
how to create Windows application installation/setup select component window?

I am creating a windows application setup project using Visual studio 2008 setup project. This setup will have following steps: Splash screen Select Installation folder/directory Database configuration Select Components I am having trouble finding a way to create such installation window in setup. could you please help me to find a s...

Python-dependency, windows (CMake)

Hello, all. I have a large, crossplatform, python-dependent project, which is built by CMake. In linux, python is either preinstalled or easily retrived by shell script. But on windows build, i have to install python manually from .msi before running CMake. Is there any good workaround using cmake scripts? PS All other external dependen...

Installing a .NET Windows Service on a machine that doesn't have Visual Studio installed

Hi all I have created a Windows Service (called MuskOx) which runs on my development machine (which obviously has Visual Studio installed). The Bin folder of the project contains the following files: InstallUtil.InstallLog muskox.InstallLog muskox.InstallState MuskOx.exe.config MuskOx.vshost.exe MuskOx.vshost.exe.config MuskOx.vshost...

Is there any Installer include ODBC feature?

I want to create an installer for my java desktop application, instead of Advanced Installer is there any other installer include ODBC configuration? ...

What are the standard options for creating install packages for your software application?

What are the standard options for creating install packages for your software application? I notice that most install packages on windows seem to look the same, which leads me to believe that there is probably one standard/default option for building an installer? My application is java based. My install "requirements" are pretty stan...

Issue with Custom Action to Start Program After Update. Installer Stays Open Until Program Exit

Thanks to StackOverflow I found out yesterday how to add a custom action to the Visual Studio Installer to start my program after an update. The problem I now face is that at the end of the installer the program does open but the installer never finishes until I exit my app. Is there a way to ensure the app starts only after the user cl...

Installer or no installer?

There's lots of questions about installers but I haven't seen one about whether or not to actually use one in the first place. What is the logic behind using them in the first place? Can't the user just extract it somewhere? But I guess it depends on the target user. And on the subject of the actual setup: Can't that be done on the fir...

How can I install eclipse 64-bit?

How can I install eclipse (Eclipse Classic 3.6.0) on Windows 7 64-bit? help me :( ...

Uninstalling VS Setup project prerequisites

We currently use a VS 2010 (upgraded from 2008) setup project to install our application, and utilize the SQL Server 2008 install prerequisite. Well wouldn't you know, management has got it in their head that everything (including prerequisites, but not .net) that's installed by the application must now be uninstalled by the uninstaller...

Merge Module Versus Nested MSI

For a block of shared code, to be used by several product areas, there appears to be two installer options: Merge Module (to be included in other product installers) Nested MSI (same idea) What are the pros and cons of these choices? ...

Wix: Copy files in Custom Action to Programm Directory ( Windows 7)

Hi, in our project we want to copy 2 files, which are not included in the *.msi file. Therefore i created a managed custom action which copies the files using File.Copy(). The files should be copied to my installation dir, which is somewhere under C:\Program Files\... With Windows XP everything works fine. But in Windows 7 their is a p...

How do I load a file that I bundled with the install of my C# program?

I need to do something like this: StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(@"C:\Program Files\The Awesome Program That I Made\awesomeloadablefile.ldf"); Except I don't know where the user has installed the program. How is my program supposed to know where the installed files are? I am a noob, in case you hadn't noticed....

Make .mpkg so it can be installed by script on Mac OSX

I want to make a .mpkg that can be installed by a script on OSX. When starting the .mpkg always the GUI-dialog shows up. I tried to disable the GUI, but there seems to be no effective way to do so. Does anyone got an hint for me how to do so? Any answers are helpfull. ...

getting error while trying to play an mp3 in mplayer

iam trying to play a mp3 song through movieplayer in linux but iam getting these errors instead Totem could not play 'file:///root/Desktop/song.mp3'. you do not have the necessary plugins and need to install those. and then this - Internal GStreamer error: state change failed. Please file a bug at

Detecting if Adobe Acrobat 9.3+ is already installed

I am using .NET Installer as a bootstrapper and I need to detect if Adobe Acrobat 9.3 or above is installed as a prerequisite. Currently I am using this registry to detect the installation: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\AdobeViewer\ELUA I simply check to see if the key exists. This has the following problems: ...

MsiTran Error 110

I'm trying to apply a transform to my msi file. I've created the transform using Orca (new transform->generate transform) and when I run it with MsiTrans I get Error 110. Error Opening Database. Does anyone know what this is or how to fix it? Thanks ...

Adobe AIR - Inconsistencies in detecting whether Adobe AIR runtime is installed

I am having issues detecting whether Adobe AIR is installed using the following process: Having installed Adobe AIR 1.5, we are at times getting a value of not installed from the getStatus() function of the air.swf located at

WIX: persist session data between C# CustomActions and subsequently displayed WIX Dialog

I am new to WIX and have been tasked with creating an installer that does the following: *Deploys a build of our application without overwriting the App.Config file for the application *Loads the key/values in the App.Config file and prompts the user with the "defaults" (existing values) and allows them to modify them before finishing ...

How to make Patch-able/Update-able application?

I have completed a student project, this project extract data from xml files on internet and save to database and displays it. And i use that data in a few different ways e.g. display on main page, in another tab as a table, and to create some graphs. I did all this by making 5 different classes. Each class extracts different type of XM...

How does AppBrain's installation app work?

AppBrain has a fantastic new app that lets you automatically install applications on your phone using your web browser. Similar to the Chrome push. In their case, they are using it to let you install apps without a prompt directly on the phone. Engadget has a good video demonstrating their system.