
get the installed path of a application

Hi guys... I'm nearly ready to distribute my application. I have several picturebox files which are loaded currently from c:/temp I need to change this directory to one that will be OK to use when the user installs it to their PC. My question is how can I do this? Is there a way to get the installation path, then use that withi...

Forcing Windows to re-scan for drivers

As part of our software's installation, we install drivers for a required 3rd party hardware component. Currently it's up to the user to manually scan for their hardware's drivers once our installation is completed. Is there an easy way to get Windows to automatically look for the drivers we installed? If so, how does it work? Do we ...

Are there any standard one-click install/lauch mechanisms for the web?

The reason I ask is mostly due to how Google Chrome installation works once you click the "Accept and install" button from Firefox. After you click the installation is started directly and when it's completed Chrome itself starts up. Firefox does not show any "Save" or "Confirm" dialogs after you click the Install button (on Chrome inst...

can't install sql-server 2008 on Windows Server 2003 standard edition SP1

hi i can't install sql-server 2008 on Windows Server 2003 standard edition SP1 i get this error: Minimum Operation System Version Failed thank's in advance ...

i have installed oracle 64 bit client on my laptop ..toad isn't working ..and is there a utility like SQL*Plus the older version?

sqlplus command line utility is working fine but i need to copy commands edit them rerun them command prompt is little bit of a hindrance for that matter ..i have downloaded the sql instant client 32 bit and don't know how to proceed further in the installation of it. ...

Can't install Server tools with SSIS on top of Express Edition

I have a SQL Server Express edition with management studio and i'm trying to use the enterprise disks ("SQL Server 2005" Enterprise Edition 32-bit Server Applications") and I can't get it to give me the option of installing the server components or a server instance. What am I missing? ...

Android installation in a mobile

Is it possible to install Android in a normal mobile phone? I have Sony Ericsson Naite which has only key pad interface (No touch). I would like to install Android in my phone for experimenting with it. It will be great if its possible to dual boot Android with Symbian :-). Do we need any other special hardware to install operating sy...

Installing PygraphViz on Windows, Python 2.6

Anybody out there has successfully installed PygraphViz on Windows? Since there is not an official release for Windows, I'm trying to build it myself, but it fails to compile. I'm not the first one to face this issue, but I could not find an answer. This is the console output: C:\Python26\Lib\site-packages\pygraphviz-0.99.1>c:\python2...

How to add my custom WPF control to the ToolBox by using the WPF ToolBox Control template

I have a custom control packed as myControl.dll. How to install it in VS2010 by using the WPF ToolBox Control template? I do not want to use the "Choose Toolbox..." or "Drag and Drop" techniques. ...

How to determine if VSTO 2010 Runtime is Installed?

It was easy to check if VSTO 2005 SE was installed by just calling MsiGetProductInfo() with the product code {388E4B09-3E71-4649-8921-F44A3A2954A7}, as listed in MSDN. What is the product code for the VSTO 2010/4.0 runtime? Or is there a better way to determine if it's already installed? This is for our installation process. Thanks!...

Installing Python egg dependencies without apt-get

I've got a Python module which is distributed on PyPI, and therefore installable using easy_install. It depends on lxml, which in turn depends on libxslt1-dev. I'm unable to install libxslt1-dev with easy_install, so it doesn't work to put it in install_requires. Is there any way I can get setuptools to install it instead of resorting to...

Explain DLL Dependencies to a lay person

This follows from a previous posting I made about lack of a clean test machine for software installations. I'm doing a bad job of explaining how DLL dependencies work and how some machines might not have the right libraries at the time of installation. The problem is that it's being viewed as a defect with the build process. I'm tryin...

NSIS Uninstaller Working Directory

I am using NSIS to create my installers/uninstallers, and the uninstaller seems to have a weird behavior. I don't put the installer in $INSTDIR, it is located at $INSTDIR/subdir/uninstall.exe (it's a addon installer for a host application). When I run the installer then, it thinks the application installation root is $INSTDIR/subdir in...

How uninstall/delete MSDN Library - January 2002 from my machine?

I am cleaning up my machine and found cannot uninstall MSDN Library - January 2002 due to an error. It takes 1.3G disk space. I want to remove it. any idea where it is and how to manually remove it? or any free tool can do the trick for me? I am plan to install Visual Studio 2008 professional. I am using Windows XP. thanks, ...

Howto install distribute for Python 3

I am trying to install distribute using ActivePython 3.1.2 on Windows. Running python as described on the cheese shop give me: No setuptools distribution found running install Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 177, in scripts = scripts, File "C:\Dev\Python_x86\3.1\lib\distutils\c...

Troubling starting new silverlight 4.0 project (in f#) from VS2010

I am trying to protoype a silverlight 4.0 project using F#, and am having issues getting it to install... the silverlight 4 tools for Visual Studio 2010 is barking at me: Installation Requirements: Visual Studio 2010 or Visual Web Developer Express 2010 or Visual Phone Developer Express 2010 that matches the language versi...

Installing Rails on Mac OS X 10.6 (SL)

I've just gone to installed RoR on my snow leopard mac.. and found the rails gem was already installed.. is this normal? Does it need updating? Does this get installed along with textmate? ...

Questions related to mantis:

We are interested in installing Mantis but we have some doubts Please clarify as early as possible if you can so that we can go for further process. 1) We have one team at USA (Client’s place) and one is at India. In which server we should install the Mantis. If we are installing at USA will it run slow in India? 2) What about technic...

InnoSetup: Check oldest version of app and show info message.

Hello, How to check that oldest version of application was installed during process of installation new version? What do I mean? I want before start installation start check process with dialog "please wait", if my installation found old version I can provide dialog "update or delete old and install new". How can I do it? Thanks. ...

Visual Studio Set-up Project

I have created a set-up project for my solution. I have a new assembly version and have flagged it to remove previous versions. However, when I distribute the software, if a machine currently has a previous version installed it simply brings up a message saying they should manually remove any other versions. If I change the remove pre...