gif will ge...

How can I start using twill?

I am sorry I have already asked this question on "Superuser", but nobody answers there, so I deleted it from "Superuser" and decided to post it here. Hope it's not a big crime, especially given the fact that I was firstly advised to use twill here on "StackOverflow" (not on "SuperUser") How do I start using twill? I have just downloade...

Visual Studio Database Edition (DataDude) error numbers?

Is there a list somewhere of all the output message numbers from VSDB Depolyments (VsDbCmd.exe from Visual Studio Database Edition)? For example, TSD01268 = normal action successful TSD01236 = missing referenced file (fail) TSD01237 = missing script file (fail) TSD00566 = deployment script generated to _ The way we are wrapping call...

.Net version needed

Hi all, I want to know what the prerequisites are for my application. One is the installed .Net version. How can I know the minimum .NET number necessary to run my application. I use Visual Studio 2005. Thanks ...