
Are there any good NSIS alternatives specifically for Java projects?

Title just about says it all. Are there any good scriptable installer/uninstaller systems made for Java projects? Ideally a system that interfaces well with Ant build scripts. Thanks! ...

deploy word addin created with vsto using inno setup

Hi, I created an addin for MS Word using VSTO 3.0, and now I want to deploy it using Inno Setup so I wonder if anyone can point me to a good tutorial, or a good piece of documentation that can help me to achieve this. Thanks. ...

Where is the metabase key for my IIS7 web site?

I'm trying to set up the automated (nightly) installation of my web site setup project. I can specify some install-time values on the command line; in particular, adding a TARGETSITE value defines the web site to which my new deployment will go. How do I find the metabase key to my web site (eg. "/LM/W3SVC/213548468") in an IIS7 instal...

Why isn't my Registry Launch Condition working in my Windows Installer file?

I'm trying to check for SharePoint 2010 being installed before permitting the installer to continue. In order for this to happen, I added the following "Search Target Machine" property: Name = "Search for MOSS2010" Property = SHAREPOINT2010INSTALLED RegKey = SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\14.0 Root = vsdrrHKLM Val...

Perforce Scripted Installer

I was trying to create a scripted installer for P4V. The port settings, user setting and the workspace name are set as specified in the config file. But when I open perforce the connection dialog box throws an error "client 'manojpc' unknown". The following was my configuration file: set P4PORT=server:2345 set INSTMODE=NoPrompt set INS...

How to create tamper-resistant installation

I don't exactly know how it usually works, so please tell me where to dig.. I need to create a tamper-resistant app installation file. Basically, if for some reason setup file(s) has been changed it suppose to tell about it and prevent any further installation. How it works? I suppose it's something to do with md5 hash. Is it possi...

Visual Studio installer project include Silverlight?

I have a setup project with a few items to install (Out-of-Browser Silverlight apps). The requirement is to create an installer with zero .NET dependency, that will install Silverlight if it doesn't already exist. It also needs to run completely offline. There doesn't seem to be a merge module or bootstrapper for Silverlight, and if I...

Exe version in MSI installer file name (VS 2010)

Hi, is it possible to make Visual Studio 2010 installer output file name, containing exe version, something like "setup[MajorExeVersion][MinorExeVersion].msi"? Thanks! ...

Make my own Installer from C#?

Hi everyone, I've been quite liking the new Installer's Microsoft have used, mainly for their Blend installations which use WPF, I'm wondering if I can make something like this for my application? The main worries are creating the Program Files Directory and registering the application with Windows so it adds it to the add/remove appli...

How should I get ActiveSync / Mobile Dev Center to recognise my Windows CE device via USB?

We develop a custom Windows CE-based device. To connect this to the PC via ActiveSync / Mobile Device Center, we have to set up entries so that the WCE USB Serial Host (wceusbsh.sys) recognises our Vendor ID (Vid) and Product ID (Pid). To do this, to date, we have distributed a modified version of wceusbsh.inf and wceusbsh.sys: when th...

How to find the most recently edited file in NSIS

I have an NSIS script that pulls other installers from a local share. Some of these update very often. Rather than push out a new NSIS script every time, I'd like the script to look for the most recent installer matching a pattern in a certain directory. Is there a plugin or a Windows API that I can call from NSIS to do this? ...

How can I do a silent deployment with a wsp solution and exe.config file?

I have a SharePoint solution (packaged in a wsp file) created with WSPBuilder which is coupled with a simple Setup.exe and Setup.exe.config. The Setup.exe.config just points to a WSP solution. Is there a way to pass in values such as which webapplicaiton the solution is deployed to that way our customer can perform a silent install with...

Preinstalling WinXP USB drivers to be able to connect device without interaction

Hello, We are a small hardware manufacturer. Most of our products use USB for programming the controllers used. The current situation is that programming the hardware (part of the assembly processor) is rather labour intensive. Each time a new USB device gets plugged in Windows prompts for a driver install. This means that for each ne...

Wix: How to define conditional bootstrapper pre-requisites?

I am using WIX 3.0 Toolset and VS2008. In my ".wixproj" file I have added the following code (which works fine). I want to add a condition so that it will only install PIA if office 2007 is installed. ... <ItemGroup> <BootstrapperFile Include="Microsoft.Net.Framework.3.5"> <ProductName>.NET Framework 3.5</ProductNa...

Create installer for java web application (linux and Windows)

How to create installer for web application to run on both Windows and Linux? I need no more than extact some jar, jsp and xml files into a chosen directory. (Web server and database should be already installed, when our app is installed) There can be two output files - one for Windows, one for Linux. ...

Pass data from ServiceInstaller class to ServiceBase derived class in C#

Hi, I currently am passing a string from the command line into my server installer class which I then access using this.Context.Parameters["whatever"]. Is there any way I can then pass this string on into my actual service class to be used by it at runtime or do I need to save it to the drive in an ini or add it to the registry and then ...

Creating msi in vs08 - few questions

I am creating an MSI from inside visual studio 2008. This is what I am doing: (With the project I am creating this for open in Visual Studio) right click Add new project Setup and Deployment > Setup Project Give it a name Right click Application Folder > Add > Project Output: Primary Output Question: does this contain all I need to ru...

Getting an install to upgrade using WiX - old installer created not using WiX

Hi all, I'm building my first WiX installer after becoming sick of the sight of Wise For Windows Installer! I've built the installer and that works fine, but now I need to get it to perform an upgrade from the previous version of my app. While I can find plenty of post about setting up WiX do perform upgrades, I can't find anything tel...

VS2010 Setup Project

Hi guys, I am currently writing an app for Outlook(Outlook social connector) and I have no idea how to make the installer program. Can anyone give me a somewhat detailed description of what to do? Here is the only thing I have found on the web about what I need to do.. but of course it's not very detailed at all:

How to detect running program and ask to close it from VS Msi project?

I have a simple Visual Studio MSI project. I want to HALT the installation if I detect a running program of a certain type (e.g. "aaa.exe") and wait until the user closes it before proceeding. how do I do that? ...