
App crashes (only) after installation

Hi, I compiled an fine working project (before compiled with 3.1.3) now with 3.2.1 Now after installation from XCode to Device it needs quite long to install and after it runs a few seconds later i just see for short a red alert at the top (can't read, it's too fast) and the app closes itself. When I then start the installed app... al...

Visual Studio 2010 installation path

I want to get the path of my Visual Studio 2010 installation. I tried to get it from the Windows registry. It works perfectly for specific SKU. For example, Ultimate version of VS2010 usesHKLM\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Setup\VS key to store the installation path. But the Express version has a different path in the registry. H...

Best way to install python packages locally for development

Being new to the python games I seem to have missed out on some knowledge on how you can develop on a program but also keep it in your live environment. Programs like gpodder can be run directly from the source checkout which is really handy however others want to be "installed" to run. A lot of programs are distributed with a setup.p...

Ada: windows installation

Hi, When downloading the tar file from AdaCore for the GNAT compiler (the libre version), I noticed that there are two exe files for installation purposes: win32ada-gpl-2010.exe of size 2.67 MB and gnat-gpl-2010-i686-pc-mingw32-bin.exe of size 70.2 MB In the folder containing the second one, there are instructions for the installa...

Why isn't my Registry Launch Condition working in my Windows Installer file?

I'm trying to check for SharePoint 2010 being installed before permitting the installer to continue. In order for this to happen, I added the following "Search Target Machine" property: Name = "Search for MOSS2010" Property = SHAREPOINT2010INSTALLED RegKey = SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\14.0 Root = vsdrrHKLM Val...

Wich are SharePoint Server 2010 installation requirements ?

Wich are SharePoint Server 2010 installation requirements ? ...

Setting up PHPUnit on OSX

Though I'm sure others have eventually managed to figure this out, I've been following the various documentation out there and have been having a heck of a rough time of it. Makes it sound pretty easy. However depending on your setup, you might be going down a rabbit hole. PEA...

How to install Orbited on OS X 10.6

I am trying to get Orbited working on OS X 10.6. Installing it in Linux was simple but I have seem to run into a roadblock. After installation when I try to run orbited server I get the following error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/local/bin/orbited", line 9, in <module> load_entry_point('orbited==0.7.10', 'consol...

Wix - Keeping track of installed applications

This seems like a fairly straightforward question but I've been unable to find an answer: Let's say I have two products: A and B created by MyCompany. Both products A and B will have shortcuts in the start menu in this fashion: MyCompanyFolder->Product_A_Folder->A.exe and MyCompanyFolder->Product_B_Folder->B.exe If I uninstall "Produc...

Easy way installing eclipse plugins

Hello My eclipse version is 3.6 or 3.5 I have these versions of eclipse. There is an easy way to install eclipse plugins on eclipse IDE that explained at this link but I can't use it in Linux Ubuntu! This way work properly under Windows and Mac OSX. Please help me to use this way in my Ubuntu lucid lynx linux In this way, I create a f...

Adobe Flash Professional CS5 installation issue in windows vista

Hi, I am facing a wired problem with windows vista installer while installing Adobe Flash Professional CS5(trail version). After clicking the 'set up' file immediately I'm getting an alert message like Installer has detected that a machine restart is pending. It is recommended that you quit the installer, restart and try again.. The s...

What's wrong with my Python installation, or I just was too dumb?

I downloaded and installed Python 3.1.2 on Windows 7 x64. But it seems that it's not working as expected, for example: Please help me figure out, what's wrong here? ...

SDL.Net application not working without SDL.NET SDK

I have a game that I have made in C# and it installs and runs as expected under Windows XP. However when I install it on a Windows 7 machine, then it either simply doesn't work (without any error message) or it gives a generic error message. Is there anything special that I have to do in order to be able to use SDL.Net with a Windows 7...

Unable to make Business Intelligence Projects. How do I resolve a "Configuration system failed to initialize" error message?

My problem is that I am receiving a "Configuration system failed to initialize." error every time I try to open or create a Business Intelligence Project in Business Intelligence Development Studio. I am on a fairly new install of Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise in which I first installed SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (with the Busine...

i get error on Windows 7 64bit after i installed my C# program

hi i installed my C# program (that work with access database) on windows 7 64 bit and i get this error: The Microsoft.jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider is not registered on the local machine what can be the problem ? thank's in advance ...

Compiling node.js on Cygwin

Hi. I'm trying to build node.js on my Windows XP box (Yes, it IS painful, thanks.) using Cygwin following Ryans instructions here. Sadly calling "./configure" from the node source directory barfs up this: $ ./configure /home/LWE/sources/node.js/wscript: error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/LWE/sources/node.js/tools/w...

Eclipse and PyDev

I want to start using Eclipse with the PyDev plugin, as recommended by this poster. The PyDev download page says I need Eclipse (3.2 to 3.5) and that I can use the Platform Runtime Binary. Can I also use Eclipse 3.5.2 (or maybe even 3.6) instead of 3.5? Where can I find the Platform Runtime Binary? I'm a little bit lost in the Eclips...

Uninstall/Reinstall leiningen(clojure server) related issues.

As I asked and answered here, I found that running 'sudo lein deps causes some problem that forces me to run 'sudo lein swank', which is annoying. And I was told not to use sudo. I use Mac OS X 10.6.4. So, I'll try to uninstall and reinstall leiningen. Uninstalling leiningen Removing ~/.m2 directory is just uninstall, is this correc...

oversubscribed literal/length tree error while creating database

While running database configuration assistant(oracle 9i) I get error oversubscribed literal/length tree.Please help me out. ...

Which version of Ruby?

I'm just starting out in Ruby (Rails actually) and the book I'm reading covers Ruby 1.8.6, RubyGems 1.0.1, Rails 2.0.2 and SQLite 3.5.4, but the current stable releases of these are 1.9.1, 2.3.8, 1.3.7 and 3.7.0 respectively, should I still proceed with the book or find another? Also, I couldn't find a recent guide/tutorial to walk me t...