
On Mac OS X, do you use the shipped python or your own?

On Tiger, I used a custom python installation to evaluate newer versions and I did not have any problems with that*. Now Snow Leopard is a little more up-to-date and by default ships with $ ls /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/ 2.3 2.5 2.6 @Current What could be considered best practice? Using the pytho...

Installation and Configuration of MOSS 2007, Identity Not Mapped Exception

I am trying to install MOSS 2007. This computer already had MOSS2007 installed, we had to uninstall MOSS2007 and install it again (for various reasons). When we install MOSS2007, the installation completed fine but the Sharepoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard runs into the following problem in Step 2. Why does it not...

Install multiple versions of a package

I want to install multiple versions of a package (say libX) from src. The package (libX) uses Autotools to build, so follows the ./configure , make, make install convention. The one installed by default goes to /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/lib and I want to install another version of this in /home/user/libX . The other problem is that ...

I'm trying to install the MySQL connector on a windows 7 systembut it doesn't show up in the ODBC add window!

This is under Windows 7 64 bit. I downloaded the 64 bit drivers and as a matter of fact I tried all the windows drivers(uninstalling the previous ones first though). But when I try to configure a new ODBC connection the MySQL driver doesn't show up. Do I need to install some other package before I can get the connector to work? Like MDA...

lambdaj installation

we have downloaded jar files for lambdaj and its dependencies which are again jar files. we do not know how to go about it. we have copied these files in the C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\ext have set the class path in environment variales as: variable: classpath path: C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\ext but we do not know how to go fu...

FindPrivateKey Location in VS2008

Where can one find FindPrivateKey.exe after a fresh VS2008 install? ...

Mysql database Import Error in python

hi, i have installed python 2.6.4. i have downloaded mysql database module. but i don't know where to place that module in python package. when i execute the program it shows import error "no module named mysql db". please tell me where to place the module. ...

MySQLdb install problem.

I need to install MySQLdb. I write: $ tar xfz MySQL-python-1.2.1.tar.gz $ cd MySQL-python-1.2.1 $ python build #it is ok $ su root install #return list of errors error list: line 3: import: command not found line 4: import: command not found- line 5: from: command not found-...

"Drupal is not defined" Javascript error and drupal.js gives "Page not found" error

I'm installing Drupal like I've always done and I start to see this error in the console. I know Drupal object is defined in drupal.js, so I open up the source file and click on /misc/drupal.js and it says "page not found." Huh. That's weird because I can see that file is in my system, just where it should be. But somehow Drupal cannot f...

Templates for Visual Studio 2008 missing after full install of Standard Edition

I have a server with something called Visual Studio 2008 Shell (integrated mode) - ENU which only provides templates for SSIS work. I did not remove that before installing the VS 2008 Standard Edition (at the end of this there was no demand for a reboot). I then installed the Service Pack 1 for this VStudio product (again, no order for a...

401 error when installing Jira 4 on Server 2008

Hi, I'm trying to install Jira on Windows 2008 using the standalone installer and setting up Jira as a Windows service. The docs make it seem fairly simple, but I've had tons of trouble and have spent the last week going back and forth with their support. Though they've been quite responsive and friendly, they still have not been able...

installing ruby 1.8.7 on MAC pc

hi, I am a newbie to MAC environment .I am working on MAC OSX(10.5.1). I need to install ruby 1.8.7 on the MAC PC without disturbing the already existing ruby 1.8.6 Can anybody please provide a step by step approach ? Regards, Sun ...

InvalidCastException of a Activator.CreateInstance object during an installation procedure

Hi I have the following procedure private static IMyInterface OpenInstance( string assemblyPath, string classType, string assemblyName, out AppDomain domainInstall) { IMyInterface interface = null; AppDomainSetup domaininfo = new AppDomainSetup(); domaininfo.ApplicationBase = assemblyPath; domainInstall = AppDomain.C...

How to Deploy Android Application to Beta Tester Devices

My android app is not in the app store yet. Is it possible to send my app to someone, and they install it on their device. Something like iphone AdHoc? ...

PHP Warning: PHP Startup: ????????: Unable to initialize module

After upgrading php from 5.1 to 5.2.10, I got the following warnings when php -v: # php -v PHP Warning: PHP Startup: fileinfo: Unable to initialize module Module compiled with module API=20050922, debug=0, thread-safety=0 PHP compiled with module API=20060613, debug=0, thread-safety=0 These options need to match ...

Binary installation file

Hi, i am not really getting an idea on how a .bin file is being created. The JDK for Linux platform ships in the form of binary executable file (jdk-6u20-linux-i586-rpm.bin); how can one create such deliverable for their own project? Please give me some directions. Thanks, -Vijay ...

how to create Windows application installation/setup select component window?

I am creating a windows application setup project using Visual studio 2008 setup project. This setup will have following steps: Splash screen Select Installation folder/directory Database configuration Select Components I am having trouble finding a way to create such installation window in setup. could you please help me to find a s...

How do I install and build against OpenSSL 1.0.0 on Ubuntu?

You can consider this a follow-up question to How do I install the OpenSSL C++ library on Ubuntu? I'm trying to build some code on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS that requires OpenSSL 1.0.0. Ubuntu 10.04 LTS comes with OpenSSL 0.9.8k: $ openssl version OpenSSL 0.9.8k 25 Mar 2009 So after running sudo apt-get install libssl-dev and building, runni...

Django installation on a Mac running Leopard

Here's my problem. I have a mac with 2.5 installed & was using django 1.1 with it. I had no problems until I decided to upgrade python & django. I uninstalled django from my mac as per the website recommends. I left python 2.5 on my mac as not to interfere with pre-installed mac programs. I put python 2.6 & 3.1 on my ma...

Python packages installation in Windows

I recently began learning Python, and I am a bit confused about how packages are distributed and installed. I understand that the official way of installing packages is distutils: you download the source tarball, unpack it, and run: python install, then the module will automagically install itself I also know about setuptools ...