
How to resolve this PostgreSQL error on OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard)

I followed the instructions for setting up postgresql from this site All seems to go fine until I try: createuser --superuser myname -U postgres I get the following exception: createuser: could not connect to database postgres: could not connect to server: No such file or directory Is the server running locally and ...

Retrieving the installation path from the installer

Hi, I have a Visual Studio 2008 setup which I created for a Visual C++ project. Is there any way that I can get the installation path that the user specifies at the installation folder prompt? Thank You! ...

How to install the program depending on libstdc++ library

My program is written in C++, using GCC on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit. If depends on /usr/lib64/ which actually points to /usr/lib64/ Now I copy this program to virgin Ubuntu 7.04 system and try to run it. It doesn't run, as expected. Then I add to the program directory the following files:

Local install of sqlite3-ruby

On my current system i dont have root-access and i want to install sqlite3-ruby. I can compile it and i know how to set custom install-folder, but how does my ruby-installation can recognize/find that installed gem for usage? I tried prefix of my custom RUBYLIB-Folder but that didnt work either. Any suggestions? Thanks skully ...

Offline SDK and ADT installation

I am trying to install on a VM that is offline. I have downloaded eclipse. I have downloaded the android sdk and pointed to it in eclipse. I still cannot see any target platforms in order to create an android project. What am i missing? I need to set this up without using the android sdk/avd manager to download the platforms. Can a...

How do you install GHC into Cygwin or point Cygwin to GHC?

I attempted to point the Cygwin installer to, but the installer was unable to find setup.ini.sig. If possible, how could I alternatively edit my .bashrc to reference an installation made using the setup binaries in C:/ghc/. ...

New at Python: GLPK not building properly / Python ImportError

This is a beginner question, and a follow-up to this one, where I was pointed to GLPK. I'm trying to get PyGLPK, a Python binding for the GNU Linear Programming Kit up and running, but no matter what I do, I can't seem to build and install GLPK so that Python finds it correctly. This comes after running ./configure, make, and sudo make...

Having my Python package install shortcuts in Start menu

I'm making a Python package that gets installed with a file using setuptools. The package includes a GUI, and when it's installed on a Windows machine, I want the installation to make a folder in "Programs" in the start menu, and make a shortcut there to a pyw script that will start the GUI. (The pyw think works on all platform...

ruby on rails configuration

Im using the following guide for getting started with rails for ubuntu 9.10. I have installed both ruby and gem. gokul@gokul-laptop:~$ ruby -v ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 patchlevel 174) [i486-linux] gokul@gokul-laptop:~$ gem -v 1.3.6 gokul@gokul-laptop:~$ For rails, gokul@gokul-laptop:...

Does the Silverlight runtime automatically install via Windows Update?

I was just wondering, does the Silverlight runtime have to be downloaded/installed deliberately, or these days is there a chance that a fully-patched Windows machine will already have it? ...

ruby on rails 3.0 upgrade

hey, I wanted to upgrade to rails 3.0. i followed the link below everything seemed to go smooth but finally.... gokul@gokul-laptop:~/Desktop$ rails -v Rails 2.3.5 what should I do? ...

problem installing rails3.0

Tried the link gokul@gokul-laptop:~$ ruby -v ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 patchlevel 174) [i486-linux] gokul@gokul-laptop:~$ mkdir -p ~/.rvm/src/ && cd ~/.rvm/src && rm -rf ./rvm/ && git clone git:// && cd rvm && ./install The program 'git' is currently ...

Why use a Package Installer with your Macintosh App?

Why is it that some Mac Apps are perfectly happy to be simply copied into the /Applications folder, and others require installation-wizard software? Are there advantages to the wizards? ...

Can I install Netbeans while I already installed jdk.1.6.xx on same machine?

Hi, I just about to learn Java programming. I already have jdk on my computer. Then, I found this Netbeans is quite popular and come with all I needs. My question is, will there be any conflict if I install full version of Netbeans while I already have jdk installed on same machine(windows vista)? I will appreciate your answers and adv...

Microsift.jet.OLEDB.4.0 not registed - error

hi i try to run my program on Windows 7 64 bit and i got this error when i try to connect to access database Microsift.jet.OLEDB.4.0 not registed i even installed access 2007 on this computer thank's in advance ...

How to maintain long-lived python projects w.r.t. dependencies and python versions ?

short version: how can I get rid of the multiple-versions-of-python nightmare ? long version: over the years, I've used several versions of python, and what is worse, several extensions to python (e.g. pygame, pylab, wxPython...). Each time it was on a different setup, with different OSes, sometimes different architectures (like my old ...

Installing a new SQL Server instance fails

I've previously in my setup installed SQL Server Express 2005. Now I've switched to SQL Server Express 2008. I updated the command line parameters to those documented for the latter. If the comp already has SQL Server Express 2008 installed, my installer should create a new instance. The command line parameters are as follows: /ACTION=...

Windows Service Installation Problem

hi When I start to installing using installutil it gives me following error, I have set ServiceInstaller and ServiceInstallerProcess System.InvalidOperationException: Installation failed due to the absence of a ServiceProcessInstaller. The ServiceProcessInstaller must either be the containing installer, or it must be present in the Ins...

Installing applications OTA

I have a system set up to download jad files on users' Blackberries, but it only works intermittently, and seemingly randomly. If the user clicks on the link within their BlackBerry browser, 95% of the time on the first try an error message will pop up saying there was an HTTP 500 error (which our server never returns). Viewing the det...

lucidworks solr installation

Hi Do you know how to install Lucidworks Solr without windowing system / gui? thanks Joyce ...